China released 丨 from June 25th to July, public security organs cracked nearly 270,000 criminal cases to capture 465,800 suspects

Author:Chinese network Time:2022.08.05

China Net August 5th (Reporter Zhang Yanling) The reporter learned from the press conference held by the Ministry of Public Security on the 5th that since the "100 -Day Action" of Summer Public Security Pinerium Corporation on June 25, as of the end of July, the national public security organs have a total Create a criminal case of 269,800, arrested 465,800 suspects of various types of illegal crimes.

Qiu Pauli, director of the "Hundred Days Action" Office of the Ministry of Public Security and Director of the Public Security Administration, said that in the first half of this year, national criminal cases decreased by 16.3%year -on -year, but shortly after entering the summer, some seasonal characteristics were relatively high, especially " 6. 10 "Tangshan's case of fighting people, causing high attention of public opinion and causing bad social impact.

The Party Committee of the Ministry of Public Security has decided that from June 25th to the end of September this year, the "100 -day action" was deployed nationwide to deploy the "100 -day action" in summer public security and prevention, and actively responded to the public's call. "Hundred Days Action" strikes the punch to highlight illegal crimes, iron wrist rectification of social security issues, resolved various types of security risks, resolutely defend political security, maintain social stability, and protect people's tranquility.

For a month since the "100 -day operation", the public security organs have insisted on "what crimes are prominent, and what crimes are fighting, where the public security chaos is chaotic," to comprehensively implement the measures, defense, management, and governance, and highlight the listing rectification. Key areas, key cases of account supervision, unified initiative of cluster campaign, unified organizational summer night inspection operations, and achieved significant results.

The national public security organs adhere to zero tolerance and resolutely fight against various types of illegal crimes. As of the end of July, a total of 269,800 criminal cases in public security organs across the country had captured 465,800 suspects of various types of illegal crimes. At the same time, the provincial -level public security organs were listed and rectified 506 public security points, and 1,800 major cases were held in supervision.

The cluster of the nation's public security organs crack down on illegal crimes such as yellow gambling poison, criminals, gun burst, stolen and robbing. From July 18th to 27th, the Ministry of Public Security unifiedly organized public security organs from various places to have a long chain of criminal activities, many provinces involved in the case, the people who had deeply affected the people, and the social impact were extremely harsh. The first wave of cluster campaigns were launched in the case of robbery, a total of 38 criminal gangs were destroyed, 102 criminal den, and 1840 people involved in the case, 35.7 kg of drugs and hazardous chemicals, 9 guns, and more than 2 involved funds involved in the case. 100 million yuan, recovering more than 6 million yuan in economic losses.

As of the end of July, the public security organs across the country had dispatched 12.05 million policemen, launched a group prevention force of 23.05 million people, and arrested 89,000 suspects of illegal crimes, combined with 256,000 regional inspection operations of local actual organizations; national public security nationwide; national public security A total of 2677 guns, 8954 kilograms of explosive items, and more than 11,000 control tools were collected; 958,000 in the national public security organs were touched. All.

In the next step, the public security organs will take multiple measures to further push the "hundred -day action" to deepen, and resolutely fulfill the responsibilities of defending political security, maintaining social stability, and protecting people's peace. Here, the public security organs are telling all the criminals.

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