The latest Asian Flyer Ranking List exposure: Su Bingtian fell from the first to 13th, and the Japanese mixed -race reached the top

Author:Track and field time Time:2022.08.15

Recently, the latest Asian 100 -meter Flying Man Ranking has changed very quickly. From the latest exposed data, Chinese player Su Bingtian Su Shen fell from the first place to the 13th position now, and from the current position, from Japan's mixed -race player Sani Brown reached the top with his own strength and won the first Asian 100 -meter Flying Renpin Ranking.

Compared to Su Bingtian, the Japanese player Sanburg's own conditions and personal advantages are very obvious. First of all, it is worth mentioning the age of age. Su Bingtian is now 33 years old, but this Japanese player is still in it All of all track and field sprint players are relatively younger. Sini Brown was born in 1999. Now she is only 23 years old. The age of the spirit will undoubtedly decline with the growth of personal age, so in terms of physical strength, Su Bingtian, who is now 33, may be far less than ten years younger than him. Essence

Another is that their height is too different, and the height has a great impact on a track and field sprinter. There is even an exaggerated saying that "one step is long, stepped step by step", and it seems that in people’s fixed thinking, it seems to be in the thinking of people’s determination. I think that the height is relatively tall, and the speed of people with a long leg is much faster than the shorter person. The official height on the Internet indicates that Su Bingtian's height is only 1.72 meters, and the Japanese player Sani Brown was at the age of 16. There is already a height of 1.87 meters. It can be said that his physical condition is more superior. Sini Brown is a mixed -race, her mother is Japanese, and her father is Ghana. His father has played football, and his mother is track and field athletes. His family is more or less related to sports. On the other hand, Sanburra can also be regarded as inheriting a sports talent of his parents. Essence

As an athlete, the injury is the most normal situation. As a veteran, Su Bingtian can be regarded as a very serious injury. In many games this year The injury played, so he did not achieve particularly good results, and even the achievements were disappointing, but he said that he knew his own situation and said that the results he ran out of the past few times was expected. I believe that Everyone is looking forward to his injuries and healing, and he can return to its peak and even create history.

For the younger generation of freshmen, Sini Brown, his strength is very strong. In the Asian younger generation or even the older generation, he has no rivals. It is possible to break through the best score of 100M in Asian men -9 seconds 83 created by Su Bingtian, what will we be determined in the future, but young is the best capital to break through, let us also look forward to this Japan What kind of achievements can teenager in the future. It is also expected to return to the peak of Su Bingtian, and then Asia and Sanburg staged a fierce confrontation like Mars!

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