Is the West pushing Russia to China?After the United States refused to supply, Russia turned to the purchase of China ATM machine

Author:Kim Can Rong Channel Time:2022.07.12

Author: Battle Law Express

According to Russian media reports, after the US company refused to supply ATM this spring, the Russian Bank began to turn to the purchase of ATMs made in China -Russia Akbars Bank and Post Bank that it had begun to purchase. Consider the possibility of procurement. The report also said that in general, China's ATM machines are not inferior to these devices in the United States. It is understood that in the past, whether in the global ATM market or the Russian market, the United States Dibintao and NCR companies occupy a leading position. These companies stopped operating in Russia this spring, and their equipment previously accounted for approximately 60%-70%in Russia.

The United States is to give the Russian ATM market to China. From this point of view, the sanctions between the Western countries led by the United States are pushing Russia to China. And the ATM machine is not an example for Russia. Many big brands in the United States have withdrawn from Russia, such as Apple, Coca -Cola and so on. In this context, Russia is bound to find the corresponding product substitutes. What can do this is willing to export to Russia. It is estimated that there is only one in the world in the world. Therefore, under the suppression of the West, Russia had to ask for help with China and to strengthen various trade ties with China. This also provides favorable external conditions for strengthening cooperation between the two countries.

There is no doubt that Sino -Russian relations today are the best period of history. The two sides have repeatedly stated that the cooperation between the two countries will not be capped and there is no upper limit. However, the intimate cooperation between the country will ensure its core interests. Although Russia is constantly strengthening cooperation with various aspects of China, most of its domestic markets are still occupied by Western products. Now that the West has withdrawn from, it does not even provide corresponding products to Russia. At this time, it has given China a chance to allow Chinese products to enter Russia or even seize the Russian market. This is the case for ATM and aircraft parts. From this perspective, the Russian and Ukraine conflict also created certain opportunities to China to some extent, a opportunity to cooperate with Russia to strengthen each other's economic connection.

After the increasingly close economic cooperation, China and Russia will inevitably deepen the process of military cooperation. This is determined by the current international environment. The siege of China and Russia in the United States and Western countries is not only economic, but the most important thing is military enclosure. To break it, China and Russia naturally deepen military cooperation. However, the military cooperation between China and Russia is often limited to military exercises together, and the pace is consistent. In the manufacturing of high -end weapons, Russia always hides. If you have to have the foundation of economic cooperation, even when various manufacturing processes in Russia need to provide related spare parts, Russia will probably take out some real materials. This has important guiding significance for the advancement of Chinese weapons and equipment. Therefore, we must seize this opportunity to push Russia to China thoroughly to China.

Sino -Russian cooperation is a powerful force in the world, which is enough to shake the US hegemonic position. This is also one of the reasons why the United States and Western countries are very afraid of China -Russia cooperation. After all, Western leaders have been leading this world for hundreds of years, and now they suddenly jump out two countries that can directly threaten their status, and they will naturally sit up restless. Therefore, for the friendship between China and Russia, the West has always been behind all kinds of irritation and provocation, but China -Russia friendship has been tested. Since the outbreak of Russia and Ukraine's conflict, the West has increased its sanctions on Russia, which objectively promoted the deepening cooperative relationship between the two countries. After Russia faced many Western companies to refuse to supply supply, they decisively found China to import, which can quickly make up for Russia's market gaps. For China, it naturally entered the Russian market, and you can also stand directly. It can be said that China and Russia are mutually beneficial.

There is also Russia is a large resource exporter, and export resources (petroleum, natural gas) are one of the Russian economic pillar industries. In order to combat Russia, Western countries are discussing various methods that do not use Russia's oil and gas. After all, Russia has actually interrupted the oil and gas supply of several countries. It happens that the west is not on the east, and China's demand for resources is almost endless. Russia can trade with China. It can be seen from here that China and Russia can be a highly complementary neighbor. If the United States and Western countries have to take a shot on the two countries, there will be a day of regret sooner or later.

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