There was a sign of heating in the property market.

Author:Dahe Cai Cube Time:2022.06.20

The real estate market finally touched.

Data from many institutions show that market sales have recovered in the first half of June. According to the data of Zhongda Securities Report, from early June to 17th, the transaction area of ​​42 major cities covered by 42 major cities increased by 49%month -on -month, of which first, second, and third -tier cities increased by 122%, 44%, and 31%respectively.

Many insiders and market participants interviewed also mentioned that recent sales have been repaired. According to data provided by a housing company in South China, since June, the Greater Bay Area and East China areas where their key layouts have doubled.

The second -hand housing market has also improved significantly. Data from Shell Research Institute show that in the first half of June, the average daily transaction volume of the 50 -city second -hand houses monitored by the 50 cities was more than 20%compared to May.

The gradual restoration of the market has benefited from the control of the epidemic and the stabilization of the property market in various places. The industry believes that most policies are conducive to promoting the release of housing demand.

Sales improvement also brought an excitement in the stock market. On June 20, the Hong Kong stock market sector rose sharply, and Hang Seng Real Estate Construction led the rise in various industries with a 3.4%increase. Among them, Jiayuan International Holdings (02768.HK) increased by more than 90%, and nearly 80%of the stock price rose.

Huatai Securities pointed out that the current sales have emerged, but due to the repeated epidemic situation, the expectations of real estate supply and demand expectations, and the economic downturn, the sales power of the economy is still low.

A positive signal appears in the property market

Since June, the long -lost landscape has appeared in the property market in many cities.

On June 16, the New World · Urban Art Center developed by Hong Kong -funded developers in Hangzhou ushered in the first round of opening, and the first 601 suite home was sold out day by day. According to data provided by the New World China, the subscription amount of the project exceeds 7 billion yuan, setting a new record for a single -day sales in Hangzhou in history, and there are nearly 10,000 groups of customers who register for registration.

South China Real Estate Enterprise Company also felt the market recovery signal. In June, its layout of the Greater Bay Area and East China area doubled. The transaction of 100 million.

In the Nanjing market, a person in the marketing line of a head of private housing companies released a poster saying that on June 19, the real estate company had a sale of 150 million yuan in Nanjing. In the Wuxi market, there are new house intermediaries that a South China housing company in a local project, "There was a family agent company sold 32 units last month, which is still not a big agent."

In the Suzhou market, according to the data disclosed by Ke Rui, in the first half of June, Suzhou's transaction area was 361,300 square meters, an increase of 75.56%from the same period from May. It is expected that the overall transaction volume in June will be about 700,000 square meters. "In June, this transaction volume has been better than last four quarters," Kerry pointed out. "Suzhou New Housing Market has been in a low position for eight consecutive months since the fourth quarter of last year. The monthly performance is the best. "

Another person in the Suzhou market told the First Finance, "The current data is obvious, and it should be better next month. Several sections in Suzhou are breaking through the price limit. This wave of the average price may also promote transactions."

Since June, the transaction performance of the Shanghai property market has continued to rebound. According to the data of Shanghai Zhongyuan Real Estate, within a week from June 13-19, the transaction area of ​​the new house in Shanghai was about 217,600 square meters, an increase of 34.03%month-on-month, which basically returned to normal level.

On the whole, according to the research and report data of Zhongda Securities, as of the 17th in June, the transaction area of ​​new houses in four first -tier cities rose sharply, with a total transaction area of ​​about 1.734 million square meters, an increase of 122%from the previous month; 4.666 million square meters, an increase of about 44%from the previous month; the increase in third -tier cities was 31%.

The second -hand housing market has also maintained an upward trend. According to the data of Zhongda Securities, since June, the transaction area of ​​second -hand housing covered by the 15 cities it covers was about 3.51 million square meters, a month -on -month increase of 37%.

"With the strong support of policies, we have confidence in the new round of growth of the economy. We believe that market confidence can be transmitted," said Huang Shaimei, executive director of New World Development Co., Ltd., director and chief executive officer of New World China.

Relaxing the policy densely

The continuous and dense property market loosening policy is a key driving force for market recovery.

According to the monitoring data of the Central Plains Real Estate, on the basis of the policy of stabilizing the property market in May in May, the policy was sprayed again in June. As of June 13, more than 60 cities have released more than 70 property market regulation measures, and some cities are in some cities. In the short term, the policy of stabilizing the property market has been added in the short term.

From the perspective of policy content, in June, the relaxation policy of nearly 30 cities involved increased the amount of provident fund loans and reducing the down payment for the number of down payment; in addition, more than 20 cities had various subsidies for house purchase.

Among them, shortly after the launch of "living loan", Wenzhou started with a series of policies from the perspective of reducing personal housing consumption burden, including reducing the down payment ratio of the first house to 20%, and 30%of the down payment ratio of the second home. Purchase the first house in the urban area to give consumer subsidies to promote the overall circulation of housing tickets.

Among them, "house tickets" are new policies that many cities have recently adopted, including Zhengzhou, Xinyang, Xuchang, and Nanjing Lishui District. CITIC Securities Research Report pointed out that if the house ticket model is promoted, it may help to make the real estate industry chain recovery due to the city's policy.

People insiders in the real estate industry in Nanjing said that the demand for demolition and resettlement was resolved by the government through demolition and resettlement housing, guarantee housing, and currency. Market demand will help the property market transaction. However, some third -party institutional analysts believe: "There are signs of recovery, but the market's performance under such a dense policy is still not ideal."

"Judging from the recent data of 30 cities in core cities across the country, from June 1st to 18th, the transaction area of ​​commercial housing has declined year-on-year." Song Hongwei, the research director of the Tongce Research Institute, also pointed out to First Financial that from the actual situation, various places in various places, localities around the country, localities, localities, localities, localities, localities, localities, localities, localities, all places in various places, localities, localities, all places in various places, localities in various places, localities, localities, localities, localities, localities, localities, localities, localities, localities, localities, localities, localities, localities, are all places. Real estate regulation is loose, but the confidence in the market has not yet obviously recovered.

A person headquarters located in the TOP10 housing company in South China also told First Finance that the market performance in June was improved from April and May, and there were signs of heating.

The above -mentioned head -of -housing companies Nanjing marketing lines also told First Financial that the performance of the recent recovery of the market is also related to the current sprints of each housing company. " Sales performance and repayment, the next round of land market situation will decide how the Nanjing market in the second half of the year. "

"It should be rationally viewing the changes in data. The changes in the online signing data on a single week cannot represent the absolute turn of the market. Restoration is a good sign for real estate companies, upstream and downstream, consumers, etc., and it is helpful for the improvement of confidence. "

Responsible editor: Wang Shidan | Audit: Li Zhen | Director: Wan Junwei

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