All are the first!The eight business of Xiamen Housing Provident Fund implemented "one thing, o

Author:Xiamen Daily Time:2022.06.14

Earlier this year, Mr. Zhang, a citizen, wished to buy a set of second -hand housing on the island as he wished. What surprised him was that when handling the right of house rights, he could apply for the housing provident fund at the same time. "Just fill in the information and submit the materials at one time, and you no longer have to move to multiple departments counters. It really achieves the" one processing ", which is too convenient!" Mr. Zhang told reporters.

Mr. Zhang is one of the beneficiaries of the "one thing at a time" promoted by the Municipal Housing Provident Fund Center. Focus on the high -frequency needs of the enterprise, through the process of reconstruction of the process of government service matters and data sharing. In recent years, the Municipal Housing Provident Fund Center seized the opportunity of digital reform, with a comprehensive optimization of the business environment. The bureau, the Municipal Housing Security Center, the Municipal Real Estate Registration Center and other departments and units linkage to continuously deepen reform measures, open up innovative service models, extend service tentacles, and successively launch a number of integrated package services. The window office and one network office "greatly enhanced the sense of experience and gain of the enterprise.

A stick run after running, running out of the "acceleration" of benefiting the people and the people. As of now, the Municipal Housing Provident Fund Center has launched eight "one thing" service matters, and it is the province or even the country. Integrated and efficient convenience services solves the pain points of "difficulty in doing things and running more", so that the masses of enterprises can do things.

Purchase affordable housing housing provident fund business can be "one -stop" joint organizational

The Municipal Housing Provident Fund Center moved the service window forward to the service hall of Xiamen Anju Group Co., Ltd. to provide a "one -stop" service for the application family of the purchase of affordable housing -that is, to realize the purchase of affordable housing contracts, withdrawn from provident fund, apply for provident fund loans and Signing and withdrawing the provident fund automatic loan business one -time application and one -stop joint office. This move is the first to implement in the country.

According to the previous approach, after the application households go through the house purchase procedures, if you want to go through the housing provident fund business, you need to run five trips: to the housing provident fund loan to be commissioned by the bank or the municipal administrative service center for provident fund loan consultation; Account query form; go to the municipal and district administrative service centers to apply for the provident fund withdrawal business; go to the housing provident fund loan to be commissioned by the bank or the municipal administrative service center to apply for a housing provident fund loan; after lending, the housing provident fund loan is commissioned by the bank loan.

Now, when signing and receiving a house purchase contract, the applicant can handle the provident fund service window in the service hall of Anju Group to handle the above five businesses, so that employees can "only enter one door" and "just run one trip" to avoid avoiding it to avoid Repeat the materials to save time. As of the end of May, the Municipal Housing Provident Fund Center has accumulated a total of 17,188 provident fund withdrawal for the purchase of employees in the purchase of security housing.

Integrated declaration of housing provident fund and various taxes and fees business

The country is the first to realize the integration of corporate housing provident funds and various taxes and fees. Earlier, companies needed multi -declaration, time -consuming and labor -intensive. Nowadays, you only need to log in to the Xiamen Electronic Taxation Bureau platform, and you can jump to the comprehensive service platform of the housing provident fund to handle the business without the second login.

Data statistics, since the launch of the initiative, as of now, the city's enterprises have jumped and logged in to handle the housing provident fund business through the electronic tax bureau platform.

The start -up enterprise can realize the "One Netcom Office"

In the province, it is the first to realize the registration of business entities for business entities, deposit registrations for housing provident fund units, and "One Netcom Office" for social endowment insurance account opening. Enterprises only need to log in to one platform, conduct a certification, and fill in a form, and they can settle a number of related businesses such as employment registration, employee participation registration, and housing provident fund units under the entry.

This moves the number of times the enterprise handles business between different government departments, and provides enterprises with more convenient ways to handle it. As of the end of May, 720 companies in our city have successfully opened the unit housing provident fund account through the "One Netcom Office".

Employee entry business implements "one thing, one thing, one thing,"

When employees enter the employee, the enterprise shall apply for the establishment of a housing provident fund personal account, employment registration, and social pension insurance participation in the housing provident fund. At present, the city's enterprises have opened a housing provident fund personal account for 378 employees through the "one thing and one thing".

The housing provident fund payment base and the social endowment insurance payment base can be declared one click

In the province, the city is the first to realize the one -click declaration of the housing provident fund deposit base and the social endowment insurance payment base. The unit of the unit only needs to log in to one platform, conduct a certification, and fill in a form, and you can apply for the annual payment base of the housing provident fund and the annual payment base of the social endowment insurance. In 2021, a total of 1,021 units that successfully applied for business in our city involved 27,340 employees.

Employee departure professional affairs realize "one thing, one thing, one thing,"

In the country, we took the lead in realizing the termination of the labor relationship of corporate employees, the social pension insurance reduction, and the sealing of the provident fund account. As of now, the city's enterprises have been closed for the provident fund account for 1805 employees through the "one thing and one thing".

Housing provident fund and social endowment insurance can be paid on one click online

The country is the first to launch a housing provident fund and one -click payment business on the social endowment insurance line. Through the Xiamen Electronic Taxation Bureau platform, enterprises can complete the cost of cross -department and cross -business costs with only one login and one -click operation. At present, there are two companies in our city with one click to pay housing provident funds and endowment insurance in one click. Housing provident fund withdrawal and second -hand housing transfer registration can be "one -stop"

The Municipal Housing Provident Fund Center Union Real Estate Registration Center launched the housing provident fund withdrawal and second -hand housing transfer registration joint services. This measure is the lead in the country. Housing provident fund withdrawal and second -hand housing transfer registration jointly refers to the city's housing provident fund depositors to purchase second -hand housing in this city. While applying for the transfer of house rights, you can apply for the housing provident fund of his or his spouse. Information, one -time submission of materials, multiple departments apply for co -organizers in accordance with the application to change the "waiting for the masses" into "sending the service".

After the service is launched, the masses are more fast and convenient to do things -in the past, citizens must apply for second -hand housing transfer registration and must first apply at the window of the real estate registration center. It takes 2 working days to run round -trip; now, the buyer can apply for two businesses at the same time at the same time, and if it meets the withdrawal conditions, the Municipal Housing Provident Fund Center has realized the "second batch of seconds" through intelligent review, which effectively reduces the reduction of the "second batch and seconds", which has effectively reduced the reduction of the "second batch and seconds", which has effectively reduced the reduction of the "second batch and seconds", which effectively reduced the reduction of the "second batch and seconds", which effectively reduced the reduction of the "second batch and seconds", which effectively reduced the reduction of the "second batch and seconds", which effectively reduced the reduction. The cost of mass work.

[Link] Optimize more "one thing" service matters

The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Housing Provident Fund Center said that it will continue to strengthen cross -departmental coordination, continue to improve the level of government services in multiple angles, normalize, and continuously consolidate the achievements of digital reform and innovation, and provide more efficient and convenient services for enterprises. Next, the Municipal Housing Provident Fund Center will also optimize more "one thing" service matters, and intend to launch integrated services such as retired withdrawal provident fund and social security retirement.

(Xiamen Daily reporter Yuan Shuqi draws/Zhang Plain)

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