Police in Anhui, Shanghai, and Hangzhou are looking for themselves?Hangzhou women received 3 calls, and people were stunned ...

Author:Leping Public Security Time:2022.06.15

"An Anhui police again

Another Shanghai Police

It's Xiaoshan Guoli Police Station ... "

"So many police officers, which one is true?"


Ms. Zhou, who works in Xiaoshan, Hangzhou

Receive 3 consecutive calls

On the phone on the phone, it was said that it was the police


One party claims that it is involved in the case to cooperate with the investigation

The other party claims it is being deceived

Who should Ms. Zhou be embarrassed?

June 9th

Xiaoshan Branch Guoli Police Station received an emergency warning

Ms. Zhou in the area (Hua surname)

May be suffering from telecommunications network fraud

The police station immediately launched an online and offline anti -fraud mechanism

Police officer Shousai Jun, Cheng Songbai

Drive to the scene

And the phone contact Ms. Last week

"Don't believe it! Don't operate! Wait for us to come!"

(The sound in the video has been treated later)


Ms. Zhou received one

Celered from the call from the Fuyang police in Anhui, his hometown,

Ask her ID card if there is an external borrowing

It has been found to be engaged in criminal activities by the Shanghai police

And ask Ms. Zhou to cooperate with the investigation

Ms. Zhou is afraid and worried

I dare not talk to others for a while

Not long

I also received a call from the police who claimed to be the Shanghai police

The other party added Ms. Zhou’s WeChat

Video connection

See the video that is still a person wearing a police uniform

Ms. Zhou, who was still skeptical

I was convinced of it immediately

的 Ms. Zhou and the so -called "Shanghai Police" video call

Just as the other party is on the grounds that the case is needed

When asking Ms. Zhou to ask for information such as ID cards, bank cards and other information

The auxiliary police officer of Guoli Police Station arrived in time

Let Ms. Zhou suspend the operation

Successfully preserved more than 8,000 yuan in its account

"He is still wearing the same clothes as you"

Ms. Zhou is still a little confused

"It's all fake! Don't believe him"

"This is a typical type impersonation of public prosecution law fraud"

Police officer further discouraged Ms. Zhou

Carefully analyze the type of fraud to reveal the means of fraud

Explaining and analysis of real cases

And guide it to download the National Anti -Fraud Center APP

进行 Police anti -fraud to Ms. Zhou

"Thanks to you come here in time

Otherwise, I don't know who to believe, scare me! "

Ms. Zhou's heart is lingering

Thanks to the police officers

- END -

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