India searches vivo in 44 nationwide!

Author:Changan Jian, Central Politica Time:2022.07.06

According to Indian media reports on the 5th, the Indian Law Enforcement Bureau raided Chinese mobile phone manufacturers vivo and other related companies on the same day, claiming to investigate whether they were engaged in the so -called money laundering activities. Later on the 5th, vivo responded to the matter: "vivo is cooperating with relevant Indian departments to provide them with all the information. As a responsible company, we strictly abide by all local laws and regulations in India."

According to reports, the search for Chinese enterprises is distributed in Bisharbon, Jachaand, North, Himahal Pradesh, Central Bangbang, and Punjab Punja in India. In fact, the Indian law enforcement bureau's assault on vivo had long been a sign. About two months ago, after adopting judicial operations on the grounds of suspected violation of the foreign exchange management law, Xiaomi, another Chinese mobile phone manufacturer, showed that the Indian Enterprise Affairs Department of Affairs was investigating that the Indian government is investigating vivo and other Indian -China -funded enterprises that may exist in India -funded enterprises. "Inappropriate financial behavior". The report also stated that the Indian government department launched a survey on vivo as early as April this year on Vivo's "whether there is a major violation of the ownership structure and financial report", but it has not disclosed the specific content and results of the investigation.

It is unclear what the upstream crime is based on the money laundering survey of the Indian Law Enforcement Bureau. The Indian Law Enforcement Bureau has not announced any details on search operations. According to the Indian media quoted by sources on the 5th, the Indian Central Investigation Bureau was first investigated by the Indian Central Investigation Bureau, and subsequently took over the investigation by the Indian Law Enforcement Bureau for suspected violation of the "Prevention of Money Laundering". It is reported that the company's dealers in Jammo and Kashmir have been reviewed by the relevant law enforcement agencies earlier because the Indian government claims that at least two shareholders of the company have submitted forgery documents and wrong addresses.

Since the conflict between the Talwan Valley in the middle of 2020, the relationship between the two sides has become tense. Some Indian departments have continuously politically politically, and the focus of suppression has gradually shifted to Chinese companies in India. At the end of 2021, the Indian tax department searched for Xiaomi and OPPO companies; in February this year, after the Indian Electronics and Information Technology Department issued a ban on 54 APPs (mostly Chinese enterprises), India was issued on the grounds of "security threats". The taxation department also searched Huawei in multiple office spaces. In April, the Indian Law Enforcement Bureau accused Xiaomi from violating the Indian Foreign Exchange Management Law and frozen Xiaomi 55.51 billion rupees. At present, India's suppression of Chinese enterprises is still spreading further. According to US media reports at the end of May, the Indian Enterprise Affairs Department has started to review more than 500 accounts of Chinese companies in India. Except for ZTE and vivo, Xiaomi, OPPO, Huawei, Alibaba, etc. are being reviewed List.

Earlier, after the news of the investigation of Chinese companies such as vivo was exposed, it had attracted China's attention. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian responded at a regular press conference on May 31 that the Chinese government has always asked Chinese enterprises to operate overseas legal compliance and firmly support Chinese enterprises to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests. Zhao Lijian emphasized that India should act in accordance with laws and regulations to provide a fair, fair, and non -discriminated business environment for Chinese enterprises in India's investment and operation.

Disclaimer: This article is transferred from Global Network (ID: huanqiu-com)

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