Step 1 of freshmen entering the park, now we need to teach children these things!Transfer to parents!

Author:President Kindergarten Service Time:2022.08.07

After more than a month, another group of new children entering the park will enter the door of kindergarten. So, before entering the park, what are the preparations for children to take a good "first step"?

Generally speaking, parents should start with their own ability to take care of their own self -care ability, teach children to eat, urinate, wash hands, etc. This will not only greatly reduce the anxiety that children will have after entering the park, but also help children faster Land adapt to the collective life of kindergarten and build self -confidence.

1. Training children to eat by themselves

Parents should not worry about their children everywhere, as long as some preparations are prepared in advance, many housework will be reduced. For example, you can put newspapers or cloth to pick up rice grains around the dining table, use tableware that are not easy to break, and put on clothes that are easy to clean.

Parents train their children to eat by themselves, and they can be carried out in 5 steps:

■ Explain and demonstrate how to use spoons for children.

■ Patiently teach the child to hold the bowl with the left hand, hold the spoon in the right hand, use a spoon to roll the rice, and put it in the mouth.

■ Guide children to eat with a bite of food and a sip of dishes.

■ Teach your child to chew slowly, swallow a sip, and take another bite. The speed should be moderate. Pay attention to reminding the child to make no sound when chewing.

■ Tell your child to swallow the last meals, put the spoon in a bowl.

When the child just started practicing themselves to eat, parents can give it appropriately, but they must be guided and let go to encourage their children to eat themselves.

2. Training children's own urination

When children are at home, they usually use the urine to urinate, but most of the toilets in the kindergarten are squatting toilets, so the children will definitely not adapt to urine after entering the garden. Therefore, parents should train their children to squat independently in advance.

To train children to go to the toilet, we must first eliminate his tension, and then perform appropriate exercises:

■ Tell your child that you can grow up without the pottery. Squatting toilet is more convenient and sanitary than the pots.

■ Tell your child that you should not hold on to the toilet, pay attention to observing the law of the child's stool, and cultivate the habit of regular stool.

■ Simage squatting exercises. Two bricks can be placed on the flat ground to simulate training with their children. The children do well. Parents should give praise in time.

3. Training children to wash their hands by themselves

Training children to wash their hands by themselves. At the beginning, as long as the child can wash his hands (including palms, backs, fingers, fingers, wrists, etc.), you don't need to emphasize the steps of hand washing too much.

The method of training children can refer to the following steps:

■ Parents teach their children to hold their cuffs.

■ Discover the faucet, wet the hand, close the faucet, and make the soap on your hand. At the beginning, parents can help to make soap, and then slowly train their children to make soap.

■ Rub the bubbles from the palm of the hand; rub the left hand with your right hand, rub your left hand back; hold your left hand to turn around, hold your left hand with your left hand to turn around; separate your fingers and wash your fingers.

■ Unscoke the faucet, rinse the bubbles on the hand, and hold a little water to push the tap switch, and then close the water faucet.

■ Put the towel on the palm of one hand, and wipe the palm, back, and wrist on the other hand on the towel. Change your hands and repeat it.

In addition to these, wearing self -care skills such as wearing and taking off, wearing and taking off my shoes, pouring water and drinking water, and so on. Parents need to train and cultivate slowly and patiently. When these are handy for children, they will make their children more even more. If you have a sense of accomplishment, you will also help your children go to the first step in the park smoothly.

*Discovery: Most of the text and pictures in this article are from the Internet. The editor of the Chief President Kindergarten Service Platform, because of the need for teaching and research to reprint or select articles, focuses on sharing excellent education concepts. The copyright belongs to the original author. If there is any infringement, Please leave a message in the background to contact and delete.

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