"The American people do not want to fight with Russia." American parliamentarians voted for objections and called for exit NATO

Author:Kim Can Rong Channel Time:2022.07.03

Author: Battle Law Express

According to the recent news of the Russian television website, US Republican MP Macronoli Green said that the United States should withdraw from NATO instead of providing billions of dollars of taxpayers to Ukraine and risk the risk of nuclear war. The member has been strongly criticizing the US government's response to the Ukraine crisis. It is reported that Machengli Green said, "The American people do not want to fight with Russia, but NATO and our own stupid leaders are dragging us into a war. We should withdraw from NATO." She also described military assistance to Ukraine with military assistance to Ukraine It is for the "agent war" of Russia. Americans do not want this war. She voted against the vote in Congress. Macaoli Green also listed a series of issues that she believed to be more urgent for the American people, soaring from inflation to crime. She said that the only thing she wanted to conflict with Russia was "those who made money from it."

This American member is a rare understanding. It is almost the voice of the American people. For the American people, the global hegemony is important, but the most important thing is its own life. Nowadays, the United States is facing a series of problems. Inflation and the supply chain are insufficient. It is said that even milk powder has entered a shortage state; crimes are rampant, shootings continue to shoot. These domestic problems have actually affected the lives of the American people. However, the U.S. government turned a blind eye, and now there are no effective and positive measures. Instead, he kept smashing money to the Ukrainian battlefield. At the NATO summit just ended, Biden announced that it would provide Ukraine with $ 800 million in military assistance. If this money is used to improve people's livelihood, the life of the American people is estimated to be much better.

Of course, in Russia and Ukraine's conflict, the United States seems to invest hugely, but its gains are the biggest. On the one hand, Russia and Ukraine conflicts allows Europe to face Russia's threats and make them closer to the United States and dependence on the United States. Why do European countries have all followed Russia's plans for the United States, and European countries have almost all of them, or even sacrifice their own interests, and it is not that the position of the United States has become very important in conflict. It has become a backing and strong protector of European countries. This is of great significance to maintaining global hegemony. After all, these NATO allies have begun to have some centrifugal Germany, and Europe has even continuously strengthened its independence and independence. France has repeatedly called for the "European Army" to get rid of the United States. However, it is clear that the Russian -Ukraine conflict broke the process of independence in Europe and strengthened the leadership of NATO in the United States.

On the other hand, the US arms dealers and capitalists make a lot of money. After all, the most consumed in Russia and Ukraine's conflict is the arms. In addition, Russia's gas resources have been restricted, and related US companies have taken the opportunity to seize the European market left by Russia. Not only that, the United States also seized most of Russia's overseas assets through financial means, that is, the yachts of Russian rich people are not let go. These people are in the port of Republican MP Macheng Green. The only thing that wants to conflict with Russia is "those who make money from it." For the people of the United States, the benefits of these United States have little to do with them. They are still enduring the impact of high expansion, and they still have to face the embarrassment of insufficient supply of supermarket shelves.

Therefore, this battle, the American people naturally do not want to continue to fight, because it is not good for them, and the benefits have been obtained by big capitalists. And they are facing the risk of nuclear war. After all, there are more and more countries involved in the conflict of Russia and Ukraine. If it continues to continue, it will be more intense in conflict. Former US Secretary of State Kissinger talked about the situation of Russia and Ukraine again on July 2, and said that if the conflict continues, it will fight with Russia itself. This is actually a very dangerous signal. Once there is a NATO country involved in Russia and Ukraine's conflict with Russia itself, this war is bound to expand rapidly. Essence The situation in the world will be at stake.

The United States does not have no understanding of people, it is just a weak voice of these people, and the influence that can be exerted is limited. However, it is necessary to warn the United States that people's livelihood is the largest politics of a country. If it cannot effectively solve various problems in China, it will rely on this "agent" war to transfer contradictions. Once a strong group has a problem from the inside, it is not far away.

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