He spent 100,000 yuan test driver's license

Author:Zhongshan City Public Security Time:2022.07.21

Mr. W is a driver's school student. Others decided to take a driver's license when they were middle -aged. At the time of raising the exhibition, he brushed the video content on a short video platform: "Looking for the driving license package of the Guangdong*driving school, please ask private messages." He seemed to see the hope, so he wrote the other party and left his mobile phone number. Fast he received a friend's application, the other party named: "Yue*Driving School (Chen Jiao)", Mr. W quickly passed it to consult for details:

The other party said that 5,000 yuan can help Mr. W

"On behalf of the exam"

Mr. W, I am overjoyed and quickly pay the money

Mr. W thought of walking the "back door", and finally solved the problem of driving license.

Half a month later, the other party said that Mr. W's subject two had passed, but it could not be checked on the 12123 platform, otherwise the abnormalities would be found in the background. The three exam fees are required to pay the subject, and after the test is notified, the four fees are required to pay the subject. Ten days later, the other party stated that the driver's license had been handled, and it was a official seal. The "examination" problem was found on the handwriting. The "verification fee" of 4,000 yuan was required. After Mr. W's transfer, the other party continued to request transfer for reasons such as "authentication self -examination", "operational error" and "signing a confidentiality agreement", and the amount became larger and larger. A total of 102,500 yuan was transferred to the other party. After the other party collects money, he is called Mr. W and other notices.

When Mr. W, who was suffering in the pain and torment, he contacted the "Chen Jiao" who helped to apply for a certificate again, but found that he had been hacked by the other party. There are no cases that can be passed by various national certification skills examinations and certificates tests, and there are no situations that can be passed by "walking the back door". Please don't believe people and institutions! I hope that everyone who sees this story is still down -to -earth, study hard, and practice skills, and obtain the ideal certificate with their own strength.

- END -

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