Open the high -tech "blessing" to increase the fog

Author:Supreme inspection Time:2022.08.09

"High -tech" blessing

The introduction of "gene test+service+gift"

New marketing model

Absorb the "lesson" to "upgrade" fraud methods


Facing heavy camouflage

Prosecutor starts with the "Gene Test Report"

Open the high -tech "blessing" to increase the fog

"Under 20 years of age can increase by 5 to 8 cm, 20 to 25 years old can increase by 4 to 7 cm, and the age of 25 to 28 can increase by 4 to 6 cm." In response to the custom -made fraud words for the eager to increase, and to promote the sales of "increased services+special effects gifts" through the Internet, it has more than 1,3239 victims of more than 56.33 million yuan in two years. Recently, the 60 -member fraud cases such as Wu Mouqiang, including the Dafeng District Procuratorate of Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province, were selected as a typical case of the Supreme People's Procuratorate to crack down on telecommunications network fraud and associated crimes. Being bottom.

"High -tech" blessing, absorbing the "lessons" of "lessons" to "upgrade" fraud ... Faced with heavy camouflage, the prosecutors started from the confusing "genetic test report" and "national patent". The true face of high -tech companies.

"I am not selling medicines, but professional high service."

In December 2019, a high school student in Yancheng Dafeng called the police to the public security organs, saying that he purchased a 2850 yuan increase service for Guangzhou help high health biotechnology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "help high company"), because there was no no The effect was refunded, but the company was hacked. Xiao Wang also said that in the complaint group he joined, many people encountered similar situations. According to the previous clues, the public security organs believed that the company was suspected of fraud and captured criminal suspects such as Wu Mouqiang, a legal representative of the high company. In January 2020, the public security organs asked for the arrest of 117 people including Wu Mouqiang and other 117 people.

Wenwen Eria is the first impression of Wu Mouqiang, the legal representative of High Company. The company's incubation of "Silicon Valley" will be said to be high -tech. The platform must invite experts and scholars. The personal qualifications and experience experience of physicians will give him a halo of professionals. After being arrested by the public security organs, Wu Mouqiang has always been "zero confession".

"I have never said that it is an increased medicine, which is food, which is clearly written on the packaging, and it is a gift. I sell height services. , Diet, sleep, and higher background data from real cases. How do you think we are fraud ... "On the eve of the Spring Festival 2021, in the face of the prosecutor's interrogation, Wu Mouqiang answered slowly.

Is the truth really like this? Faced with this "hard bone", the hospital formed a task force, including the deputy prosecutor, two members of the prosecutor, and three prosecutors. Members of the task force went to 8 detention centers to report 117 criminal suspects, and successively reviewed more than 500,000 electronic evidence such as mobile phone WeChat chat records of criminal suspects, Baidu post bar replies, and 4 high -ranking high -company marketing public accounts. Sure enough, the truth is hidden in the "history of marketing model evolution" for helping high companies.

Ordinary foods are packaged into cone collagen D crushing candy with higher effects.

In 2016, Wu Mouqiang registered and set up a high -level company to sell "Huang Jing Gao Liang Ginger" crusher to promote it as a drug that can help increase. Because the state increases the control of drugs, helping high companies change the propaganda caliber, saying that selling special effects foods that can help increase. In 2017, Wu Mouqiang changed the marketing model and introduced the concept of service to change the original Huang Jing Gaoliang ginger pressure tablets, amino acid solid beverages, and osteopopolin D pressure tablet to give away the original price of hundreds of dollars. The original sales staff transformed into a health manager, nutritionist, sportsman, etc., to provide customers with one -to -one "height service" to "professional" guidance for customers' rest, diet, and exercise.

"The most important reason for the change in the company's marketing model is that peers have been hit. The model of selling invalid medicines and foods before was illegal, but sales services were intangible. If a few people grow taller, the company can use this marketing service to act as effective as the fraud. "Shi Mou, the chief of the sales team of the high -company company, said truthfully," When a customer comes to the door, the company will notify a person to notify the person to notify the person, and he will notify a person to notify him. Not high sales, so as not to let them go to the reception area, otherwise the stuffing will be exposed. "

"The company commissioned by others to produce Huang Gaoliang Ginger Pressure is actually ordinary food. The cost price is 9.8 yuan, and it is sold to consumers 580 yuan; the cost price of amino acid solid beverages is 18 yuan a can, the sales price is 998 yuan; osteomyogenetic protein; osteomyogenic protein D The cost price of the candy candy is 23 yuan per box, and the sales price is 1790 yuan per box ... "The confession of Yu Mou and other people in the warehouse administrator of the high company confirmed that no matter how the marketing model changes High -priced sales invalid products are implemented.

Unveil the veil of the genetic test report

In 2018, in order to increase the sense of technology and confusion of the company, Wu Mouqiang took the initiative to cooperate with a genetic testing laboratory to launch a new marketing model of "genetic testing+service+gift".

"In 2019, I searched the information to help the high company on the Internet, and added the WeChat of Mr. Yang, the company of their company, and purchased 3150 yuan of genetic testing high -service packages, including genetic testing boxes and three bottles of Huang Jing Gao Liang Ginger pressure film. Later, under the recommendation of Mr. Yang, Mr. Ma's WeChat was added to Teacher High Research Institute. Teacher Ma interpreted the genetic test report that I still have room for growth, which can grow to 172 cm, but the bone density is relatively low. To buy bone collagen ... "In the process of being deceived by Xiao Wang, the genetic test report is the high -tech" blessing "that the victim believes can be increased. The prosecutor looked at the genetic test report and found that oral saliva gene detection can not only measure the trace elements such as calcium, iron, zinc, and magnesium in the body of the detection object, but also the power, explosive power, sleep time and quality of the detection objects, and quality, sleep time and quality, and quality, and quality, and quality, and quality, and quality, and quality, and quality of the detection object. Sport recovery, ventilation rate ... but the most critical information is to say that a certain indicator of the detection object is lower than the normal level.

To reveal the truth behind this full page gene site, there must be professional brain help. On the one hand, the prosecutor asked the investigating agency to introduce forensic participation to interrogate and conduct a sudden review of genetic testers. On the other hand, he went to Suzhou University to find professional professors to answer questions. At the same time, he also found clues from the WeChat chat records during the transaction of both parties.

"This test is a child who is not up to the standard, but the test results are actually normal." "The customer's height is not up to the standard, and there must be some projects abnormal. Liu, a senior company executive, built a "help high report interpretation group" with the test personnel. After the first dozen test reports were found to be normal, Liu immediately asked the inspection company to change the report, and genetic testers tampered with the test sites and reports in the form of "temporary changes" and "manual report". In order to cater to the marketing needs of helping high companies, genetic testers also agreed with Liu and others, "instead of normal hidden sites (that is, most people test) instead of normal sites" Essence With the breakthrough of genetic testing personnel, the procuratorate requested the investigation authorities to investigate the case for two genetic testers.

Wu Mouqiang has always said that the high product Huang Jing Gao Liang Jiang pressure sheet is a national patented product, and it is also revealed under the prosecutor's roots. "You said that Huang Jing Gao Liang Jiang pressure film is a national patent. How can I not find it in the Chinese patent query system?" Wu Mouqiang said for a long time, "We really have a patent, it is an electronic monitoring system we developed. High -crowd data. "Prosecutors found through the official website of the China Copyright Protection Center that this" patent "is the software's software copyright of the system. They confuse the audiovisual through Zhang Guanli Dai.

With the deepening of the censorship, the prosecutor noticed that the fraud method of helping the high company was very hidden. For some employees who have been employed through regular recruitment websites and have short employees, it is difficult to discover the company's fraud in the early stage of entry. During the review and arrest stage, the procuratorial organs made decisions of not approved arrests on marketing personnel with short employment time, low crime, and light circumstances. 60 criminal suspects approved the arrest and filed a public prosecution.

The trap behind "Personalized Services"

In June 2020, the public security organs transferred the case to the procuratorate for review and prosecution. In the process of review and indictment, the case handling team had a deeper grasp of the construction, levels, departments, and personnel configurations of high -level companies. In this huge criminal group, Wu Mouqiang, as the actual controller of the high company, controls the company's organizational structure, marketing model and human property as a whole. The company has the president office, sales department, advertising department, network department, service department, warehousing department and other departments.

As a "front -line department" that directly dealt with customers, the sales department and service department are the largest personnel. Wu Mouqiang hired more than 100 salesperson with a fixed salary and staircase. Seven people including Shi Mou served as the sales leader. The "Teacher Yang" who seduce Xiao Wang is the first purchase sales staff. They fictional is the "high consultant" of the Guangdong Provincial Institute of Assistance High Research Institute. False information such as product patents and product efficacy, seduce customers to buy the basic "high" package for the high company.

After the customer purchases, the first purchase sales staff push the consumer's information to the repurchase salesperson, and the repurchase sales staff establishes a chat with customers, sales instructor, health managers, nutritionists, sportsmen, doctors, etc. group.

These so -called health managers, nutritionists, sportsists, and physicians are actually impersonated by the company's service department without any qualifications and employees. They push one -on -one "personalized service" to customers in accordance with the company's fixed service templates, and use the "low bone density" in the tampered genetic test report, "low -protein intake than ordinary people", etc., and persuade customers to buy More expensive amino acid solid beverages and cocytoplogen D pressure candy and other high products. In July 2020, the procuratorial organs filed a public prosecution against 60 suspects such as Wu Mouqiang for suspected fraud.

"This is civil disputes, not criminal fraud. The procuratorial organs intervene in civil disputes with criminal means. The main purpose of protecting private enterprises is seriously separated ..." "Sales staff subjectively do not know that the company is a fraud company ..." At most the crime of false advertising ... "In the six -day trial, the defense team put forward the defense opinion. The public prosecutor's "deformation" process and reasons from the marketing model of high -level companies, genetic testing personnel and high -company executives of high companies to form a false gene report to meet the needs of fraud, fabricate false increasing cases of marketing staff, and interpret the gene report routine. Customers purchase invalid products. "For fraud and other aspects, proof, proof, qualification and defense. In the end, the court sentenced Wu Mouqiang to fourteen years in prison for fraud and fined 3 million yuan. The other 59 defendants were sentenced to twelve to two years in prison, each with 90,000 yuan to Fine fines ranging from 2 million yuan. Some defendants appealed, and the Yancheng Intermediate Court tried to adjust the sentencing of a criminal based on the final identified fraud amount, rejected the appeal to the other defendants, and maintained the original sentence.

Multi -party linkage to promote the governance of the source of the sources

Why do frauds using health care, medical beauty, and increased names have been banned repeatedly? Why did the victims not call the police neither civil rights after they were cheated?

The Dafeng District Procuratorate sorted out and analyzed the marketing of marketing telecommunications fraud in recent years, and found that the health product market wearing science and technology, health and other coats provided such scams to breed soil. False advertisements further expanded the scope and scale of fraud. In response to the weak parts of social governance exposed in this case, the Procuratorate of Dafeng District issued procuratorial suggestions to regulatory units such as public security, market supervision and management, and radio and television. Four concentrations to conduct special investigation and rectification activities for breast enhancement, weight loss, high special effects, and pseudo -technology products, and investigate and deal with a series of cases of health products, pension fraud and false advertising.

In health care and medical fraud cases, scammers often master some important personal information of the victims, thereby "accurate" fraud. "The accidental leakage of personal information and illegal trading are important in fraud crimes. Without this information, the fraud process will be passive water and flaws." Essence Since the special operation of the "net network", the Dafeng District Procuratorate has held three joint meetings with the District Network Information Office, the Public Security Bureau, the Education Bureau, the Human Resources and Social Affairs Bureau and other units, and Information security forms a special rectification plan and actions to prevent the leakage of personal information of special groups.

Procuratorate promotes the rule of law to enter the campus activities to enhance the anti -fraud awareness and ability of young people at school.

Prosecutors normalize anti -fraud publicity

Who law enforcement, who is Pu. In response to the shortcomings of the adolescents and parents' anti -fraud and rights protection in this case, the Procuratorate of the Dafeng District Procuratorate conducted a case for cases in primary schools and middle schools in the district in accordance with the duties of the rule of law. The story of the rule of law enhances the anti -fraud awareness and ability of young people in school, and is far from the traps of fraud criminals. Recently, the story of the case handling of the case handling the case was shortlisted for the excellent work of the "New Era Procuratorate" of the Salt City Procuratorate, which was affirmed by the representatives of the People's Congress and members of the CPPCC. (Procuratorate Guan Ying Wang Wei)

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