Reading Sports | Rowing sports with Shanghai, from this game ...

Author:Shanghai Sports Time:2022.06.25

Record Shanghai Sports Development with text

Reading and drawing on sports culture

October 2021

Books produced by the Municipal Sports Propaganda Education Center

"Boat in Shanghai -Shanghai Rowing Sports Centennial"

The production of one year is completed

Hundreds of fighting streams

Break the waves in the wind and bloom Fanghua

Shanghai is the starting point for modern sports to enter China

It is also the "cradle" of the Chinese rowing movement

How does rowing move to Shanghai?

When did the first boat race played?

The book tells you the answer

This issue of Shanghai sports reading

Follow the small body

"Boat in Shanghai -Shanghai Rowing Sports Centennial"

Back to Shanghai in the 19th century

See how the rowing sports originated from Pujiang

How to come to Shanghai?

The time goes back to November 17, 1843, the port was opened in Shanghai. At that time, Chinese and foreign officials, foreign businessmen, and western missionaries came together. The city's open and inclusive personality allowed Chinese and Western multiculturalism to coexist here. For a period of time after the opening of Shanghai, as an important part of the lives of overseas Chinese, many modern sports from Europe have been introduced to Shanghai, and the loved rowing sports that are loved by the British are naturally one of them.

At that time, Shanghai could always see the foreigner youth movement. One of the most influential English newspapers "Word Forest Weekly" published in China had a detailed record: "Foreigners who love sports in Shanghai are in Shanghai. There are a lot of outdoor activities that can be selected, even more than other cities in London or other British cities. They can not only play tennis on the maintenance of the perfect lawn, play campaign in the complete facilities, but also in the river channel only 5 minutes away from the office. Rowing, or own horses. "It can be seen that sports sports were very popular at the time.

The Western Person Scenes painted by the Shiyin Pictorial in the late Qing Dynasty

So, how does the rowing movement have an indescribable bond with Shanghai? All this is related to Shanghai's own conditions. "The origin and development of rowing sports in Shanghai is closely related to the origin and development of this great seaport. This seaport has promoted the development of this water movement well. A book called Sampam Pidgin ("Board Affairs"), once recorded the origin of rowing sports and Shanghai. Shanghai is born of water and flourish due to water, and the river channels are undoubtedly provided with unique natural conditions for the development of water sports. Before organizing the competition, overseas Chinese outside Shanghai had begun to try to "play" rowing in waters to enrich their amateur life.

When will the rowing competition be recorded in China?

With the continuous development of rowing sports in Shanghai, on October 29, 1852, a group of foreign merchant ship crew members who loved water sports met with the Huangpu River and organized a boat with a rowing and sailing project. This is my country's first rowing competition in China, and the Chinese rowing movement was scratched. "Board Affairs" calls this competition "a new adventure of success".

In 1852, the first Chinese boat meeting was held on the Huangpu River

As the first modern newspaper that appeared in Shanghai after opening the port, it is also one of the longest and most influential in Chinese English newspapers in modern history. ) Also detailed reports on this game: "Last Friday on the Huangpu River, a small -scale rail meeting was achieved, and it was very commendable. Thanks to the staff for this effort for this and let Shanghai entertainment entertainment The event is no longer as tedious as before. Several sailing competitions were held in the afternoon. Many crew members on the ports participated in the entertainment activities of this day. Back to the ship where the referee is located. All the amateur players participating in this competition, the referee is Captain Sanderson. "

The success of the event has set off in the living circle of foreigners. Since then, similar rails will be held in 1857 and 1859. Many literati and Mo Ke also recorded the competition scene in words. In the "Magazine Magazine" by the thinker of the Qing Dynasty thinker Wang Tao, they once recorded the scene of the overseas Chinese race at the time: "The Wests used to fuck the boat. In order to be able to do things, although wealthy businessmen and scribes also like to learn. Every time in the spring and autumn, choose Huangpu empty to fight the boat for fun ... During the fight, dozens of boats drove together and compete first. mallard."

Rowing Encyclopedia

Question: The origin of China and the rowing row, so where did this sport born?

Answer: A small body reveals the answer for you, that is, a "noble movement" from the United Kingdom.

Question: When I learned about China's first rourite competition, when did the world ’s first rourite competition happened?

Answer: The small body reads the information carefully and found that on the Thames in the 17th century, the boatmen often held rowing competitions. The first -test -available formal rowing competition dates back to 1715. Wang Crown.

Question: Is there any classic rowing event a few centuries ago?

Answer: This problem is not small. In 1829, Oxford University and Cambridge University staged the school rowing competition for the first time. This famous traditional event continued to this day, with a history of nearly 200 years!

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