Dongping Zhizheng | Open a new digital economy track, and reshape the industrial landscape of the central city of Foshan!

Author:Foshan Daily Time:2022.06.19

The "strong center" of trillion Foshan ushered in the highlight of the digital economy!

On June 18, the 2022 Foshan Digital Economy Innovation and Smart Social Governance Conference was held in Chancheng. At the meeting, Huawei, Tencent, Ali,, Kuaishou and other Chinese digital economies were led by the Chinese digital economy, and 26 companies signed a contract to enter Chancheng. Foshan also officially opened the prelude to the construction of a digital economy innovation gathering area.

This is the glory of Chancheng and the mission of Chancheng!

It is located in the core area of ​​the Greater Bay Area and the "six most" Chancheng, which is the central city of Foshan. It takes the industrial Internet as the new starting point and breakthrough point, and the main line of digital industrialization and industrial digitalization. Support, shoulder the heavy responsibility of Foshan's new track of the digital economy, officially rang Foshan's full attack on the drums of the top 100 trillion market for the digital economy!

When the development of my country faces a complex and severe situation and many risk challenges, when Foshan ushered in a critical moment of economic transformation, it is necessary to find new efforts, breakthroughs, and growth points. What are the considerations behind? How can we show their fists in the ascendant digital economy industry and make a benchmark for the high -quality development of Foshan?

2022 Foshan Digital Economy Innovation Development and Smart Social Governance Conference site. /Photo by Foshan Daily reporter Fu Shiga

The coexistence of digital economy and intelligent governance

Many years later, when people look back at this digital economy innovation development and smart social governance conference, it will definitely think that this is a milestone iconic event for Foshan to compete for the digital economy track.

The "National Intelligent Social Governance Experimental Features Base (Community Governance)" has been awarded, the construction of the Foshan Digital Economy Innovation Gathering Area was launched, and the "Implementation Measures for the Implementation of Digital Economy Development in Zen City" was released. (Chancheng) 26 major projects such as the Industrial Internet Innovation Center, Alibaba Cloud Digital Innovation Service Platform, Smart City and Industrial Digital and Upgrade Sign signed and landed to jointly outline the positioning of Smart Social Governance to promote Smart Social Governance and promote the development of the digital economy development. route.

The digital economy industry project in Chancheng District, Foshan City was unveiled. /Photo by Foshan Daily reporter Fu Shiga

Entering the new stage of development, whoever has the "number" has mastered the initiative of development.

"The development of the digital economy of the Chancheng has opened a new milestone and ushered in a new golden period." At the meeting, Yan Bing, secretary of the Chancheng District Party Committee and district, issued a declaration of determining the digital economy: "Standing on the new history At the starting point, Chancheng will take advantage of the Foshan and Radiation Bay Area, with the Foshan Digital Economy Innovation Gathering Area as the platform, and the main line of digital industrialization and industrial digitalization. The intellectual transformation of 100 million manufacturing provides stable empowerment support, and strives to be the county -level benchmark of digital China. "

This is a layout that is expected to reconstruct Foshan's central urban area.

According to the plan, the Foshan Digital Economy Innovation Gathering Area will anchored the strategic goal of "515" high -quality development, and around digital industrialization and industrial digitalization, in core technology industry development, industrial digital transformation, digital governance, digital economic infrastructure, data Factor circulation and other aspects are the first to explore, and strive to build a national digital government reform and innovation benchmark, a new platform for digital industrialization in the Greater Bay Area, and the digital demonstration zone of the Zhujiang West Bank Industrial.

Painting is a beautiful blueprint, aiming at the goal of the entire industry chain of the digital economy, Zencheng is ambitious.

On the one hand, Chancheng's rare determination and efforts to build a Foshan digital economy innovation gathering area.

Construction determination is rare before: Zen City with an area of ​​only 150 square kilometers, and in the core area of ​​the inch, it takes about 20 square kilometers to build a Foshan digital economy innovation gathering area, which is equivalent to the entire ancestral temple street.

Foshan Digital Economy Innovation Gathering Area.

It is rare before supporting: the "True Gold and Silver" will support the construction of digital enterprises, industrial parks, and platform construction, with a maximum reward of 200 million yuan.

The project is rare before the project: Huawei, Tencent, Ali,, Kuaishou and other "top -flow" enterprises and other "top -flow" enterprises have settled in, not only to provide full chain support for the intelligent transformation of Foshan's manufacturing industry, but also expected to bring the Digital economy development of the Greater Bay Area. Sample, Foshan Plan.

On the other hand, Chancheng's efforts to promote the development of the digital economy to promote the reform of the digital economy are not reduced. Taking digital reform as a traction, relying on the main line of social governance reforms with "integrated command, one -network unification, one -size governance, one -yard, and uniform", leveraging a series of convenient reform scenes to the landing, so that "digital Zen The city "is smarter and smarter. These reforms and explorations will not only focus on systems and collaboration, but also have important demonstration significance for the difficulties and hotspots of national reforms such as departmental barriers and re -approval logic, which will have important demonstrations in the province and similar regions of the country.

The two themes of the digital economy and wisdom governance seem to be different, but they are symbiosis, integration, and prosperity. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, in the national strategic layout and exploration of various places, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Shanghai and other places have proven that the development of the digital economy and the reform of smart governance have promoted and promoted each other.

This is also the logical starting point for Chancheng to promote the reform of intelligent social governance.

From the beginning, Chancheng has included the reform of social governance and the construction of a business environment on system deployment, integrated layout, and the establishment of "comprehensive pilots of Guangdong Province to create intelligent construction, co -governance sharing and shared social governance pattern Functional positioning "Fourteen Five -Year Plan" goal as the core puzzle of the first -class business environment.

And the advancement of smart governance, further "feedback" the high -quality development of the digital economy: on the one hand, build a first -class business environment with higher urban efficiency, lower cost, and better service, and help digital economy enterprises thrive; on the other hand Digital technologies create more copy and promote application scenarios and market spaces, and open a new growth channel for digital economy enterprises.

Chancheng took the lead in launching a big data analysis system in the province to empower citizens employment and enterprise entrepreneurship.

The new track of trillion Foshan "Strong Center"

The digital economy represents the new productive forces and new development directions. It is regarded as an important driving force for the Chinese economy in the next decade or even more. Its strategic position is once again raised.

Earlier this year, the State Council issued the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" digital economy development plan, which mentioned the development goals of the digital economy: by 2025, the digital economy will move towards a comprehensive expansion period, and the added value of the core industry of the digital economy will account for 10%.

From these data predictions, the development prospects of digital economy in the next three years will reach a 10 trillion -level market.

Practice has proved that since 2018, a series of external uncertainties have been encountered. The continuous growth of the digital economy has played an important supporting role in my country's economic stable growth, structured structure, and quality.

The 13th Party Congress Report of the Provincial Congress clearly states that strengthening the digital economy leadership and building a national digital economy innovation and development pilot zone.

At present, Foshan, which has entered the ranks of trillion GDP cities, has also reached the critical stage of "climbing upside", and urgently needs to find new efforts, breakthrough points, and growth points.

Under the context of strengthening and biging to make the digital economy, Chancheng should take responsibility and take advantage of the trend. It undoubtedly become a key one for Foshan to reconstruct the development pattern of industrial space and plan new economic growth points to break the economic downturn.

Standing at the "era of the times" of the digital economy change, Foshan also used practical actions to demonstrate this "tangible hand" to actively support the high -quality development of digital companies' high -quality development. A big penalty policy and measures were introduced to set up digital intelligent transformation and development funds with a total scale of 30 billion yuan and 10 billion yuan in the first phase of the first phase.

As China's digital economy ushered in a new inflection point, whoever can create the entire industry chain of the digital economy can seize the high point of the digital economy development system.

In the wave of digital economy, how to build and introduce more digital transformation platforms and service providers to serve Foshan SMEs, help Foshan's industrial digital "overwhelming", and help Foshan plant a new "flower of industry" on the "number" "?

Chancheng will take the Foshan Digital Economy Innovation Gathering Area as an important starting point, and uses the development of digitalization to develop new advantages of new kinetic energy.

From the perspective of space carrier, Foshan's digital economy innovation gathering area, in terms of space scale and supporting quality, can be described as the second to Foshan; from the perspective of industrial policy, the implementation of implementation measures in the Chancheng District will further enhance the "gold content" of Foshan's policies in related fields; From the perspective of the first batch of projects, involving industrial automation, digital economy, urban governance, live e -commerce, online entertainment and other fields, almost covered all aspects of the digital economy, and fully explained that Huawei, Tencent, Ali,, Kuaishou and other Chinese digital economies The giant is optimistic about the development of the digital industry in Chancheng.

Zhizhengjun believes that when Foshan accelerates the "run" for the new digital economy, Chancheng deeply cultivates the main track of the industrial digitalization, which not only serves Foshan to create a digital transformation of digital production, but also allows themselves to span 21 billion in GDP and economic density. After getting close to Shenzhen, the hundred -foot pole is further, cracking the bottleneck of land resources, forming a new digital economy industrial cluster, and creating a new growth point of high -quality development.

China Resources Division Industrial Internet Industry Headquarters Project, Huawei (Chancheng) Industrial Internet Innovation Center and other key digital economy projects have successively entered the State -owned Enterprise Enterprise of the State -owned Assets Supervision and Administration Bureau of Chancheng District -Foshan High -tech Industrial Investment Development Co., Ltd.'s High -tech Park.

The Zen City Plan of the Digital Economy "Main Battlefield"

The explosive growth of the digital economy in the first half of the game has created Internet giants such as Tencent, Ali, and Jingdong, and also reshaped the industrial map of Chinese cities. However, almost all the leaders in this half are first -tier cities. In the face of the "Matthew effect" of "stronger strong", how does Chancheng represent the "new first -tier city" Foshan in the second half of the digital economy and kill a new road? In November 2021, Chancheng first wrote the creation of the Foshan Digital Economy Innovation Gathering Area to the District Party Congress Report, but this fall, while causing heated discussion in the field, there was also concerns: compared to the "old" of the deep -leaf of the digital economy, In first -tier cities, especially Guangzhou and Shenzhen, which are close at hand, Chancheng represents Foshan's digital economy. What are the advantages to rely on?

People in the industry believe that compared with Guangshen, Foshan develops the digital economy at this time, and must do something. In the digital economy ecosystem, it must accurately find its own "ecological position" and integrate into the digital economy industry. The realistic strategy is to first cut into the application -oriented industry to form research and development in Guangshen, and the benign industry interaction applied in Foshan.

This is also the ideal situation that Chancheng wants to appear. Performing the construction of the work plan of the Foshan Digital Economy Innovation Gathering Area, the three key movements are noticeable:

The first is to accelerate the application of the digital economy, promote the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy, and empower the traditional manufacturing transformation of Foshan; the second is to introduce and cultivate digital intelligent transformation service providers, industrial Internet platforms, digital economy enterprises to create 100 billion industrial clusters; The third is to straighten out the digital governance system, find common problems, and explore the "sample of Chancheng" to promote the development of the digital economy.

The three trends are not only a sober understanding of their own endowments, but also based on their own advantages: Foshan ’s manufacturing industry’ s digital transformation is driven, and it has become the biggest dependence on the development of the digital economy in Chancheng. Based on this cornerstone, Chancheng can go further, with strong application -oriented, cultivate the digital economy industry cluster, and explore new samples of digital governance.

On the new track of the digital economy, Chancheng was highly hoped by Foshan. Last year, at the beginning of Foshan's comprehensive opening of a new round of manufacturing, the main leaders of the Foshan Municipal Party Committee demanded Chancheng, "we must strive to create a Foshan digital economy innovation gathering area." Earlier this year, the Foshan Municipal Government's work report further clarified that "supporting Chancheng District to create a digital economy innovation gathering area."

The city of Chancheng launched a general attack on the entire city of Foshan, which undoubtedly became the "best choice."

The high -quality urban environment and perfect urban facilities have made the most conditional Chancheng centered on highlands such as digital economic talents, technology, and funds; The most foundation of the vast application scenario and urban atmosphere of the digital economy; earlier the digital economy of the road, the industrial heritage formed, and allowed Zencheng to plant the digital economy soil.

Compared with the surrounding areas, these advantages of Chancheng may not be enough to become a "sprinkle" to determine success or failure, but when all advantages form a comprehensive effect and chemical reaction, and then produce the multiplication effect with Foshan manufacturing, Chancheng City is in the Foshan manufacturing. There is the confidence of "not to let people step", and the spirit of "whoever is giving up".

Smart New Town area, focusing on the deployment of enterprise headquarters, IT, financial services and other industries.

The turning point is the bursting point of the Chancheng proposition

In the track of the digital economy, the Chancheng started early and entered the game quickly.

In recent years, Chancheng has made every effort to build a strong nuclear nuclear and developed digital economy. Leading enterprises such as Foshan Lighting, Guoxing Optoelectronics, and Sanshi Precision have taken the lead in layout the digitalization of industries, and bred the new digital industrialization such as outstanding Tao Federation and Zhibu Interconnection. There are more than 4,500 digital economy enterprises in the region, and the total output value has exceeded 70 billion yuan.

Today, when the digital economy enters the second half, how should Chancheng overtaking and turning the inflection point into the explosion point of its own development, leading the Foshan's digital economy to release strong momentum?

To achieve the digital economy "accelerating", Chancheng must not only widely learn the valuable experience of advanced areas, but also need to combine reality, adapt to local conditions, and go out with the problem -oriented digital economic development.

First, passion through the barrier, contribute more Chancheng solutions and Foshan samples.

On the one hand, focusing on regulating the development of the digital economy and improving the system of digital economy governance, focusing on a major issue that restricts the development of the digital economy and has universal significance for the country, forming a number of experience and samples of reform and innovation and innovation. On the other hand, it is integrated to promote the reform of intelligent social governance and the reform of the business environment, and conduct deep -seated explorations around the pain points of the development of the digital economy, and create a business environment that is more suitable for the development of the digital economy.

Second, adhere to positioning and embed the circle of friends in the digital economy.

Facing the spillover of first -tier cities and leading enterprises, Chancheng should adhere to the traditional manufacturing of Foshan, accurately introduce and cultivate a number of application -oriented digital economy enterprises, and deeply embed the digital economy division of labor in urban agglomeration and industry leaders. At the same time, we should better play the accumulation of their own digital transformation field, and promote big data resources such as government data and urban data to become the "new land" for digital economy enterprises to innovate and entrepreneurship.

Third, build a platform and shape more digital transformation professional platforms.

The vast majority of small and medium -sized enterprises occupying Foshan's manufacturing landscapes need to be enabled by professional platforms to realize digital transformation. Chancheng can introduce the industrial Internet platform according to the characteristics of Foshan to empower more enterprises to improve cost reduction and efficiency; it can also support local enterprises and industry associations to establish a platform to solve the pain points of the industry's common digital intelligence transformation.

Fourth, people -oriented, create a digital economic talent highland.At present, domestic digital economy talents are mainly gathered in first -tier cities and provincial capitals. Foshan's attractiveness to digital economic talents is not obvious enough.Chancheng can make breakthroughs first, refer to Suzhou, Wuxi and other cities, and introduce more competitive digital economic talents to the introduction and cultivation policies of digital economic talents in terms of subsidies, talent apartments, tax reduction and exemption.


Facing the future, Foshan, who is aspiring to innovate and embrace innovation, has stood at a new starting point.Empowering Foshan's high -quality development, "Six Most" Chancheng is planting "numbers" to cultivate "clouds", and strives to make a demonstration from trials to demonstration, becoming a dream field for the development of Foshan's digital economy and even the development of the digital economy industry in China.

Foshan National Torch Innovation Park.Focus on layout of artificial intelligence, biomedicine, new materials, technology incubation, new energy and other industries.

The main writer of Zhizheng/Deng Lei, Zheng Yichun

Zhizheng Editor/Lu Runzhi

Knowledge Video/Lu Runzhi, Tian Jixian

Picture/Chancheng Rong Media Center

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