International Observation | Bayen Putin's "front and rear feet" went to visit.

Author:Cover news Time:2022.07.14

U.S. President Biden arrived at the Ben-Gurean International Airport near the city of Tel Aviv, a city in central Israel, and began his first visit to the Middle East since he took office.

Just as Biden flew to the Middle East, the Kremlin announced that Putin would go to the Middle East on the 19th. He will go to Tehran to participate in the Summit of Russia, Turkey and Iran.

Before the departure of Biden, talked about the stability of the Middle East, Iran approved "please face the reality"

According to US media reports, Biden sent a post before visiting the Middle East, saying that since taking office, the Middle East has "more stable and secure", and this visit will continue "those hopeful trends." The Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded on the 12th that Biden's article was a "one -sided and inconsistent description" in the US Middle East policy.

Biden visited Israel, the west bank of the Jordan River and Saudi Arabia from the 13th to 16th. This will be his first visit to the Middle East for one and a half years. According to the White House, Biden will discuss issues such as "threats from Iran" and strengthening cooperation in air defense during the visit during the visit.

Biden Source: Xinhua News Agency

The Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Nasser Canni pointed out in a statement on the 12th that in order to make the Middle East more stable and secure, the United States must stop differentiation of regional countries, export weapons to this area, respect the sovereignty and territory of various countries in the region, Complete and stop making "Iranian phobia".

Kanney warns that if you cannot "correct these errors and cause crisis policies", the United States will become the "main responsible party" of unstable unstable in the Middle East.

Kanney said that if American politicians really want a more stable and secure Middle East and a world that is safe to themselves and others, they better understand the new reality of the world. The doctrines are imposed to others, so that regional countries can ensure the safety and collective interests of various countries within the regional cooperation framework according to their own values, interests and realistic things according to their own values, interests and realistic things.

In the text, Biden threatened to "isolate" Iran in the United League, forcing Iran to restore the comprehensive agreement of the Iranian nuclear issue through diplomatic and economic pressure. Cani criticized it. Trump's mistakes actually continued the same practice.

Iranian Foreign Minister Hussein Amir Abdullahiyan shouted to Biden on social media: "You cannot impose a one-sided view of the United States by accusing and sanctions, and diplomacy is not a one-way path."

The meeting with the Saudi Crown Prince has attracted much attention, and Biden "faces a lot of embarrassment"

The US Broadcasting Corporation said on the 13th that the most watched meeting will be the first meeting between Biden and Saudi Crown Prince.

During the presidential campaign, Biden said that Saudi Arabia should be treated as a "pariah" for infringement of human rights. His government issued a decrypted intelligence report, saying that Ben Salman "may have approved" the murder of reporter Kashuji in 2018. However, "the transformation of energy policy has changed Biden to the tone, especially when American drivers face high refueling costs."

In fact, before visiting Saudi Arabia, in order to calm the many domestic dissatisfaction and criticism, Biden wrote on the Washington Post to defend himself. He said that visiting Saudi Arabia is in the "critical moment" of the region to promote the "important interests" in the United States. He claims that the direct contact with countries such as Saudi Arabia will help "promote these efforts."

NPR 12 stated on the 12th that the meeting with the Crown Prince of Saudi means that the Biden government "pages" for the US -Saudi relations. The meeting itself will be the victory of Ben Salman. He tried to repair his image and attract Western investment in Saudi Arabia. However, officials and experts said that "it is impossible to guarantee that Riyadh will open the petroleum faucet."

The US "Market Observation" also said on the 12th that Biden's trip "will not bring any shocking news to the oil market." At present, oil prices have hovered above $ 100 per barrel, but analysts said that the limit of oil production capacity is an obstacle that is difficult to overcome.

The Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) said on the 13th that "this trip faces a lot of embarrassment." Politically, Biden's interview may once again remind people that the influence of the United States in the Middle East is declining; Biden will once again call on the "two countries' plans", but he also knows that when he leaves, this plan will still be like before. The same is far away; without the support of Saudi Arabia, it is impossible to prevent Russia from obtaining oil and gas income.

The Russian Tuyin Three Kingdoms Summit, Putin is about to go to Iran

"Biden goes to Saudi Arabia, and Putin will go to Iran." Russia reported on the 13th that the same thing as the visit to the Middle Eastern incident as Biden attracted the world's attention. Summit. It is reported that under the mediation of Russia, "the reconciliation between Saudi Arabia and Iran will eventually break the American isolated Russia and provide cheap fuel to the West."

On the 13th, the Russian Federal News Agency quoted experts as saying that Putin's visit was very important for Russia. Putin would meet with "not participating in national leaders who sanctions against Russia", and "this kind of alliance has just begun." On July 13th, Biden's presidential national security affairs assistant Salvin claimed that Iran prepared to "provide hundreds of drones to Russia." It is reported that "the United States is actually accusing the two geopolitical opponents of geopolitical opponents established a military connection."


Russian Presidential Press Secretary Peskov told the media on the 13th that he reported "no comment" about Washington's "drone" report, and the Tehran Summit would not discuss this issue.Talking about Biden's upcoming visit to Saudi Arabia, he said that Saudi Arabia is expected to "not take any action against Russia."Iranian media reports that Putin's visit to Iran "is a response to the Bayeng Middle East", and economic cooperation will be a priority for Iran and Russia.

Cover Journalist Yan Lei

Some information according to Xinhua News Agency, Global Times, etc.

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