Johnson agrees to resign

Author:Chang'an Street Knowledge Time:2022.07.07

According to the BBC, on July 7, local time, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will announce the position of resignation of the Conservative Party leader today, but hopes to continue to serve as the Prime Minister until autumn.

According to reports, the campaign of the British Conservative Party leadership will be held this summer, and the new Prime Minister will work at the Conservative Party Conference held in October.

Johnson Information Map

The Guardian pointed out that sources said that Johnson made a resignation decision at about 8:30 local time. He talked with the chairman of the Conservative Member Group "1922 Committee" chairman Graham Bredi and agreed to resign.

Tangning Street said that Johnson will issue a statement to the whole country today.

Chang'an Street knows that Johnson also insisted on "not resigning." During the Q & A (PMQ) session of the British Parliament on the 6th, Johnson said: "As the prime minister is in danger, the responsibility of the Prime Minister continues to move forward. This is what I want to do."

In the past few days, the call for Johnson's resignation is getting higher and higher, and many British government officials choose to resign because of losing confidence in Johnson.

On the 5th, the British Minister of Health Javid and the Financial Minister Sonak resigned to work to stabilize the British government. On the 7th, Michel Dorland, the new Education Minister of Education, submitted his resignation, and 54 government officials have chosen to resign.

On the 6th, a large number of people gathered to protest near the British Prime Minister's Office, and was dissatisfied with Johnson's performance in epidemic prevention and Brexit, and asked him to resign.

Some protesters said, "I think the straw that overwhelms the camel is (Johnson's illegal regulations during the epidemic) gathering and lying scandals. We follow the rules, but others do not abide by the rules. At least people who formulate rules should abide by the rules."

According to British media reports, after the news of Johnson's resignation came out, the pound continued to rise.

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