[Public Security Anti -Epidemia] The Ping An Warm Police Hearts Logistics Logue is on the "epidemic" line

Author:Baguang Police Time:2022.07.31

"War preparation" in front of the "war" in front

They are such a group of unknown people

The epidemic prevention and control logistics support is their "battlefield"

The same hard work

Build the "lifeline" behind the anti -disease with sweat

Fight one after another

Just to win the prevention and control of the epidemic

At 6 o'clock in the morning, there was a silence on the street. The police officer Li Xiao was driving on the way to dining for the front -line police officer. He said, "We work hard to prevent the epidemic. At six o'clock, there should be students on the way to school, and they should be able to smell the fragrance of the breakfast shop ... "

Fighting for ten consecutive days, in the case of insufficient sleep and high work intensity, Li Xiao's body was already exhausted. On July 25, he accidentally caused waist injury. His colleagues asked him to return to the room to rest, but he still insisted on insisting on He said the supplies together, and he said, "I have finished it right away, I can still persist, don't worry about me."

At the same time, his wife, as a member of the chasing group, fought for the early days and nights of the Beihai epidemic. They said that the epidemic ended was the common goal of the couple.

Mother and child go into battle

Combat hard work guarantee

On the evening of July 16, a phone call gave Lin Xinxin's task -500 dinner and sent to 20 duty points. Lin Xin did not take time, there were a lot of people, but she was too late to prepare as an excuse, but accepted the task. She said, "I will coordinate the solution to ensure that the police on duty can eat hot rice."

As a heroic "female warrior" in the Police Insurance Office, Lin Xin was delicate and provided with the first -line police police officers with glucose, Huoxiang Zhengqi water and Lianhua Qingjian particles. Consume well, and issue the police officers at various duty points in time. They are very hard to ensure good health at home. "

"Mother and child soldiers, go into battle." Lin Xin encouraged his sixteen -year -old son to be volunteers together to assist the police offices to carry and count supplies. In the hot summer, sweat wet his shirt, and he didn't complain half of it.

Lin Xin's son became a volunteer

Go to the battlefield


In front of the "big test" of the epidemic, the police officer Weisen, the police officer, did not push, do not flinch, do not fear, and use the spirit of "overcome difficulties, charge into the array". Sutllarly work in logistics support.

When he was walking, he was discovered by his colleagues that it was an gout. "You take a good rest, and we are here." The colleague said to Weisen, but he replied "I am a small problem. At present Still fighting the epidemic. "

Seeing that Wanson's gout still worsened the gout, the leader forced to rest. The rest was for a better battle. After cultivation and treatment, he continued to fight in his post. This kind of dedication of his dedication is the strongest "weapon" of counterattacking the epidemic.

Precision guarantee in place service

Do one piece of warm police love police trivial matter

Let the police auxiliary police be devoted to the front -line resistance struggle

Action of the Police Security Office

It laid a solid foundation for winning this "war and epidemic"

Source 丨 Beihai Public Security

Edit 丨 Chen Rukai

Review 丨 Su Bo Weifeng Bing

Fan Wuhua

Welcome to the manuscript, submit mailbox: [email protected]

- END -

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