Tai'an City Taishan District in 2022 "Wanbu has an appointment" Walk incentive Compet

Author:Shandong Sports Morning News A Time:2022.06.13

Sports Morning News, June 13th. On the morning of June 11, the seventh "Wanbu has a contract" Walking incentive Contest Taishan District event launching ceremony was held at the Red Gate Plaza at the foot of Taishan. 150 Healthy League members from 13 representatives of 13 representatives from all agencies and enterprises and institutions from Taishan District participated. The event was hosted by the Taishan District People's Government of Tai'an City, organized by the Taiishan District Health and Health Bureau, the Taishan District Disease Control Center, and co -organized by the Tai'an Outdoor Hiking Sports Association.

Wang Juanjuan, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Tai'an Center for Disease Control and Prevention, attended the launching ceremony and delivered a speech. She pointed out that "Wanbu has an appointment" walking activity is of great significance for guiding the masses to establish a scientific movement concept, develop a healthy and civilized lifestyle, and improve the health of the career. Through the walking competition, it will attract more people to participate in the national fitness movement, enhance the citizens' sense of identity and happiness, and achieve the purpose of preventing chronic diseases and promoting health.

Li Lidong, deputy head of the People's Government of Taishan District, announced that in 2022, the "Wanbu You" Walking Incentive Competition in Taishan District was launched. After the launching ceremony, the leaders and participants who attended the ceremony walked 2 kilometers on the green road of Hushan Park.

The person in charge of the Taishan CDC said that during this competition, a series of supporting activities such as walking, health lectures, and essay contests will continue to be organized to inspire and drive more people to participate in national fitness, so as to prevent and control chronic diseases with the public. The combination of fitness organic combines the "Healthy Taishan" construction. (Correspondent Huang Xiaofang)

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