The European Parliament calls on the United States to protect women's abortion rights

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.07.08

Xinhua News Agency, Brussels, July 7th (Reporter Li Jizhi Ren Ke) On the 7th of the European Parliament, a resolution was voted on the 7th, calling on the United States to protect women's abortion rights.

The European Parliament has strongly condemned the United States in protecting women's rights and reproductive health with 324 votes support, 155 votes against, and 38 votes abstaining.People who have safe abortion and nursing call on the US Congress to pass a bill to protect abortion rights at the federal level.

The European Parliament also suggested that the EU incorporate the abortion rights into the EU's basic rights charter, requiring EU member states to ensure that people are not discriminated against discriminatory safety, legal and free abortion services, prenatal and maternal health services, as well as AIDS prevention, treatment and support, etc.Essence

The US Federal Supreme Court announced on June 24 to overthrow the jurisprudence of the Federal level to establish a female abortion right at the federal level, and cancel the constitutional protection of women's abortion rights.The European Parliament passed a resolution on June 9, calling on the United States to maintain a ruling of the "Roman Case".

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