Lianhua Qing Plague injects the power of Chinese medicine in China-ASEAN cooperation

Author:Xinhua Daily Health Time:2022.07.12

Since the new crown epidemic in early 2020, Lianhua Qingjuan, as an innovative patent traditional Chinese medicine that has gathered the "three dynasties" for two thousand years of Chinese medicine, played an important role in preventing and controlling the epidemic in many ASEAN countries, and for China -ASEAN's -ASEAN from ASEAN Cooperation and friendship contribute a Chinese medicine power.

Under the guidance of the National Health and Health Commission of China and the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the team of Lianhua Qing Plague experts actively participated in nearly 100 long -range academic exchange conferences organized by China, the Philippines, Romania and other countries along the “Belt and Road”. Share the experience of Chinese medicine anti -epidemic experience from the world, including the Internet academic conference with the theme of the Ministry of Health of the Ministry of Health of Thailand, the theme of "Lianhua Qing Plague Capsule Clinical Application", the Vanuatu Health Ministry of Traditional Chinese Medicine Anti -Epidemic Exchange Conference, "China -Italy and Technology Anti -Anti -Anti -in -laws Activities such as epidemic cloud exchange activities.

At present, Lianhua Qing Plague has been approved to be listed in nearly 30 countries and regions including Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, Laos, and Cambodia, which has been approved to be listed one after another, becoming an effective drug to enter the international anti -disease front line. Traditional Chinese medicine is. Overseas gains are increasingly recognized.

△ In November 2021, Dr. Luo Yameng (fourth from left) of the Minister of Affairs of the Prime Minister's Office of Thailand (fourth from left) and Yiling Pharmaceutical's Thai Agent Eunwei Group Ms. Zeng Jiayi (fourth from right) attended the donation to the Thai Prime Minister's Palace ceremony

Mam Bunheng, Minister of Health, Cambodia, said in an interview that the cooperation of the new crown vaccine and Chinese medicine even plays an important role in Cambodia's anti -new crown epidemic. He said: "Due to the use of Lianhua Qing plague during the treatment, the condition of the patients with new crown pneumonia quickly improved, which greatly reduced the chance of severe occurrence."

"China is similar to ASEAN countries and communicates with humanities. Since ancient times, there has been a history of friendly exchanges with Chinese medicine culture. We will increase the work of Thailand, Singapore, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia and other countries, and promote Yiling Pharmaceutical Chinese medicine products. Southeast Asia blooms, and then promotes Chinese medicine to enter various regions and countries around the world to benefit people from all over the world. "Zhang Yunling, executive deputy general manager of Yiling Pharmaceutical, said in an interview with the media.

△ Zhang Yunling, Executive Deputy General Manager of Yiling Pharmaceutical

Entering the 21st century, humans face challenges of various diseases such as new crown pneumonia, flu, and chronic diseases. In terms of responding to global health challenges, promoting human health, and promoting international health cooperation, the potential of traditional Chinese medicine will be unique and important. The rich experience of continuous accumulation of products such as Lianhua Qingjuan and other products will inject strong impetus into its sustainable development.

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