Come here, can you see that this is a primary school student playing basketball?

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.06.26

The Yangtze River Daily Da Wuhan Client June 26th News On June 26th, 2022 Wuhan Youth Games Small Basketball and the National "Miao Miao Cup" small basketball game (Wuhan Division-Club Group) Finals, in Wuhan Economic Development Zone 5The ring basketball center ended.

The competition is the only official elementary school student basketball event hosted by Wuhan. It is also the official elementary school student basketball event with the highest authoritativeness, the most widely covered, and most participants in Wuhan.Don't look at their young age. On the arena, the real strength of the little players shows the professionalism.

(Yangjiang Daily reporter Yu Zhiyong Photography Report)

【Edit: Ding】

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