Putin ordered the simplification of Urban residents to enter the Russian formalities, and U -side took the opportunity to ask for weapons from the West

Author:Global Times Time:2022.07.12

According to today's Russian Television (RT) reported on the 11th, Russian President Putin signed an order on Monday, stipulating that all Ukrainian residents could apply for Russian citizenship through simplify procedures. The measure was previously only applicable to residents and non -nationality in some areas of Ukraine.

It is reported that in accordance with the new rules, all Ukrainian residents can now submit relevant citizenship applications without having to live in Russia for 5 years, have a source of income or pass Russian test -usually foreigners must meet these conditions before applying for Russian citizenship.

Earlier, the simplified procedures were only applicable to residents of Donedsk, Lugusk, Hermuson, and Zapolo. The above laws and regulations modified the scope of the simplified procedure and expanded it to all residents of Ukraine.

Picture source: People's Vision

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine responded on Monday, saying that Russia's measures were tantamount to "eroding Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity", and Ukraine "strongly condemned" the move. Ukrainian diplomats also claimed that this decision in Moscow "does not comply with the norms and principles of international law."

According to the department's statement, providing Ukraine residents with a simplified procedure to obtain Russian citizenship, indicating that the Kremlin is still seeking "capturing Ukraine land and destroying Ukraine countries" and "forcibly assimilation" Ukraine.

Kyiv also warned that Russian citizenship awarded Ukraine residents based on this procedure would be regarded as "invalid", and added that the decree would not have "legal consequences" for Ukraine.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Culpuba also took this opportunity to ask for more weapons from the West. "Now it is important to provide more assistance to our country," he said in a statement, and called on Ukraine's "partners", "urgently providing more weapons to Ukraine, and imposing new economic sanctions on Russia." Coleba also accused Russia of "worthless."

Russian media pointed out that as early as 2019, Russia introduced the "Donetsk People's Republic" and the "Lugusk People's Republic" residents who announced their own "independence" and introduced the simplified procedures for Russian citizenship. These two " The Republic was recognized by Russia in February this year as a "independent" country.

According to reports, according to the Russian government data, as of February, 950,000 foreigners have made an application, of which 770,000 have obtained Russian citizenship. The decree on Monday also clearly stipulated that personnel who served in the Donbat militia organization and its local law enforcement agencies were also qualified to apply for the identity of Russian citizenship. As a reason for foreign military personnel, they could not be regarded as not allowed them to obtain Russian citizenship.

It is reported that another decree signed by Putin in May has incorporated residents in Zhaparo and Hermuson in southern Ukraine into the scope of applicable to the Russian citizenship simplification procedure.

(Edit: HX)

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