After the 95th beauty basketball coach, the face value of the face, led the team to win the national champion: the biggest advantage is occasional "small weakness", stimulating the boy's desire to protect

Author:Nine Pai News Time:2022.08.22

On August 22, according to the "Star Video" report of Changsha Radio and Television, the National Finals of the Chinese Junior High School Basketball League in the 2021-22 season has ended in Foshan, Guangdong. After the 95th, the beauty coach led the team to reverse the situation, tied the backward score, and finally won the championship.

After the game, Yu Hongjun was thrown up highly by the players. The champion coach was a "post -95" girl. Among the 8 teams in the men's finals, she was the only female coach.

In 2019, Yu Hongjun, who was still studying, became the head coach of this team. This time, due to the face value, netizens said that her face value and temperament did not lose the actress.

According to Xinhua News Agency, in 2019, Yu Hongjun, who was still studying in the second grade of graduate students, became the head coach of this team. He took them from the first year to the third grade.

During the training and competition, the guys called her "Yu Dao", but when she got off the court, Yu Hongjun was their most intimate "Jun Sister". Yu Hongjun said that as a female coach of a men's team, his biggest advantage is sometimes "small weakness".

This will stimulate the desire to protect these boys, and do not want the coaches to be sad, the young men will work hard on the court.

Picture source: Xinhua News Agency

Yu Hongjun said that she was also very close to the national champion. In 2017, she participated in the CUBA on behalf of Central South University and reached the semi -finals all the way. However, she lost to Tsinghua University in the semi -finals and finally won the third place.

[Source: Jiupai News Comprehensive Changsha Radio and Television "Star Video", Xinhua News Agency]

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