World Weekly 丨 Resistance "Failure Country"

Author:CCTV News Time:2022.06.13

According to statistics from Johns Hopkins University, as of June 10, in the past 28 days, the number of new crown pneumonia in the United States topped the world, and the number of new cases in a single day exceeded 100,000. This week, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned the severe epidemic situation in the United States. The two latest and more contagious Omeckon mutations are rapidly spreading in the United States. The risk of spreading some new epidemic diseases is also increasing. In this regard, Titanji, assistant professor of infectious diseases at Emmeri University in the United States, warned that "If an effective testing mechanism cannot be established, the United States may miss the window period for controlling the spread of epidemic." In an interview with Fox News that no matter who finally joined the White House in 2024, he would leave.

Earlier, Fuki repeatedly criticized the Trump administration's epidemic prevention policy, and now, even if Bayeng is re -elected, Fuqi is still decided. Essence

This week, the US Centers for Disease Control issued a warning that the U.S. epidemic was severe again.

According to data released by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention on June 8, in the past week, the number of new crown pneumonia in the United States has been in a high number of cases of 100,000 cases. Among the 50 states across the United States, about two -thirds of states have a rise in diagnosis cases compared to a week ago. Among them, children's infection ratio has reached the highest value since February this year, which is about 70%compared to April.

According to data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, on May 14, the total number of cases with BA4 and BA5 strains was less than 1%in the United States, and on June 4, this ratio was as high as 13%. Yale University (School of Public Health) predicts that these two new mutant strains may become the mainstream strains of the United States within a few weeks, and the country will usher in the sixth wave of infection this summer.

The media noticed that in mid -April, due to the number of people infected with Omikon's mutant strains, the number of people infected by Omircong rose rapidly. On April 13, the US CDC announced that it would extend the "mask compulsory order" on public transportation in the United States.

However, the decree announced less than a week. On April 18, the Florida Federal Judge Catherine Kimball-Mizell, the former US President Trump, ruled that the US CDC extended the "mask order" to extend the "mask order" The approach surpassed its authority and stopped it.

According to a poll that the Associated Press and the NORC Public Affairs Research Center, up to 56%of Americans in favor of performing mask orders on public transportation such as airplanes and trains. In contrast, the opposition ratio is only 24 24 %.

This can not help remind people of in January of this year. When the Omikon poisonous strain caused a record and death case in the United States, Biden's federal vaccine order was also ruled by the court as "overweight."

According to data from Johns Hopkins, as of June 5, the population ratio of the United States had vaccinated two doses of new crown vaccines was only 67.2%, ranking 59th in the world. Not only ranks first in the G7 countries, but even lower than some developing countries such as Chile, Cuba, and Uruguay.

The Guardian believes that whether it is a suspended "mask order" or a "vaccine order", the ultimate victim of the United States "politicization of epidemic prevention" has always been the United States.

The US Broadcasting Corporation noticed the sharp opposition to whether it should wear a mask.

Florida, a traditional conservative state in southern United States, has the Governor of Republican Governor De Santis, who has the "Little Trump", has declared that the public has the power of "free choice" on some issues.

However, this year, when De Santis visited the University of South Florida, he conflicted with students who wore masks with "free choice".

In August last year, De Santis advocated restarting the economy, resumed work, and even signed the governor's administrative order, requiring the public school system in Florida to not force students to wear masks.

According to CNN, from the autumn semester of that year, a large number of Florida teachers and students were diagnosed. In just two weeks, at least 13 school district faculty employees have died of new crown pneumonia in the public school district of Miami-Dade County, which have the largest population in Florida. On September 16, a single -day disease case in Florida set a historical record of 1,554 cases.

Regarding the bad epidemic prevention status quo, some parents in the school district asked De Santis to resign and claimed that De Santis's hand was "stained with blood."

The United States, which has the world's most advanced medical technology and resources, faces a major epidemic, but the number of confirmed cases and the number of diseases in the world ranks first in the world. This huge contrast is impressive.

Denis Nash, an expert on US public health policy, pointed out that in the face of the new crown epidemic, American leaders failed to fulfill their responsibilities to protect the people. personal. As an ordinary person, it sounds like a joke in a social environment with raging epidemic and mixed information.

Recently, Debola Berkes, a coordinator of the US public health expert and the coordinator of the former White House Coronary Virus, published a book entitled "Silent Invasion", revealing that the former President Trump government was not known when dealing with the new crown epidemic. Inside.

In the early days of the epidemic, the detection of new crown viruses in the United States was very limited, which led to the loss of a valuable timing of the first few weeks to fight the virus. To make matters worse, many Americans believe that "the new crown virus is like a flu, and it will disappear soon" has a very negative attitude towards the epidemic prevention. In April of this year, in an interview with the Washington Post, Berkes said that the situation in the United States still felt disturbing, because the United States failed to use sufficient resources to save Americans' lives.

The epidemic problem has also become a tool for the two parties to attack each other.

However, according to the US Fox News Network, as of December 2021, the number of new crown diseases in the United States had surpassed Trump's administration in the past 2020 in the nearly a year after Bayeng entered the White House.

While Biden's governance, the United States still ranked first in the world in the number of diagnostic diagnostic and sickness of the new crown pneumonia.

On June 8th, the White House epidemic prevention officials once again called Congress, saying that the sharp reduction of the US Congress on the epidemic prevention budget will cause serious problems to the US epidemic prevention and control this winter.

According to the New York Times, Biden was widely criticized last year because he did not provide enough free self -test boxes to the public. For economic reasons, some US testing box manufacturers have begun layoffs and even closed production lines since last year. US Assistant Health Minister O'Connell said the United States may have to rely on overseas virus detection box supply. To make matters worse, when a new mutant strain in the winter hit the United States today, the government will not be able to provide the public with sufficient number of second -generation new crown vaccines.

This week, a latest report from Brown University found that if the vaccination rate of the US vaccination reaches 100%, the number of new crown virus deaths can be reduced.

However, the national broadcasting company can't help asking, can the vaccine be saved by sufficient vaccine?

According to data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, from December 2020 to mid -May, due to the expired and unattended vaccination and storage problems, at least 82.1 million doses of new crown vaccines in the United States, equivalent to 11%of the dose of the federal government. Among them, the proportion of vaccines in the states with loose prevention policies such as Dezhou, Florida, and Oklahoma is as high as 20%.

Dr. Shela Shenoi, an expert at Yale Medical College infectious disease, pointed out: "Tens of millions of people around the world have no conditional vaccination for the first dose of vaccine, which causes the new crowns in the world Lost losses. "

The Washington Post noticed that in terms of vaccines, some Republicans had a 180 -degree turnaround after Trump left the White House and Biden into the White House.

Seven years ago, after a round of Ebola virus outbreak, Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft Corporation, called on the world to prepare for response.

Bill Gates: If there are more than 1 million people in the next decades, the most likely is a very contagious virus. Not war, not missiles, but microorganisms.

According to the US Fox News Network, this video clip watched more than 26 million times from February to April 2020.

In May this year, Gates summarized the reasons why the United States failed in the field of resistance in the field of anti -epidemic in the new book "How to Copy the Great Popularity". Gates pointed out that the new crown epidemic is not over, and the mutant strains of the new crown virus may be even more fatal.

Recently, Bill Gates compared Sino -US epidemic prevention in an interview and pointed out that China and low -income countries shared their expertise and innovation in the health field, which promoted the global "health and fairness".

According to statistics, as of the beginning of this month, China has provided more than 2.2 billion new crown vaccines to more than 120 countries and international organizations. Capacity. China continues to promote the development of the global public health and builds an immune barrier.

The statistical data of global research institutions have also carried out the effects of anti -epidemic prevention policies in various countries.

As of May 31, according to data from the University of Johns Hopkins, the total number of diagnosis in the United States was about 84 million, which was 376 times that of China, and the total death was more than 1 million, which was about 193 times that of China.

In the United States, one of the four people is infected with new crown pneumonia. In contrast, only 16 of each million people in China are infected. The infection rate per million people in the United States is about 1592 times that of China, and the mortality rate per million people is about 756 times that of China.

In May of this year, India's news website NewsClick wrote that a series of data show that whether in the epidemic prevention itself or economic achievements, China's "dynamic clearing" policy has more obvious advantages than the "coexisting with the new crown" in the West. Essence

On May 31st, Professor Faka Cong, a professor at the University of Topland, published an article entitled "China's Clearing Policy is not a risk, but a warehouse".

Tosaka Cong, who has been engaged in international issues for many years, pointed out that China is the world's largest population, and its population density is large and per capita medical resources are limited. In China, the population of 60 and above reached 267 million. If you take "lying flat", the epidemic will spread on a large scale and the epidemic may be outbreak in rural China, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian: China's dynamic zero total policy is not to pursue zero infection, but to control the epidemic in the shortest time to control the health of the people in the shortest time.

The Chinese government's epidemic prevention and control policy can withstand historical tests, and our prevention and control measures are scientific and effective. China is one of the most successful countries in the world. This is a obvious fact that the international community has.

At the same time, the United States, which has become "the largest resistance of the failure of the immigration", has drew hands to other countries, engaged in "trade sanctions", and "embargo", which also hindered the world economic recovery.

On June 9th, a spokesman for the International Monetary Fund, Rice, said that in April this year, the expectations of world economic growth in 2022 have been reduced from 4.4%to 3.6%. This data may be reduced again.

Jason Trennert, chief investment strategist of "Strategic Research Partner Company", pointed out that the US government pursued the "lying" policy during the epidemic, causing the logistics chain to be tight and exacerbated the supply chain crisis.

In order to stimulate the economy, the US government endlessly "sprinkle money" and continues to export inflation to the world.

The Broadcasting Corporation of the United States noticed that due to the concerns of the epidemic and "subsidy in place", in the second half of 2021, about 22 million people in the United States took the initiative to resign, resulting in an unprecedented "lying army" in the employment market. Kim Bo Luo, chief economist of the United States Lili, described this magic scene as: "Baby Tide Generation" retired in advance, and "Gen Z" "lying down" at home.

And this kind of government has continued to sprinkle money in the employment market, and encourages the practice of "Yin to eat food", which further exacerbates the "manpower shortage" and the supply chain crisis. This has further proved that the "low price" that developed countries such as the United States have been proud of it is based on the efficient and hard work of developing countries including China.

Bloomberg quoted the latest data that if China re -"open" in a similar way to the United States, China will face an unprecedented "large -scale epidemic", and the number of infections will exceed 630,000 daily.

Recently, some developed countries, in order to alleviate the dissatisfaction of the people in the country, increase the support rate of "falling", blindly put pressure on developing countries, and require developing countries Lying flat "to produce more cheap products for developed countries, in fact, it is because of the interests of Western politicians.

In February of this year, Bloomberg pointed out in the article entitled "Why the World Need China's Clearance Policy" that if China has not adopted a "dynamic clear zero" policy, the impact of the global supply chain will be more than any time since the outbreak of the epidemic. serious.

It is reported that China's "zero -zero policy" has survived the "big popularity" of Industries Remarkably UNSCATHED.

China's exports hit a record high in 2020 and 2021. If it is not a steady stream of goods, the price of imports in the United States will rise faster, and the shortage of goods will be more obvious.

The "Failure Country" was once labeled by American political scholars to the Third World State. Since the beginning of the new crown epidemic, the label of the "Failure of Resistance" has been posted on the United States.

In June 2020, "Atlantic Monthly" sighed "we are living in a country." In May this year, "Atlantic Monthly" bluntly stated that the United States faces not only the failure of the public health system, but also the failure of the American political system.

Indeed, in the context of the politicalization of the epidemic and social tearing, blindly choosing "lying down" is the truth behind the United States that becomes the world's "largest resistance of immunity".

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