too expensive!After Johnson's resignation, he was settled after "autumn"?

Author:Global Times Time:2022.07.09

On July 7, local time, British Prime Minister Johnson officially announced his resignation of the leader of the British Conservative Party, but he will still stay as the Prime Minister until the ruling party conservative party chose the new party as the new Prime Minister.

On the next day, the British "Independence" exposed a procurement list of procurement valuations renovated by Johnson's wife Carli personally, which made the "wallpaper door" that had greatly troubled Johnson to focus on Under the eyes of British society.

Foreign media reports

The "Independence" said that the media has recently obtained an estimated data from the renovation cost of the British Prime Minister's residence. These data show that the renovation costs exceed 200,000 pounds. The "Independence" stated that although the scandal was originally named "wallpaper door", the price of other items purchased by the Johnson couple in fact was significantly higher than the exposed "golden wallpaper".

Push dining car worth 3675 £ 3675

In the procurement list of renovation projects, the most well -known high -end indoor designer Lulu Leitel recommended to Johnson's Nuriev's Johnson's Nuriev's cart, as well as "Golden Wallpaper" worth 2260. According to reports, Johnson had complained that his wife decided to buy this wallpaper.

In addition, the two sofas purchased by the Johnson couple spent 1 £ 1,5120 (in addition to spending 2880 pounds to buy the cushion on the sofa); 8 dining chairs cost 1,1280 pounds; buying a carpet cost 7,000 pounds; "double -wing back chairs" cost spending cost £ 4,200; the antique mirror for the lobby costs 3800 pounds; it costs £ 1,000 for the kitchen to buy a TV table; the price of a living room table lamp is 6,000 pounds, and the price of the lampshade is 2,500 pounds.

In addition to purchasing specific items, the Johnson couple also spent about 30,000 pounds during the decoration construction process.

According to reports, the budget of the total price of £ 208104 was submitted to the Cabinet Office in early 2020, and the Cabinet Office has a budget of 30,000 pounds per year to renovate the official apartment of the Prime Minister on Tangning Street. It is reported that the Conservative sponsored Lord Brownlo and the Conservative Party headquarters secretly paid the decoration funds that the official budget could not be covered. After the scandal was exposed, Johnson agreed to pay the renovation fee with his income.

The "Independence" states that the latest exposure list will inevitably trigger the dissatisfaction and controversy of Johnson due to the "wallpaper door".

Xiaobian Z

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