6 months of hematuria during pregnancy, the doctor inserted a 20 cm tube into my body

Author:Lilac mother Time:2022.07.02

Most women's pregnancy is not smooth. In order to become a mother, in addition to a series of conventional torture such as pregnancy and constipation, many women also endure many diseases that were easily cured, but for the baby's disease that could not be treated.

Today's story comes from the Dingxiang Mom APP Planet. The mother in the story is for the child's health.

This article comes from Lilac Mom app planet @本 本 本

In December 2018, when I was preparing for more than half a year of pregnancy, I suddenly began to urinate pink urine. After going to the hospital for examination, I found that there were two mung bean -sized stones in the kidneys.

In view of the preparation of pregnancy, the stones are not too big, and the doctor told me to exercise more and say that drinking plenty of water can be discharged by myself. Sure enough, after following the doctor's order, I soon returned to normal.

Unexpectedly, this time the body of the body buried an irregular bomb, which made my entire pregnancy.

Welcome to the surprise of pregnancy

But it also ushered in the thunderbolt

My road to pregnancy is full of hardships, and I often travel between home and hospitals for two years. On that day, as soon as I walked from the hospital to the subway station, I started severe abdominal pain and felt that my stomach was torn by countless big hands.

I curled up on the chair in the waiting area of ​​the subway station, and my thighs were painful, and my tears rushed out. Passers -by came to ask me if I needed to send you to the hospital? I used the only strength to stand up from the chair, took two steps to stop, and slowly moved to the hospital.

The emergency doctor quickly confirmed the diagnosis. This time, abdominal pain was caused by the stones of the ureter. I learned that I was preparing for pregnancy. I first used the medication to relieve my symptoms. I suggest that I confirm whether I have a pregnancy and then go to the specialist.

Ultrasonic diagnosis diagnosis of ureteral stones and kidney stones is a little bigger than soybeans.

Picture source: Author provides

After returning home from the emergency department, the medicine took two or three days, and abdominal pain disappeared. I quickly approved a pregnancy test. I never expected that for two years, I was in this festival.

Early pregnancy, the second bars that are not good,

Picture source: Author provides

Early pregnancy

Uriline can still be diagnosed for two months

The excitement of pregnancy made me throw two stones behind it, because I haven't hurt anymore in the future. I have always thought that the stones have been discharged.

At 16 weeks of pregnancy, when I found that the urine was pink, I didn't think it was related to stones.

Until 20 weeks of pregnancy, the number of urinary red blood cells was found to be as high as 5,353/ ul, far exceeding the normal reference (0-4/ ul), and I started to be nervous. Essence

Hurry up the urology color Doppler ultrasound, but did not find stones in the ureter. Without stones, why do you urinate hematuria? The doctor suggested that I check the kidney again, and I was afraid of it all of a sudden.

The result of urine test, picture source: author provided

After hanging the kidney, the doctor suggested that I was hospitalized immediately and treated with antibiotics. I stunned it directly, is it so serious? What is even more worried is that the impact of medication on the baby is a child who is pregnant for two years.

Thinking about it, I hanged a urology and wanted to try whether to conservative treatment. The doctor of the urology agreed to give me the medicine for a week. It did not ease after eating, and the doctor suggested that I turn the kidney and tell me:

Be sure to pay attention to hematuria. Although the color Doppler has not found stones, the indicators are relatively high. I am afraid that your bleeding and infection. If you do not intervene, once you have a fever, your baby is equivalent to soaking in hot springs with risks.

I accepted the hospitalization frankly, but I felt very down, and I always felt sorry for my baby. After admission, because it is a pregnant woman, the fetus cannot accept radiation of more than 50 mgy. Many examinations cannot be done. For example, CT, etc., the cause of bleeding can not be clearly diagnosed.

Doctors can only reduce inflammation and anti -infection and continue conservative treatment.

During the hospital, the source of the picture: the author provided

In this way, a cycle (14 days) was treated in the hospital, and the condition was not alleviated at all. Hem urinary conditions were still similar to before entering the hospital. The more anxious, the more anxious.

About 23 weeks of pregnancy, I changed to a hospital in the provincial capital and did a series of examinations again. Although the doctor suspected whether the ureter had stones, the urology color ultrasound was still not detected.

What is worrying is that hematuria continues to increase. Director Z of the attending physician said that the cause of bleeding must be found as soon as possible and stopped bleeding in time. Otherwise, both pregnant women and babies may have risks.

He suggested to do a cystoscopy and may find the cause of bleeding.

The number of urine red blood cells has reached 9612 / ul, almost doubled

Picture source: Author provides

Although I am a little worried about the risk of abortion, compared with the hematuria that has always been unknown, compared with the cluelessness that has always been closer, Director Z's suggestion is like a bouquet of light suddenly appeared in a fog. The direction.

I quickly hospitalized and cooperated with the inspection. It was already evening when I checked a lot of surgery that day. It was very cold that day, and the wind was very strong. On the way to the operating room, I felt that the cold wind drilled into the body.

Both the doctors and nurse are very gentle and take care of my big belly woman. They comfort me while checking, don't be nervous, we have rich experience, that is, a small examination, small surgery, no problem.

The local anesthesia has played a role about 1 min. The doctor stretched a tube from the mouth of my urethra. As he asked me not to hurt, I observed it carefully. The tube was stubborn in my abdomen. I was afraid and nervous, but I thought I could be diagnosed soon, and I was looking forward to it.

Picture source: Visual China

However, on the second day after cystoscopy, I did not wait to confirm the diagnosis, and did not wait for a clear solution. It was still uncertainty and no bleeding cause.

The mood suddenly reached the bottom of the valley, as if a beam of light finally saw, suddenly extinguished again. I can't figure it out, how can I urinate for the reason?

In order to go through pregnancy

A 20 cm long tube

Insert my body

With the last hope, I transferred to the hospital again to a more professional urology hospital.

When the attending physician learned that I had had hematuria for nearly 3 months, and 26 weeks of pregnancy +, I first said a meal in a hurry:

How can your mother find us so severe, why not find us from the beginning. Now this situation can only be surgery. If the child has any situation, can you bear the consequences?

Then quickly comfort me:

But don't worry, find us right, we have seen many cases similar to you here. You can rest assured that you will do your best to cure you.

Go home to prepare for hospitalization, we will solve it after New Year's Day.

Image source: Tuwa Creative

The entire New Year's Day holiday spent all kinds of uneasiness. I couldn't help thinking: What should I do if the children who come for more than two years? Can I still conceive in the future? What should I do if I do n’t have to give birth prematurely?

As soon as the holiday was over, I hurriedly started nucleic acid testing, handling admission, and preoperative examination.

This time I made a color Doppler ultrasound, but I didn't find the stones. The attending doctor told me a lot of illness, and I remembered two words:

My stones are too special and may be blocked by the baby, so the urology color Doppler ultrasound can not be taken out;

This disease is not pregnant, and it is a bit troublesome to get pregnant. In this case, put a tube in the ureter to ensure that it is safe to spend the pregnancy safely.

Double J tube built -in, picture source: standing cool heroil

We accepted the doctor's plan. When the surgery consent was signed before surgery, the operation showed a risk of abortion, which made me and my teammates break defensive at once, tears dripped, and couldn't help it.

After signing the surgical consent of the surgery trembling, the mood was very complicated. Until the moment I entered the operating room, I was still blaming and tears.

Forcibly to cheer yourself, it must be okay, it will be smooth, just like this to take a stretch of the operating table.

Image source: Tuwa Creative

Still local anesthesia, the process is similar to the cystoscopy, but this time the tube extends deeper.

I can clearly feel that the tube is walking around in my stomach, until the critical location, the doctor stopped and he said that the viewing mirror could no longer extend up, which would affect the fetus.

Ureutal mirror examination, the author of this article is on the right side

Image source: Tuwa Creative

In the end, the doctor successfully placed a double J tube in the right ureter, and the postoperative fetal supervision was normal. Everyone relieved, applauding, boasting that I was strong.

On the second day after the operation, the B -ultrasound found stones on the right kidney. The doctor explained that the stent stabbed the stone from the ureter to the kidney. It seems that the baby has always blocked the stone, so that I couldn't see it after twists and turns.

Demand records, picture sources: author provided by the author

When I was discharged from the hospital, a nurse secretly told me that you were really lucky. A pregnant woman a few days ago, the surgery started, the child's fetal heart test was not good, and I couldn't save it. I knew that the operation was actually risky risk Not small.

Think about it, it's really scared!

What is even more terrible is that the days after arriving at home are far more painful.

Every time I urinate, it hurts like a sentence

After several days, I finally gave birth to daughter

On the first ten days after returning home, the abdomen had a very strong foreign body sensation. Every time I lay on the right side, I felt panicked. I felt that the tube was about to protrude and the wall broke out.

The most uncomfortable thing is that every time I urinate, it hurts like urinary glass dumplings.

But in order to prevent the desertor, the doctor suggested that I drink at least two liters of water and urinate more. Originally in the late pregnancy, the stomach was very large, and it was inconvenient to go to the toilet. In addition, urinary pain could not be more uncomfortable.

What is more torment is that at night, I wake up awkwardly to pee, and I can't stand up every time I finish urine.

After finally being supported by his teammates, when he returned to the bed, he only dared to lie on the left. He was sweaty with pain. He had to yell for 10 min to hold it up, let alone fall asleep.

I had a bad sleep, and the quality of sleep was decreased rapidly. The teammates saw me uncomfortable and could only be anxious. I couldn't do anything except to hug.

Image source: Tuwa Creative

During that time, I washed my face with tears every day. The tears added in the previous decades did not have a lot of time, and I count the days every day, but for the sake of children, I can only boil. It is a day for a day!

Fortunately, after half a month, the pain was reduced, but the condition of hematuria was still continuing. Teammates were observed and recorded by doctors every day.

Photos of different angles of urine detection

Photo source: Author's picture supply

At 39 weeks of pregnancy, through comparison, the color of urine was observed, and we immediately went to the hospital. After detecting urine, he heel a serious hematuria. The doctor was worried that I would not be able to carry it. It is recommended to be hospitalized. On the fourth day of admission, it was just a full moon. As soon as the amniotic fluid broke in the morning, it quickly turned to obstetrics.

At 10 am, the oxytoconis was opened. At 5 pm, the palace mouth was fully opened, and the delivery room was about 1 h. I successfully gave birth to my baby. I experienced the pain of ureteral stones. The pain in production was nothing.

Newborn worm

Picture source: Author provides

At the moment when I heard the child's crying, I felt vicissitudes -from 3 and a half months of pregnancy, I started to urinate hematuria, and I was born in full moon. I urinated for more than 6 months and finally gave birth to my child smoothly.

As for those two stones, as soon as confinement, I performed gravel surgery, less than 1h throughout the journey. It turns out that ordinary people perform this operation so simple and easy. As long as the CT examination is determined, the doctor can break it quickly.

Looking back at the pregnancy of my entire hematuria, it was really emotional. This kind of incidence is less than 0.1%of the pregnancy and urinary tract stones, which was hit by me, and was perfectly blocked by the baby in the stomach, which caused full twists and turns and could not be diagnosed.

Writing this article is to hope that the sisters will never repeat my mistakes:

1. The routine medical examination before pregnancy generally includes urine routine. Doctors can be required to do the color Doppler ultrasound, and there are urinary stones in diagnosis. It is recommended to deal with it early and then consider preparing pregnancy.

2. Before pregnancy, pregnancy, and daily life, it is recommended to drink as much as possible, urinate more, reduce urination, prevent urinary tract infection and urinary stones.

Experts in this article

Mu Tian

Review expert

Zhuozheng Medical Obstetrics and Gynecology Maternal Medical Doctor

Dr. Medical Department of Peking University

Zhuo Yangjia

Review expert

The Department of Urology, the First People's Hospital of Guangzhou


Planning: Lin Yiyi

Producer: High, A Tongmu

- END -

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