Rocket officials announced!James is an example, Owen has determined to leave the team, the Nets may dissolve on the spot

Author:Little Er Dian chatting Time:2022.06.26

As the free player market is getting closer, the various teams of the NBA are ready to be prepared. The cleansing space of the cleaning space should be cleaned up. same. The teams of the Rocket Lakers and the Nets are very concerned about their own destiny and goals. In the free player market, the Rockets will not be an active team. No interest, the Rockets will still aim to cultivate young players next season. The Lakers and the Nets must be the two most active teams, but their directions are completely opposite. The Lakers are fully strengthened, and the Nets seem to have the meaning of disbanding on the spot. The Rockets announced that one person stayed, James made an appointment for training to continue to lead by example, and the Nets ushered in huge changes.

According to the reporter of the Houston Number of Manager, the Rockets planned to execute the team's team option next season, leaving him in the team. As a front line with only 1.93 meters tall, Tate's sports ability and vitality gives him a feeling of shining in the rocket lineup. He can contribute 11.8 points and 5.4 rebounds this season, of which there are of them. 1.7 frontcourt rebounds, Tate is a member of the core rotation lineup of the Rockets this season, and his staying team is not unexpected than many people. In addition to the titter staying team, the Rockets defender Wall has become a high probability event. He will either be traded by the Rockets.

According to the NBA reporter WOJ, the Rockets will explore the transaction in the next few weeks to send away the contract of $ 47.4 million next season. If the transaction plan does not take shape, the Rockets will discuss with Wall to buy out. In my opinion, Volt is likely to leave the Rockets. He did not play in the Rockets this season. If you buy a contract with more than 90 million US dollars in two years, the Rockets are really lost. In the following, Volt also brought newcomers, and this season, if Volt stays in the Rockets, he will not have any appearance time. In salary, the Rockets can get a chance to breathe. Wall becomes a free player and attracts the attention of the playoff -level team like Heat and the Green Army.

If Wall does not want to be DNP for the second season and want to find a team to replace the substitute, buying is his only choice. In addition, if Wall and the Rockets reached a buyout, the Lakers would also have intention to Wall. There is no doubt that Wall will only get a basic salary contract if Wall signed a contract with other teams. For the loss of money, the Lakers are eager to make a comeback next season. Their core striker James trained crazy during the offseason. James not only completed the weight loss, but he trained a large number of external projection and mid -range projection. The level of competition extends his career.

Earlier, the assistant coach of the Lakers Phil Hamdi showed a training map of him and James on his personal ins, and Ete James was out of that time (training). And James also reposted and replied: "It's great, we will cheer for training, my brother." I have to say that we can maintain this state before the start of the 20th season of the career. James's self -discipline and long -term maintenance The state of the peak is almost no ancient, but there are no coming, and it looks more difficult. The Lakers want to make a comeback next season. At the same time as James, the operation of management is also essential. They aimed at the Nets back of the Nets.

Earlier, Owen was exposed to the end of the renewal negotiations with the Nets, and the relationship between the two parties was very tense. Earlier, the Nets officially issued the latest team ticket promotional photos. Zhang was Durantician Monce, on both sides, Joe Ha and Cameron Tomas, and then only Durant and Kurry, a promotional photo. Obviously, Owen had been removed. I still remember that before Harden walked, the Nets also had the same operation. On the team's season ticket, Harden was wiped out and replaced by Bruceshram. Now the way of the Nets treats Irving is the same. Thoroughly ruptured, there is only time to leave the team.

Boss Cai finally touched it, but he may face the dissolution of the team on the spot. Owen's departure will inevitably affect Durant's decision. Durant has been exposed to observing the operation of the Nets and the situation of Owen. At the same time, according to the NBA reporter report, Durant was very disappointed with the Nets. He had not communicated with the Nets management for a long time. Durant only expressed respect for Irving, and he also said that he also said that he also said that Regardless of where Irving is in the future, their friendship has been farewell to such a similar farewell, many teams have opened an emergency plan that Durant may leave the Nets, from management to coaching groups. Now the character lineups and core lineups are welcome. When it was turbulent, the Nets had a wave of superb blood change during this offseason.

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