Liu He and US Finance Minister Yellen Call

Author:Report Time:2022.07.05

On the morning of July 5th, Liu He, a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Vice Premier of the State Council, and the Sino -US comprehensive economic dialogue, held a video call with the US Finance Minister Yellen.The two sides exchanged opinions on the macroeconomic situation and the stability of the global industrial chain supply chain.The two sides believe that the current world economy is facing severe challenges, which is of great significance to strengthen the communication and coordination of Sino -US macro -policy communication, and jointly maintain the stability of the global industrial chain supply chain, which is conducive to China and the United States and the entire world.China has expressed concerns about the cancellation of tariffs on China, sanctions, and treating Chinese enterprises fairly.The two sides agreed to continue the conversation and communication.

Edit: Shi Wei

Editor in charge: Qian Yichen

Source: Xinhua News Agency

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