41 -year -old Williams announced his retirement because he was going to have a second child: "Mother" and "Champions" were in trouble.

Author:Nine Pai News Time:2022.08.11

【Source: Nine Pai News】

According to foreign media reports, Little Williams, a tennis star with 23 Grand Slam championships, announced that he would retire and shifted his attention to family and business. Her last game may be the New York Open on August 29.

The American "Black Whirlwind" Xiao Wei, who has ruled the women's web for many years, recently wrote in the "VOGUE" magazine: "At a certain moment of life, we must decide to move towards another direction. I really like tennis, but now ( My retirement) The countdown has begun. "A sentence in Xiao Wei in the text caused collective resonance of women in the sports industry and even various fields:" Some things must be paid. "Perhaps, male athletes will never face such difficult choices.

At the 2017 Australian Open Open, Xiao Wei still won the championship in the case of two months of pregnancy, making many people call her "Superman". However, the seamless combination of "mothers" and "champion" has undoubtedly put tremendous pressure on Xiaowei. Williams said that she didn't want to be pregnant as athletes again: "I have a 100 % investment in tennis or keep a certain distance. Believe me, I never think of choosing a choice between tennis and families. Think this is unfair. "

In this regard, Lun Daofu, a professor of history at Georgia University of Science and Technology and the founder of the Black Feminist Think Tank, said: "Society expects women to be the best mothers at the same time and at the top of the industry. But for most women, this It's unrealistic. "

Many women saw her shadow from her body when they saw Xiao Wei's writing. Jo McKinney, a 57 -year -old advertising director of New York, said: "Even as a woman sitting in front of the desk, I am not tired of my body, but I feel like I am in a balanced work and life. Very 'tearing'. In retrospect, I hope that every time I choose a family instead of work, the outside world should not label me without ambitions. Xiao Wei said that many of us want to say but dare not say feelings. : This society is unfair, and women must pay. "

The dilemma of women seems to be more prominent in sports. Lisa Banks, a well -known lawyer in Washington, who specializes in gender cases in the sports world, pointed out the cruel status quo of the sports industry: "As a woman, you can be a good mother and a top athlete at the same time, but if you are pregnant Can you do these two things at the same time? It is impossible. Because you will sacrifice some time, you will miss training, you must be at a disadvantage in the field. "

Similar to Xiaowei's situation, the beach volleyball player Kerry Walsh Jennings was just pregnant when he won the gold medal at the 2012 London Olympics. She said: "Obviously, not waiting for people. Usually, it is the most important thing to be a mother."

The Fourth Olympic Running Champion Sanya Richarus retired after the 2016 Olympic Games and formed a family with the former NFL defender Allen Rose. After seeing Xiao Wei’s decision, Sang Ya expressed his understanding. She said, "I don't want to say that this is unfair, but this is a cruel fact. As an excellent female athlete, we must consider many of our male movements I don't think about it. I always know that I don't want to be a family before retiring. I feel that becoming a athlete is the most selfish role I play, because the athlete's identity is always surrounded by you. Rest, restore, train, all all of them, all all Everything serves for athletes, and parents are the opposite. "

In this regard, long -distance runner Kara Goucher bluntly said: "You can often see men holding his child in the super bowl game. The reason he can do is because someone is helping him to take care of his child. But his mother This is not the case. "Previously, Gu Che was controversial for the problem of salary reduction during pregnancy. She said that when people began to realize this problem, female athletes lasted longer in their careers.

Jiupai News Intern reporter Chen Mengting

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