Sad!The deputy director of the police station was violently attacked by the police unfortunately due to the public

Author:Nanhe Public Security of Jingd Time:2022.08.09

He made every case into a "iron case"

Chen Yong, deputy director of Xicheng Police Station of Xingping City Public Security Bureau

The Mangshan drooping, the Weihe River sobbing. On July 27, Chen Yong, deputy director of the Xicheng Police Station of the Public Security Bureau of Xingping City, Shaanxi Province, was unfortunately sacrificed by the police when he arrested the suspect. He was only 43 years old. On July 31, Xingping City Public Security Bureau held a farewell ceremony of Comrade Chen Yong's body.

Chen Yong, born in May 1979, joined the public security work in August 2000. In the past 22 years of police, Chen Yong has organized more than 190 criminal cases, captured more than 120 criminal suspects; participated in more than 390 administrative cases, investigated and dealt with more than 460 administrative violations, and regulated various contradictions and disputes 170 For the rest, he has been rated as "Excellent Communist Party Members", "Excellent Civil Servants", "Outstanding Police in the City", and "City Public Security Prevention".

During the capture of the network, the public sacrificed due to public

In mid -June, the Xicheng Police Station of the Public Security Bureau of Xingping City obtained a clue. The "two cards" criminal gang headed by Wang and others helped the overseas telecommunications network fraud criminal gang to wash money in the way of buying gold. The amount involved was huge. Chen Yong immediately organized a special class to lead the police to investigate the case. Through information tracking, analysis and judgment, he grasped the division of labor, the characteristics of the criminal gang, the characteristics of the crime, and the activities of the activities.

At 6:30 on July 27, deputy directors Chen Yong and Deng Chao each took a group of police officers to start the capture of the network. At 15 o'clock that day, the arrest team led by Chen Yong lock the target vehicle and used two vehicles to stop the off -road vehicles and business vehicles drove by the suspect. "We are police, please get off the car for inspection!" Chen Yong flew forward to control the suspect with his stick. Suddenly, the suspect refused to arrest Chen Yongquan. In fierce fighting with the suspect, the suspect driving the off -road vehicle stepped on the accelerator to accelerate the escape, and the powerful inertia dragged Chen Yong and two other arrested people Tian Xiongtao and Ren Xu. The suspect driving a business car also stepped on the accelerator. The vehicle crushed across Chen Yong's chest. Chen Yong was coma on the spot.

The comrades immediately sent Chen Yong to the hospital for rescue. After full rescue, Chen Yong died at the age of 43 at the age of 43 at 19:57. Tian Xiongtao's intracranial hemorrhage was taken to the hospital for rescue, and Ren Xu's head and arm were injured in multiple places. They were treated in the hospital. The news of Chen Yong's sacrifice made the arrest police distressed. They turned their grief into strength and fought overnight. On July 28, all nine criminal suspects of the gang were captured and brought to justice.

Having repeatedly risky life to capture the suspect

Since the police, Chen Yong has been fighting wisdom with criminals for a long time, and has practiced steel -like will, the spirit of daring to fight hard, and a fearless style. He often said that "the case was hosted by me. superior".

For this sentence, Chen Yong has repeatedly risked the suspects of dangerous life, and always practiced the firm belief and vow of a Communist Party member.

"I have worked with him for 7 years, and every time he handle the case, he charges at the forefront." Said Wang Anxin, the captain of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Public Security Bureau of Xingping City. In September 2006, the Bureau's Economic Investigation Brigade received a report from Wang, saying that it was scammed to 30,000 yuan. After half a month of investigation by the project police, Chen Yong finally determined that the suspect Shi Mou hid in Taiyuan, Shanxi. Chen Yong rushed to Taiyuan for 8 hours. After 3 days and 3 nights of control, he found the suspect who was ready to leave in a restaurant. Chen Yongfei rushed forward to make the suspects down and successfully detected the case.

In the process of handling the case, Chen Yong paid great attention to details and did not let go of every link and every doubt. It is precisely because of the style of carefulness that many unpleasant "hard bones" can be broken here. From March to June 2020, many electric vehicles were stolen in the area under the jurisdiction of the Xicheng Police Station. The theft occurred in the early morning and the suspect was wearing a mask when the suspect was theft, and failed to find the suspect in time. Chen Yong expanded his thinking, and he was uninchanted. He made the physical characteristics of the suspect into a prevents leaflets, distributed to the masses in order to obtain clues, and launched a joint defense patrol mechanism. Finally, a suspect trace was found in a surveillance video in Xingping Dongcheng City. Determine the suspect's identity and capture it.

From a young age as a police officer

Chen Yong's father entered the Xingping Public Security Bureau after he transferred from the army in 1989. Chen Yong was influenced by his father since he was a child and was determined to become a police officer. In July 2000, after graduating from college, he became the police of the Economic Investigation Brigade of the Xingping Public Security Bureau after recruiting. After joining the work, Chen Yongqin learned to drill and asked with an open mind, and soon became the expert in the expert.

"In order to solve the case, he did not go home once a month. During the epidemic, he fought on the line day and night, and he had not entered the house for more than two months." Speaking of Chen Yong, his parents were both glorious and sad.

Xue Kunpeng, director of the command office of the Public Security Bureau of Xingping City, admired: "Chen Yong is loyal to the party, he is a ladder, courageous to take responsibility, and his heart is as silk. Finally, organize the case papers, each link strictly controls, and every case is made into a 'iron case'. "

"Chen Yongke fulfilled his duties, dedicated selflessly, courageous to take responsibility, charge ahead, and he was the example for everyone to learn." Said Liu Guoqiang, deputy mayor of Xingping City and director of the Public Security Bureau.

(Source: People's Public Security)

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