The publicity day of the customs of the Customs is coming, and the popularization of law activities is colorful and grounded

Author:Guangzhou Daily Time:2022.08.04

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the "8 · 8" Customs Publicity Day. Huangpu Customs closely follows the theme of "strengthening the role of the rule of law, the prevention and control of serving the outbreak of the port, and promoting the preservation of foreign trade and stability", giving full play to the important role of the rule of law and service, and actively carried out a variety of publicity activities for the rule of law, enhance the literacy of the rule of law for the whole people. Speed ​​up to the local economic development.

Huangpu Customs uses VR equipment to carry out the publicity of the rule of law

VR learning is energetic

The Dongjiangkou Customs affiliated to Huangpu Customs relying on the "VR+5G" law -popular position, adopting online live broadcast, Yunxuan lecture, online expert consultation and other methods to introduce Dongjiangkou Customs to promoting foreign trade and stability 22 measures and customs active disclosure of the latest policies to promote the latest policies. , Interpret the recent revised import and export relevant laws and regulations.

"Customs's policy assistance is very timely. In a intuitive way, our enterprise understands the latest policy requirements, helping us greatly improve the clearance efficiency. The patient's patient interpretation has benefited us a lot." Guangzhou Wangwang Food Co., Ltd. Say.

It is understood that through a series of high -tech equipment such as interactive interactive interactive screens, VR all -in -one machines, streaming media servers, 4K high -definition panoramic cameras, integrate heavy policy and regulations into the real -view experience, and make the enterprise clearer through on -site experience to make the company clearer. Geographically understand the relevant laws and regulations of customs supervision, compare the weak links of their own management, experience the law of the law of middle school law, and promote the laws and regulations of enterprises.

Huangpu Customs Customs officers launched the "Customs Open Day" and "Rule of Rule of Rule of Rural Promotion Rural Revitalization" activity

Farmer -style law sees true feelings

"Do children know how the customs guard the country? Do you want to experience the customs work together?" Recently, during the "Customs Open Day" event of the Suitong Customs of Huangpu Customs, Suitong Customs invited a group of "Mengwa" to walk in Customs, entertaining, "immersed" experience in the thrilling little story of the interesting mini -gates and the wisdom of smugglers, combining actual cases with the children's familiar stories, combining the actual cases. Planting the seeds of "law" in the children's hearts.

The volunteer volunteers of the Guanpu also carried out the "Rule of Rule of Rule of Rural Rural Revitalization" activity. The "interpretation of the villagers' interpretation, donating legal books and publicity supplies for law, and sending the" customs rule package "for rural revitalization work.

Sending the law to help enterprises have practical results

Recently, through the supervision of Zengcheng Customs, which belongs to Huangpu Customs, an international train with full -loaded daily necessities, clothing and other goods departed out of Zengcheng West Station and opened to Europe all the way to Europe.

"With the in -depth application of the 'Internet+Customs' platform, more and more customs business has achieved online processing, with a large number of business types and the policy changes. It can be easily obtained by moving your fingers, which is really convenient. "Li Siqiang, head of the international trains business of Guangzhou Comprehensive Transportation Hub Co., Ltd., said.

In addition to the interpretation of the customs posters, the production of publicity, and the establishment of a consulting desk to solve the confusion in the customs declaration hall and port scene, the level highlights the "fingertips" rule of law publicity. "Thanks to the timely grasp and interpretation of policies Now that all our inspection operation links are completed in less than 20 minutes, after receiving the information, the "single window 'can allow the company to arrange container operation in the first time, so that the enterprise saves manpower and material resources." Li Siqiang added that he said that he said that he said that Essence

"At present, Huangpu Customs has formed a general lecturer group that covers administrative penalties, the basic laws and regulations, and the content of the basic laws and regulations, and typical cases. Point -to -point lectures and other personalized rule of law publicity services. "Shu Li, deputy director of the Huangpu Customs Regulations Division, said," In the next step, we will focus on the implementation of 'six stability' ', six guarantees' deployment, deepen the management service' reform, and build a mouthpiece. Centers such as quarantine defense line and promotion of foreign trade and stability providing the rule of law provide the rule of law, carry out diversified and grounded publicity and education, and create a good business environment for rule of law. "

Text/Guangzhou Daily · Xinhua City Reporter: Lin Lin Correspondent: Yu Rong, Peng Chaojie, Fang Dan, Tian Lingling/Guangzhou Daily · Xinhua City Reporter: Liao Xueming Correspondent: Xuanxuan Guangzhou Daily · Xinhua City Editor: Li Fenghe

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