The World League defeated Brazil's deputy attack Li Yongzhen 3-0 thanks to the team for the team

Author:China Sports News Time:2022.06.15

"Li Yongzhen's blocked net is too handsome!" On June 12, Beijing time, the World Men's Volleyball League Brazilian Men's Volleyball Team defeated the three Olympic champion Brazilian men's volleyball team 3-0, shaking the volleyball circle at home and abroad. Attacking Li Yongzhen's two key blocks in the last game attracted attention.

The World Men's Volleyball League is the second international official competition that Li Yongzhen played on behalf of the Chinese men's volleyball team. At the Asian Championships last September, he participated in the competition for the first time as a national player. He won the Bronze Medal of the Asian Championship with the Chinese men's volleyball team. Essence

Li Yongzhen, who has a beautiful appearance, is called "Violence Deputy Attack" by fans. On the one hand, because of his fast offense and great strength. On the other hand, in the domestic sub -attack mainly based on jumping balls, Li Yongzhen was jumper, and the same speed was fast and powerful. In addition to offense and serve, another feature of Li Yongzhen is that the footsteps movement is fast, and the ability to block both sides is strong. Although his 2 -meter height is not high in the secondary attack, the speed and good prediction have made up for the disadvantages of height.

"This best side offensive is more lucky." After winning the best sub -attack in the Asian Championships, Li Yongzhen once said that this honor also inspired him to move forward. He also looked forward to this year study.

Although it was the first time to participate in the World League, Li Yongzhen was not frightened and dared to impact the strong team. After 4 games in the first week of the World Men's Volleyball League, he scored 32 points, of which the block scored 11 points, with an average of 2.75 points per game, ranking 2nd in the league block. The first place was the French star, the best sideline winner of the Tokyo Olympic Games, Qining Yeze, and the gap between Li Yongzhen and him was only 1 point.

In the game against the Brazilian men's volleyball team on the 12th, Li Yongzhen was replaced in the third game, but after the Chinese team reappeared 19-22, he first helped the Chinese team to win the attack. The key block stopped the opponent's deputy attack Flavio, changed the situation on the field, and helped the Chinese team transforming from passive to initiative. In the end, the team scored 3-0 to defeat the opponent and burst out of upset.

In addition to the high level of blocking and fast break, this league Li Yongzhen also restored his jumping goal, because he was injured in the domestic league last year, Li Yongzhen then changed to a jumping ball, and he has been using the ball. After recovery, Li Yongzhen began to use jumping, but he still needed more games to find feelings.

"Unity and unanimous victory is really amazing. This feeling is really amazing. As a member of this team, I am honored to thank our team." After defeating the Brazilian men's volleyball team, Li Yongzhen felt strong teamwork.

Picture source: Xinhua News Agency

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