Shinzo Shinzo, dying

Author:Hubei Daily Time:2022.07.08

Just now, on July 8th, the former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe died due to his injuries after being shot.

Picture source: People's Daily client

Earlier, many national politicians have stated their states that they were deeply shocked by the shooting and expressed condolences. Why did Abe go to Nara to give a speech? What does this incident mean to Japanese politics?


Multi -national politicians

One after another

On July 8, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Zhao Lijian, presided over a regular press conference. Some foreign media reporters asked about the matter, "Will China condolence to the Abe's family and Japanese?"

Zhao Lijian's information map. Picture source: website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

In this regard, Zhao Lijian, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said that China noticed the emergency and was shocked. "We are willing to express condolences to his family."

In addition to China, the dignitaries of the heads of state of the country have expressed their positions--

On July 8th local time, British Prime Minister Johnson issued a text in Twitter to express condolences to former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's attack. He said: "The news of the despicable attack on Shinzo Abe was shocked and sad, and my heart was with his family and the one I loved."

According to the United States CNN (CNN), Australian Prime Minister Albinese said on Twitter on the 8th, "News from Japan is shocking, and former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was shot. At this moment, we and his family With the Japanese people. "

Indian Prime Minister Modi released Twitter, saying that he was "deeply sad" for Abe's attack.

Former US President Trump also prayed for Abe and his family. Trump said on his own social media platform "TruthSocial" that Abe was shot "absolutely devastating news."

Russian satellite news agency's latest news on the 8th said that Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov, who is participating in the G20 conference, expressed deep sympathy for former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's shot. He also said that he did not know what his attempts behind the Japanese politicians had.

The South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs Park Zhen, who also visited Indonesia, expressed condolences to the Japanese side on the 8th of Japan's former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. He said the news was shocking.


Why is Abe?

Nara speaks?

Chen Yang, a visiting researcher at the Japanese Research Center of Liaoning University, said that after the deployment of Abe's depreciation, it still maintains a great influence on Japanese society and Japanese politics. election.

It is understood that the Japanese parliament is divided into the two houses of the public. Among them, the Senate has a total of 248 seats.

According to the NHK report, a total of 125 seats were participated in the election, of which 75 seats were directly generated by each constituency, and 50 seats were distributed in proportion by proportion.

Picture source: CCTV News

Not only that, this election is of great significance to maintaining the stability of the Japanese Prime Minister Kishita.

In recent years, the political forces led by former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe have been trying to amend the constitution. After Kishida came to power, Kishida also repeatedly stated that the relevant agenda will be promoted. The current Japanese Constitution was implemented in 1947. Because it contains always abandoning the mobilization of war, not maintaining the land, sea, and air forces, and other war forces, it is also called a peaceful constitution.

According to information, Abe is 67 years old. He served as Prime Minister of Japan for the first time from 2006 to 2007. He came to power again in 2012. He resigned in 2020. He is the longest prime minister in Japan since the end of World War II.

Abe continued to be active in politics after he stepped down, and served as the president of the Liberal Democratic Party ’s largest faction“ Qinghe Policy Research Association ”in November last year.


Expert analysis said: This is the biggest event after the war in Japan

Picture source: CCTV News

Xiang Haoyu, a special researcher at the Asia -Pacific Research Institute of China International Institute of International Issues, analyzed on the 8th that the shooting occurred during the sensitive period before the Senate election, and it did not rule out that the murderer was out of political purposes. Although Abe is the longest prime minister in governing, Japan's domestic evaluation has mixed evaluations, and anti -Abe's public opinion has always existed. Forcibly promote the resentment of the adjustment of military security policy. In the context of the overall conservativeness and right of domestic politics in Japan, this incident was still shocking. This incident is enough to be the largest event in post -war Japanese politics.

The suspects announced by the Japanese media are also positive photos. Picture source: Xiaoxiang Morning News

Xiang Haoyu said that there have been radical left movements in Japan after the war, and the far right groups have also existed for a long time. They have launched the assassination of politicians. However, after the Cold War, as the political structure of the domestic domestic camps facing a disintegration, extreme political activities also decreased. In recent years, although Japan's political surface has not been shocked and the Liberal Democratic Party has a solid position, under the background of long -term economic downturn and national development facing deep dilemma, extreme ideas such as populism are still undercurrent.

"Japan is known for its good social security and strict gun control, but in recent years, vicious law and order incidents will still occur from time to time. This is also related to the stagnant economic and social development of Japan and the depression of social thoughts." It is shocking in Japan. This kind of violence should be severely condemned, but it should also promote Japan to reflect on whether its domestic politics has a risk of polarization. "

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