Liu Yongjian, Director of the Executive Bureau of the Autonomous Region High Court, went to the Beihai Maritime Court to investigate and supervise the implementation work

Author:Beihai Maritime Court Time:2022.06.17

On June 15, Liu Baojian, director of the Executive Bureau of the High Court of the Autonomous Region, went to the Beihai Maritime Court to investigate and supervise the implementation work. Tang Haibo, secretary of the party group and dean of the Beihai Maritime Court, Fu Xiaoming, member of the party group, and vice president, accompanied the investigation.

At the symposium, Yao Zhongwei, Director of the Executive Bureau of the Beihai Maritime Court, reported in detail the quality and efficiency indicators, main work highlights, and solid promotion of "four lectures and four reforms" to consolidate and deepen the implementation of outstanding issues in the field of implementation. Analyze the difficult problems in the execution work, and raise the plan of the next step.

After listening to the report, Liu Yongjian fully affirmed the achievements of the Beihai Maritime Court's implementation in recent years. He pointed out that the Beihai Maritime Court adhered to the in -depth implementation of the strategy of maritime trials, upholds the concept of implementation of goodwill and civilization, and continued to maintain a virtuous circle. In response to the next step, he emphasized the four requirements: First, we must improve the political standing, conscientiously implement the decision -making and deployment of the court's implementation work, grasp the special tackling, dig deep potential, and make overall advancement to ensure the effectiveness of special actions. Second, it is necessary to properly handle the relationship between the quality of the case and the implementation of goodwill and civilization, adhere to the steady progress, further standardize the implementation of the behavior, and ensure that the implementation work maintains a virtuous circle. Third, we must adhere to the strategy of maritime trials, closely follow the characteristics of maritime implementation work, carefully summarize the implementation of work experience and typical cases, strengthen the implementation of publicity, and continuously improve the credibility of maritime execution. Fourth, we must do a good job in the construction of the execution team, carry out the construction of a clean government, strengthen the supervision and management of the implementation work, build a cleanliness line, and create a loyal, clean, and responsible maritime execution team.

Tang Haibo expressed his gratitude to the High Court of the Autonomous Region for his support for the implementation of the Beihai Maritime Court. He said that the Beihai Maritime Court will take this survey and inspection as an opportunity to resolutely implement the decision -making and deployment of the superior courts, further compact responsibilities, highlight the problems Guide, find a countermeasure, make up for the shortcomings, and actively advance the implementation of maritime implementation.

During the survey, Liu Yongjian and his party inspected the Litigation Service Center of the Beihai Maritime Court and the Smart Execution Cloud Center to learn more about the basic situation of the smart implementation cloud center operation in detail, and observed the operation of the maritime data information sharing platform on the spot. (Jiang Fuwen writes, Liu Yuanyuan Photography)

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