Guangzhou Huadu nationwide to achieve "closing", that is, "obtaining certificates"

Author:Yangcheng Evening News Yangche Time:2022.08.19

Text/Yangcheng Evening News all -media reporter Zhou Cong Correspondent Hua Xuan

On the afternoon of August 12, the Huadu District Real Estate Registration Center launched the "Real Estate Registration+Power Transfer" joint service at the first real estate of Xiuquan Street. The 29 owners not only received the key to the new house at the service site, but also received the property right certificate simultaneously. The transfer of power transfer is also completed simultaneously to achieve seamless connection between "closing" and "obtaining permits".

在现场,花都区不动产登记中心工作人员为业主现场开展不动产登记线下核验登簿工作,提供不动产登记及税务、用电等相关业务咨询,推广不动产权电子证照,推广不动产登记、缴税、 Electricity and other online handling and handling. With the full rollover and promotion of the measures of "paying the house", it not only effectively protects the legitimate rights and interests of the owners, but also effectively promotes the integrity of real estate development enterprises, allowing more families to share the reform of optimizing the business environment. Achievements.

In recent years, Huadu District has strengthened scientific and technological empowerment, innovative service forms, and vigorously promoted various registered property reform service measures such as "paying the house" and other registered property reform services. On the basis of the "one -window joint office and the Netcom Office of the transfer, the" Real Estate Registration+Electricity Services "online is the first to achieve incremental housing" real estate registration+electricity service "nationwide.

Source | Yangcheng Evening News · Yangcheng School

Editor -in -law | Chen Qian

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