Jiangxi financial executives "involved in black" victims of the victims of Pili Weili passed the history

Author:Zhonghong.com News Time:2022.08.08

Zhonghong.com, Guangdong, August 8th (Reporter Wang Qiurong) Pu Liwei, former general manager of Taiping Property and Casualty Insurance, opened a trial in the People's Court of Taihe County, Jiangxi Province on June 23. At this time, it was arrested for investigating by Jiangxi Police for investigation.

According to the Announcement of the People's Court of Taihe County, Jiangxi Province, Organ, Leadership, Leadership, Pipiden, Pipidon Cloud and other organizations, leaders, crimes of participating in triads, crimes of provocation, forced transactions, misappropriation of funds, defrauding loans, and collecting illegal debt The crime of crime and extortion is expected to be 39 days from June 23 to July 31, 2022. The case is currently under trial.

This website has previously reported the case related to Piliwei. According to reporters from this website, the current victims of Piliwei's case are concerned about the progress of the case, and some people even make a special trip to Jiangxi from the Northeast to wait for the results of the trial.

Mr. Pang, a businessman from Jilin, met with Piliwei because of distributing the products of Jiangxi Boke Winery. "In 2015, I found that more than 60,000 yuan of wines from Boke Winery were fake wines, so I would fight with the winery. The phone, Pi Lei answered the phone, he did not give the return at the time. "

Mr. Pang helplessly called the Jilin Provincial Food and Drug Administration to complain that after the Jilin Provincial Food and Drug Administration transferred to the relevant departments of Nanchang, the Boke Winery agreed to return. Soon after, Pili Wei invited Mr. Pang to cooperate with him to sell wine with him, and the two sides set up a company in Nanchang. Pli Wei said that he was a civil servant and could not be a legal person. Mr. Pang held 45%of the shares to become a legal person, and Polishi held 55%through a company under Pile.

During the operation company, Mr. Pang found that the agent's money did not enter the company's account, but entered the account of the Kaiyuan Hotel in Pi Lei's own company. "Not only that, the company's POS machines, official seal, and financial seal are all in their hands." Mr. Pang said.

Mr. Pang intends to withdraw from it. One day Pili Weili asked him to negotiate at a large hotel in Nanchang. He wanted to sell his 55%of the company's shares to Mr. Pang and request to pay it within 3 months. I don't agree, I can't get out of Nanchang. At that time, I was more scared, so I signed it. "

Three months later, Pili Wei brought Mr. Pang to court, asking him to pay 380,000 yuan and liquidated damages, a total of more than 500,000 yuan, and seized Mr. Pang's property. After losing the lawsuit, Mr. Pang's property was executed more than 400,000 yuan. "Because there are still some not executed, I am listed as a failed person. I was miserable, I called him once, asking him to let me go, he ignored it. "

This time, Mr. Pang listened to his friends that Pili Wei was tried in the trial of the black case before he rushed from other places. He had to know the results of the trial as soon as possible.

Compared with Mr. Pang's encounters, some entrepreneurs and individuals in Jiangxi are more serious.

Xie Qiancai, an entrepreneur from Anfu County, Jiangxi, once borrowed 14.74 million yuan from Piliwei. After repayment of 12.5 million yuan, it was executed by the court more than 22 million yuan. A total of 110 million yuan of assets (see on May 19, 2022, "The financial executives were involved in multiple civil economic disputes after the dismissal of the financial executives").

Another Anfu County entrepreneur Li Ping dared to return to Ji'an, Jiangxi until Pili was arrested in June 2020, but at this time Li Ping was already a patient in a wheelchair. According to his introduction, in September 2005, he borrowed 1.5 million yuan from Piliwei for the company's turnover. Piliwei said at the time that the 1.5 million yuan would be calculated in the investment, either 3 points of interest, and to pay off in half a year. Essence As of late November 2005, Li Ping successively paid more than 1.2 million yuan, and there were more than 400,000 yuan in principal and interest.

Since then, Li Ping's nightmare has arrived. According to his memories, at the end of the month, Piliwei took someone over, forcing Li Ping to write 4 million yuan in IOU, and used Li Ping's mobile phone to send text messages to Pili Wei's mobile phone. The content was Li Ping owed 4 million yuan. Interest 8 points.

From November 2005 to 2018, Li Ping had paid 4.6 million yuan to Piliwei. Among them, in 2010, Pili Wei surpassed Li Ping's ham factory in Anfu County, Jiangxi in the name of debt repayment.

According to Li Ping, from 2009 to 2012, he was threatened and beaten by Pili Wei and his gang. He once committed suicide at the door of Piliwei's office, and was later taken to the hospital for rescue. I fled to the country, and I dare not return to Ji'an anymore.

Yang Guanghui, a legal representative of Tianan Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. in Anfu County, said in an interview with reporters that in October 2010, the company obtained the mining rights of soft clay mines in Fenghuang Town, Phoenix Town, Ji'an County through bidding. In 2013, Pili Wei told her that he would come up with the shares of all shareholders of all shareholders with mining rights, and threatened that if you do not do this, Tianan will never pick up the mine.

Yang Guanghui did not agree, as Pillowei said, as long as Pili Wei said, it was not unable to minimize. "As long as the company's construction workers enter the mining area, they will be chased by some people. People who are root. "

On a forum, the reporter found a post saying that in 2010, Pi Dongyun, the owner of Bai Ni Village, Nanghua Village, Huangqiao Town, Ji Shui County, was blocked by local villagers when illegally mining. Ma Zi rushed to Huangpi Village and dragged a villager into a serious injury into the bottom of the car to forge the death of the villagers.

The local media have reported this incident. According to a reporter's investigation, many local people in Ji'an, Jiangxi knew about it.

Earlier, the Jiangxi Provincial Public Security Department established the "605 task force" for the first case of Pili Wei, and repeatedly solicited the criminal clues of the gang to the public.In the trial, how many criminal clues are not known as evidence materials.

The reporter on this website found that on Weibo, there were accounts that claimed to be Piliwei's family. During the trial, he continued to post, and he was wronged for Piliwei and others.And enough, these public opinion will have an impact on the trial, what will happen in the first instance judgment, this website will continue to pay attention.

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