Dalian Langtao Sand No. 1 Harbor Leisure Hotel was forced to retreat

Author:Peninsula Morning Post Time:2022.08.09

At 8:40 on August 9th, it was gloomy and light rain. The Harbor Square was at the peak in the early morning. More than ten police cars in the traffic screamed and stopped at the entrance of the "Langtao Sand One Harbor Leisure Hotel". At this time, the staff of the notary office, media reporter, police on duty, dozens of transport workers, and two large trucks have been each.

Zhang Yongqing, secretary of the party group, dean of the Zhongshan District Court of Dalian, Huang Jian, deputy dean of the executive work in charge of execution, and relevant police officers and judicial police officers from the Executive Bureau. After all the personnel were concentrated, Huang Jian began to deploy the forced retirement work.

"Langtao Sha Harbor Leisure Hotel" is located in the golden area of ​​the Harbor Plaza. It has been in the golden area of ​​the Harbor. It has been in the house for more than ten years. Many Dalian people are familiar with this place. In recent years, the hotel has been in the wind and rain in a number of civil and criminal cases. After several twists and turns, it has ushered in the final destiny today.

The Dalian Intermediate People's Court settled in the case of a dispute between Dalian Port Group Co., Ltd. and Dalian Langtao One Leisure Hotel Co., Ltd. (2022) Liaoning 02 Public 4673 Civil Judgment. After the verdict came into effect, the applied executive Dalian Gang Group Co., Ltd. applied for mandatory execution in the Zhongshan Court on June 30, 2022.

After receiving the application, the Zhongshan Court established the same case, and the executive president Teng Jinqiao hosted the case, and issued an implementation notice, reporting property order, and restricting consumption orders on the same day.

On July 4, 2022, the Zhongshan Court released (2022) Liaoning 0202 Announcement 4722 for compulsory Teng Retirement House. Teng Jinqiao arrived at the scene on the scene at the same day and posted the "Announcement of the Retreating House".

The "Announcement" clearly states that limited to the execution of Dalian Langtao Sha Sisha No. 1 Leisure Hotel Co., Ltd. within 15 days of this announcement. If the expiration is refused to perform, the court will enforce the implementation according to law. At the end of the current limit, the executed person Dalian Langtao Saichi Leisure Hotel Co., Ltd. has not performed. According to the application for the enforcement of the executor, it was decided to take compulsory enforcement measures for the hotel.

All the staff lined up in one word. Huang Jian brilliantly arranged the retirement work, and repeatedly told that one was to retreat according to law and regulations, and the other was to pay attention to his own safety. After "starting", this high -profile forced retreat began. As the chief commander, Teng Jinqiao did full homework for this forced Teng, and went to the scene to investigate many times.

"The hotel has an area of ​​more than 6,000 square meters, the internal structure is very complicated, and there are a large number of items facilities, which brings some difficulties to the retirement work. It takes 7 to 10 days to complete the retreat." Teng Jinqiao said.

At that time, Wang Qiyao, secretary and director of the Standing Committee of the Dalian People's Congress, led a team to investigate in the Dalian Intermediate People's Court. At the execution of the command center, Wang Qiyao and his party watched the situation of the forced retreat. Zhang Yongqing reported the brief situation of the case, and Wu Tingfei made instructions on the forced retreat.

Withdraw from the scene, the two large trucks were quickly filled, and they drove out of the items to the designated location. The invited representatives of the People's Congress and members of the CPPCC accompanied Zhang Yongqing inside the hotel for on -site supervision.

It is understood that due to the large workload, the Zhongshan Court arranged 42 staff members at the implementation of the site and the storage site of the item to take turns from 8 am to 6 pm to fully protect the rights of the application for the executor and the safety of the person's items. Until all the retreat ends.

This forced retreat is a large -scale forced team action for the centralized implementation operation of the "Falcon Assault" in Dalian two -level courts, highlighting the force of the court's executive bureau, maintaining judicial authority, and increasing the trust of the masses.

Wang Lu Peninsula Morning News, 39 -degree video reporter Yue Yuyan

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