The Ministry of Public Security organizes 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, and public security organs to carry out cluster campaign

Author:Shijiazhuang Daily client Time:2022.06.15

Recently, under the unified command of the Ministry of Public Security, 31 provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities and municipalities in Beijing, Sichuan, and Hunan launched a centralized network collection operation, and severely crack down on illegal gangs to provide new "Goip" call services for telecommunications network fraud in accordance with the law. As of now, more than 870 suspects of criminals have been captured, and more than 2390 sets of "Goip" equipment, 18,000 cases such as mobile phone card bank cards (Taiwan) have been seized.

In recent years, due to the characteristics of human -computer separation, remote control, dial -up calls, and supporting multiple telephone cards due to "Goip devices", a large number of telecommunications network fraud gangs hidden abroad use remote control to use the "GoIP device in the domestic GOIP device in remote control to use remote control. "Call the victim to perform fraud, and the harm is very serious. With the continuous deepening of the "broken card" operation in the country, the public security organs continued to increase their strikes on "Goip equipment", destroyed a group of illegal criminal gangs, collected a group of crime tools, and effectively squeezed relevant criminal survival space. In order to avoid the investigation blow, some criminals have developed and upgraded the new "simple group Goip" equipment with lower costs, stronger hiddenness, and simpler operations, and quickly became a tool for crime calls for various types of telecommunications network fraud gangs to call fraud. Public security organs have found in cases such as recently lost order rebates and loan frauds that telecommunications network fraud gangs have generally used such equipment and have spread across the country.

The Ministry of Public Security attaches great importance to this, deployment of special research on public security organs in Beijing, Sichuan, Hunan and other places, digging into a detailed investigation, gradually investigating the criminal criminal crime methods and equipment characteristics, and quickly destroyed a group of "simple group Goip" illegal criminal dens At the same time, more than 400 related clues were expanded, and more than 690 related cases were found, and the amount involved in the case was more than 49 million yuan, involving a number of provinces and regions and municipalities across the country. On the basis of grasping the facts and evidence of related criminals, the Ministry of Public Security decided to organize the national public security organs to carry out cluster campaign for centralized network collection, comprehensively and completely destroy the new "simple group GOIP" illegal criminal gang, resolutely cut off this key criminal chain, and fierce The arrogance of criminals associated with telecommunications network fraud and black -gray production criminals.

The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Public Security stated that in response to the new trends, new methods, and changes in telecommunications network fraud crimes, the public security organs will always maintain a high pressure and strict situation, strengthen analysis and judgment, innovation and combat methods, insist on fighting gangs, mischiefs, broken chain chains To destroy the ash production, ensure that it is thoroughly penetrated, and resolutely curb the high incidence of telecommunications network fraud crimes from the source, and effectively safeguard the safety and legitimate rights and interests of the people.

Source: Headline Number of the Ministry of Public Security

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