Many Chinese men's volleyball team confirmed a new crown in the Philippines

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.06.21

Notice on the Chinese Men's Volleyball Team to participate in the World League situation

After the Chinese Men's Volleyball Team ended in the first week of the Basilia Station, he arrived in the Philippines on the evening of June 17 to participate in the Quansong Station.After learning about the test results, the Chinese Volleyball Association communicated with the International Volleyball Association for the first time, coordinating the team's re -inspection and follow -up matters.After re -examination, many people were diagnosed with a new crown.According to the organizing committee of the event organizing committee on the "confirmed positive athletes must be isolated for 5 days", the Chinese men's volleyball team cannot make up at least 6 players to participate in the French team originally scheduled to be held on June 22, Beijing time,The Chinese team is deemed to be abstained and sentenced to 0: 3.

In the next step, the China Volunteer Association will actively do a good job in the treatment of recovery, and maintain close communication with the FIA, and coordinate the team's follow -up work.

China Volleyball Association

June 20

Screenshot of the official website

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