Have you ever seen this new movement of "chopping and chopping"?Today, 80 teams across the country are fighting in Huzhou

Author:Zhejiang Daily Time:2022.07.18

Zhejiang News Client Reporter Ye Shilei Sharing Alliance Huzhou Central Station Zhu Hongtao

On the afternoon of July 18, the first martial arts road (short soldier) championships in the country started in the Huzhou Gymnasium. The contestants from 80 martial arts road teams across the country played in turn in turn, and they played fiercely in the audience's shouts.

The martial arts road is the third competitive martial arts project in addition to martial arts routines and martial arts Sanda, which was officially launched by the Martial Arts Management Center of the State General Administration of Sports. It is the general term for martial arts cold weapon fighting. Participants wearing helmets, wearing Han soldiers and armor guards, in accordance with certain rules, use cold weapons to attack and defensive confrontation on the same site.

"Bing Road is a sports project of innovation and reform. It is refined on the basis of inheriting the basic technology of traditional short soldiers to allow martial arts to return to the essence of confrontation. It requires both personal wisdom and strategic tactics." According to Shan Tian, ​​in the future, the martial arts roads will include five small items: short soldiers, long soldiers, soft soldiers, dark soldiers, and projection soldiers. As a competitive short soldier for the core competition project of the military road, it will carry out national competitions such as the National Martial Arts Military Way Championship, the National Martial Arts Military Road Youth Championship, and the National Martial Arts Road Club.

Why does the first martial arts road (short soldier) championship in the country landed in Huzhou? "Martial arts roads inherit the etiquette, technology and spirit of traditional Chinese weapons fighting, which is deeply consistent with the connotation of Huizhou's rearrassment and compatible urban connotation." The relevant person in charge of the Huzhou Municipal People's Government introduced that since 2021, the State Sports General Administration opened this. Since the project, Huzhou first tried and actively explored. While setting up the first martial arts road center in Zhejiang Province, it also established the first batch of martial arts road teams in the country to promote the fitness of the whole people and achieved good results. This championship is held in the lake, which is not only the affirmation and encouragement of the Huzhou promotion and development of the martial arts road project, but also provides a wonderful stage for Chinese martial arts and national culture that shows the spirit of the spirit.

Only the foundation can build a building. The mature training system, rich experience and excellent facilities are one of the confidence of the city. In recent years, the city has trained a number of Olympic champions such as Zhou Su Hong, Xu De Mei, Xu Yaping, Shen Hongwei, Huang Yongjun, Li Rongxiang, and other Olympic champions, and successfully undertake large -scale events such as the 16th Provincial Games in Zhejiang Province for use for it for used for it. The two major venues of basketball and volleyball in the Asian Games project also passed the end of the event at the end of March this year. As of the end of last year, the city successfully created two national -level sports industry demonstration bases. The city's per capita stadium area reached 3.02 square meters, ranking first in the province.

It is worth mentioning that as of the end of last year, the city's large public stadiums were exempted from more than 39,000 times, of which more than 8,500 times were opened for free, and about 1.11 million were beneficial to the citizens. In addition, during the "Thirteenth Five -Year Plan" period, the city held 2077 national fitness events and events of the county level and above. The total investment of public sports facilities construction was about 3.75 billion yuan, which not only set off a new wave of sports development, but also provided economy for the development of sports. Assure.

"This time, Huzhou held the first national martial arts military road (short soldier) championship, which not only provided a rich, professional and fierce competition platform for the" Master "of the military roads across the country, but also injecting continuous vitality into the development of martial arts roads." Huzhou Huzhou According to the relevant person in charge of the Municipal Sports Bureau.

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