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Author:Shanghai Sports Time:2022.07.07

Looking back at the road, Shanghai Sports shines from the blue wrapping of the road to the stars; looking forward to the prospects, the Shanghai Sports Chinchuang City is ready to go. On July 7, the Summer Training Symposium and Anti -Doping Work Conference of the Shanghai Excellent Sports Team in 2022 were held in the form of video conferences. The main venue of the meeting is located at the Shanghai Chess Academy. The branch venue is located at Chongming Sports Training Base, Oriental Green Boat Sports Training Base, Xinzhuang Sports Training Base, and related training units.

Xu Bin, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Municipal Sports Bureau, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Lu Yan, deputy secretary and deputy director of the party group, attended the meeting. Luo Wenhua, deputy director, chaired the meeting.

Dialogue on the screen is full of passion

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Xu Bin said that the Paris Olympic Games and the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao National Games are urgent and the tasks are arduous. The victory of the National Congress of the National Congress has contributed to the construction of a well -known global sports city in Shanghai.

Zhang Yi, director of the Youth (Science and Education) Division of the Municipal Sports Bureau, reported on the city's anti -stimulant work. The Shanghai Anti -Doping Center was recommended by the Department of Science and Education of the State General Administration of Sports as a commendation unit of the National Sports Industry Outstanding Contribution Award in 2021. Shanghai's anti -stimulant work will further strengthen the construction of the organizational system, optimize the working mechanism, adhere to punishment and prevention, build and improve the long -term governance system, and resolutely achieve zero tolerance of stimulants.

Representatives, physical coach representatives, lead representatives, representatives of training cadres, scientific research representatives, and medical representatives exchanged speeches. Everyone was full of passion and fighting spirit.

As a coach of the Shanghai Hyundai Five Team, Cao Zhongrong said that the team has explored the programmatic participation model in the new competition situation. It will establish a higher starting point according to the actual results of winter training, and carefully and seriously do a good job of summer training plan, which reflects the reflection The scientific and advanced nature of the training is devoted to the summer training work with the sense of urgency of me.

The higher the level, the higher the physical fitness requirements of the athletes. Zhang Dong, a physical coach Zhang Dong, proposed that the focus of summer training for physical training should shift from basic forces to explosive power, from basic physical energy to special physical fitness, and further meet the special project characteristics and requirements. Xia Xun is in a high -temperature and high -humidity external environment. It is necessary to make full use of the strength of the composite team of the training department to allow sports scientific research to escort Xia Xun's work.

Shoulders the responsibilities of education guidance management and service guarantee, Sui Jingjing, the leader of the Shanghai swimming team, believes that in the face of the new cycle preparation work, it is necessary to further create iron discipline in the team, create a love atmosphere, and inspire the fighting spirit of winning. Confidence and determination to stand on the stage with a new look.

Ren Limin, director of the Training Office of the Municipal Competitive Sports Training Management Center, said that competitive sports are not only the competition of strength, but also the competition of talents and talents, systems and system competitions, systems and system competitions. In the new cycle, we must innovate concepts, change concepts, reasonably locate, and stimulate organizational vitality; to build a platform, win -win, innovative mechanism, and release organizational vitality. Only by determining the goal and being brave can we work hard to start a new journey.

田径科研团队负责人何俊良表态,团队将秉承以服务运动员为核心的理念,在下阶段的科技助力工作中,探索实践高质量训科医一体化模式,利用各类数据共同为教练员制定训练计划提供Help, maximize training benefits, and promote the continuous improvement of sports achievements.

Lu Xinkan, the leader of the urban film medical work group, said that the team will ensure the summer training diagnosis and treatment for outstanding athletes through the team medical work, medical work group, physical education hospital, and designated hospital. Screening and evaluating, not fear of difficulties, not fear of heat, based on posts, and do medical security work in real sports teams.

Competitive Sports Storm

Sports Glory shines in Shanghai

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the Shanghai Athletic Sports Training Management Center. In these 70 years, Athletic Sports in Shanghai has gone through storms, forming a unique urban competitive sports development pattern with unique Shanghai characteristics. A generation of outstanding athletes fought for the honor of the motherland and added glory to Shanghai cities.

During the epidemic, Shanghai sports athletes, especially a group of rookie teenagers, performed brightly on the world's arena and frequently passed on, and achieved a double harvest of sports performance and spiritual civilization. For example, the Olympic champion of the Olympic champion under the age of 17, at the 2022 International Swimming Federation World Championships, won the two gold medals of 10 meters of diving women and two people. athlete. High jumping teenager Lu Jiawen won the championship in the 2022 World Field Intercontinental Tour Caliia Station in May this year. The 24 -year -old shot player Song Jiayuan refresh his best record with 20.38 meters.

Centennial summer training hard practice

Shanghai athletes fighting spirit

2022 is the key year preparing for the 2024 Paris Olympics, and it is also the year of the 2025 Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao National Games and the Milan Winter Olympics in 2025. This year's summer training starts from mid -to -late June to the end of September, about 100 days. In order to promote and practice this summer training, the Municipal Sports Bureau will carry out a series of activities, such as holding "to promote the strong body to condense the strong body and condense the style of the strong body" -The 2022 Sports Bureau's physical fitness competition and celebrate Shanghai The 70th anniversary of the establishment of the Athletic Sports Training Management Center has a physical fitness competition, enhance the athlete's physical foundation and team cohesion, and further create a preparation atmosphere for summer training to learn from learning. Coach coaching ability; innovate training methods to promote the use of lives, time -oriented projects to increase live video and media live broadcast efforts to improve the effects of testing and simulation in the team; innovate the "anti -stimulant propaganda month" activity to form people to form people People participation and resist the good atmosphere of stimulants. In this summer, Shanghai sports athletes will use sweat to show your youth and interpret your dreams with hard work. I believe that it will definitely lay a solid foundation for the new cycle to prepare for the war. More than 350 people including the leadership team of the Municipal Sports Bureau, the working group and the special committee of the preparation office, the members of the leadership team of each training, scientific research and guarantee units attended the meeting.

Some pictures: Wang Jiabin, Vision China

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