The youth group competition of the Provincial Games has ended successfully, and the Paushan delegation ranks ninth.

Author:Baoshan News Network Time:2022.08.18

On August 16th, the 32 -day Youth Team competition of the 16th Yunnan Provincial Games ended. The Baoshan delegation sent a total of 256 athletes, 40 coaches, and 14 leaders to participate in the youth group track and field, shooting, archery, football, basketball, volleyball, weightlifting, swimming, boxing, gymnastics, fencing, kayak, martial arts scattered, 13 182 small events. The youth group of the Baoshan delegation ranked ninth with 18 gold medals, 19 silver medals, and 25 bronze medals, ranking ninth with a score of 947.5 points. The Baoshan delegation is good at transporting outstanding athletes to provincial training units, cross -border selection materials for winter projects, participating in the Beijing Winter Olympics, participating in the 14th National Games (including the Winter Games), and the National Second Youth Fair. The performance was brought into the 84 gold medals of the contribution list of the Provincial Games in accordance with the regulations, ranking sixth in the province's contribution list. The above achievements have laid the foundation for talent to promote the construction of high -level sports.

The Statistical Table of the Youth Group Tale List

Bring in the gold medal statistical summary table

In the past 32 days, in various competition venues (places), a intense and exciting competition was conducted. Baoshan athletes united and cooperated, were not afraid of strong players, stubborn hard work, and courageous, and fully demonstrated the power of Baoshan and the speed of Baoshan in the youth.

Kayak athlete Yang Wenzhou won the 1,000 -meter kayak of the men's group A 1,000 meter gold medal. It is the first gold medal in the history of Baoshan to participate in the history of the Provincial Games.

Swimmer Yang Yajin won the women's backstroke all -around gold medal. This is the first gold medal won in the project in the project in the past 30 years.

The athlete Xia Guoyuan won the men's shot of the men's group group with a score of 16.99 meters, and was a record of shot shot shot in Yunnan Province.

Through this Provincial Games, a total of 25 outstanding sports reserve talents in Baoshan were discovered by the provincial excellent sports team and recruited for training.

This year's Provincial Games Baoshan Sports athletes have achieved new breakthroughs, and various project sports teams have frequently spread, showing the superb sports level and good competitive status. A display is a full practice of the new style of "faster, higher, stronger, and more united".

Source: Baoshan Education and Sports Editor: Jiang Yonghua Zheng Yixia Editor: Yang Qingzong's WeChat of Baoshan News Network is managed by the Polyshan News Network of the Propaganda Department of the Communist Party of China. Baoshan News Network is the fourth media managed by the Baoshan Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government. Pay attention to this account and you will be able to receive the news information of Baoshan in time. All rights reserved, please indicate the source! Paushan News Network Contact information Tel: 0875-2135020 QQ: 3049779830 (WeChat Same Number) Submitting mailbox: [email protected]

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