awesome!The "Law of the rule of law" here is tangible and heart -minded

Author:Ninth Division Judicial Bureau Time:2022.07.25

In order to further enhance the effectiveness and attractiveness of the "Law of the rule of law", on July 22, the Nine Division Judiciary Bureau cleverly integrated the "Law of the Law" and the literary exchange performance, and the joint division's cultural sports, radio, television tourism bureau organized the "welcoming 20 to 20 20 Dharma and the rule of stability "and" Youth to the Party Law Run Nine Division "literary propaganda activities.

At the event site, the police officer of the Nine Division Judicial Bureau, as the opening guest, comprehensively introduced the preaching objects, preaching content, preaching forms, and themes of the event of the "Law of the rule of law". In the "Law of the Law of the Law", with the applause of the audience, the atmosphere of the scene was quickly hot. Subsequently, the home -based and self -directed law -based programs of college students have attracted many employees to stop and watch.

"Can the heating at home refuse to pay the heating fee?" "I leaked upstairs, how should I defend their rights", "I was bitten by a stray dog, who should I find?" It is also the "protagonist" of the rule of law literary program. It interprets the legal knowledge often encountered in the lives of employees and the masses with witty and funny performances and easy -to -understand forms, and attract applause from the audience. During the event, the host also interspersed the knowledge and answer link. As the problems were constantly thrown out, the audience actively raised their hands to answer, and the atmosphere at the scene was pushed to a climax.

"Perform the legal provisions, you can see good -looking programs and learn legal knowledge. This method is interesting and gives you a" like "!" Aunt Zhang, a community resident, said so after watching the show.

In addition, the "mobile law preaching stalls" were set up at the event. The police officers of the judicial bureau, the returning college students, the "legal understanding of the people", the lawyer, and the community workers went into battle to transform into a "stall owner" and accept legal consultation on the spot. "Employed workers to be injured, do employers pay?" "How to correct debt collection when encountering owed money?", Faced with consultation, the staff patiently answered patiently and meticulously, and combined with the recent types of high -income telecommunications network fraud crimes to reveal each other to residents The tricks of telecommunications network fraud reminds the majority of residents to improve their awareness of prevention, so as not to listen, do not believe, and do not transfer money, and effectively keep the "money bag". A total of 800 law leaflets were distributed in this event, answered 52 legal consultations of the masses, and more than 1,200 audiences.

It is reported that next, the Nine Division Judicial Bureau will also rely on the Cultural Tourism Festival to combine the "Law of the rule of law" with "literary and artistic go to the countryside" to organize college students to shoot the micro -videos of "interpretation of the case", and use the media platform extension and other forms. , Truly talk about the "big lecture of the rule of law", the "minds" of the employees and the masses, and effectively enhance the influence and audience of the activities of the "Law of the rule of law".

(Wang Qiufen Wang Ruihua)

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