Reporter survey: "Naked chat", "Killing Pig Drives" ... Striving to the telecommunications network fraud black industry chain

Author:Mudanjiang Net Police Inspecti Time:2022.08.11

Find goals, cultivate feelings, and then take the opportunity to extract and fraud.

The interlocking operations have caused many people to lose their ability to identify. The victims tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and even millions of millions to the account of fraud and criminal gangs.

Recently, the reporter's investigation and interview learned that a large number of fraud criminals entangled the overseas fraud dens of the southwest border to implement telecommunications network fraud. The huge black industry chain, engaged in illegal criminal activities such as "naked chat" and "naked chat" and "piglets" telecommunications network fraud.

"Nude chat"--

"The videos for them are actually fake"

The gang distributes a mobile phone for everyone, and each mobile phone has three to four "powder numbers", and each number has been added with 30 or 40 people. The recruited "employees" pretend to be female characters, and then send videos to "naked chat" by typing and voice chatting, even if they officially start "business".

However, before starting this "work", many people do not know what kind of "world" is about to face, and Wenmou is one of them.

A few years ago, Wen Mou, who worked outside, heard a friend introduced that there was a good project of picking tea. He promised to eat at least 10,000 yuan per month to eat, so he promised to try it together. But I never thought that this walk across the country, it was difficult to look back ...

In July 2020, Wenmou departed from Xining, Qinghai, and arrived in Kunming after the rectification of Jinghong, Yunnan. After the person drove a business car, he pulled him and other colleagues into the mountains and transferred to a motorcycle, and finally went to an overseas open space.

Wenmou recalled that there were about seventy or eighty people around at that time, and during the process of chatting by chance, everyone discovered that everyone had sneaked abroad. But the "snake head" around was holding a knife, so no one dared to move. Wenmou followed the crowd to a building outside the southwest border.

Here, it is a criminal dens to implement fraud in the future.

Mobile phones used by fraud criminal gangs.

"There are about ten floors of the building, and there are more than 70 people in each room. About 80 % of them are boys, 20 % are girls, and they rang from teens to forty years old." Wen said.

The reporter learned that the new team members must first see how others chat, and then the gang will send you a quick strategy, that is, the "storybook" called by insiders to learn theoretical learning, followed by the mobile phone, and then receive the mobile phone, and then receive the mobile phone, and then receive the mobile phone, and then receive the mobile phone, and then receive the mobile phone. Chatting as a female role and a friend who has been added to chat.

Resting during the day and working in the afternoon and night is their daily working hours. 13: 00, 15: 00, 18:00, 21:00 ... Through long -term communication, the perfect "female image" they have shaped have been obsessed with the victims. Over time, the fraud criminal gangs are gradual and seduce the other party for "naked chat" to achieve the purpose of fraud.

Wen told reporters that the so -called "naked chat" is actually that they are preparing to send them to each other in advance, and then trick the victims on the grounds that the mobile phone failure or at home and other inconvenient videos and voice The video is sent through the chat software for retaining.

After the victim "hook", the fraud criminal gang was going to "shoot", and "shot" was to ask the other party to transfer. The first shot of 3,000 yuan, the second shot is 5,000 yuan, the third shot is 10,000 yuan ... Each "gun" will determine according to the actual situation, and there is no fixed amount requirement.

It is too late to wait for the victim's reaction.

"If we don't pay the money, we will claim to send the video to their relatives and friends, so many people will continue to agree to our request for face, in fact, it is also to" break the fortune and disaster "." Wen said.

"Kill the Pig Drive" -

"I will pay more attention to them in life"

"Find a pig -raising pig -feed pig -kill pigs" is the four key steps of "killing pigs" telecommunications network fraud. There are economic foundation single or divorced women are the first choice for fraud criminal gangs.

Ma, who was working in Shenzhen at first, met the boss of the telecommunications network fraud criminal gang because of a chance to happen. Later, the boss attracted Ma Mou's game company to work in Yunnan to make money.

"At that time, I felt that it was also good to work at a game company." So Ma agreed to the boss's request. Aircraft, cars, ships ... many times, only after the destination, it was found that the border was out.

Ma came to the fraud den, and also received a general "storybook". How should the members of the teaching team say hello and chat online.

"The first seven or eight days will let us understand the situation first, and then use mobile phones and three newcomers every day." Ma said that they would pack it as a successful person who "Gao Fushuai". Single or divorced women.

Scams criminal gangs chat with the victims.

I learned through interviewers that these fraud criminal gangs fully grasp the psychology of women. They will get up in the morning to take the initiative to send "Good Morning". They usually care about their cares, and they will also ask related addresses to buy flowers and gifts for them.

Over time, feelings slowly cultivate ...

During the implementation of the fraud, Ma also attracted and seduced a number of relatives and relatives to a fraud dens outside the southwest border. Li was one of them.

In April, when Li was looking for "prey" in a video software, he added a contact information of a 30 -year -old woman Renmou by sending a private message. He lied that he was the head of a pharmaceutical company. For more than ten days, Li asked Renmou to warm up, and gradually established a couple relationship. "She gets up, get off work, and talks for a while before going to bed at night." Li told reporters that if the other party asked to meet offline, they would say that they were busy at work in the near future. If you ask for a video, you will refuse the video on the grounds that the mobile phone camera is broken.

In the words of "killing pigs" telecommunications network fraud, "find pigs" and "pig farming" were successfully completed, followed by "feeding pigs" and "kill pigs".

After the emotional cultivation, the telecommunications network fraud criminal gang will use various means to directly or indirectly send the investment platform to the QR code to the victim and guide the investment. At first, the victims ranged from 500 to 1,000 yuan to make it earn 20%. After the victim has tasted the "sweetness", the number of investment gradually increases, and can be withdrawn ...

In this way, after the time is ripe, Li Mou conducted "pig kills" in various reasons such as "changing the platform data" and "frozen money" such as "changing the platform data", "the problem of money is frozen", and Ren was deceived 128 10,000 yuan.

"Broken flow" -

Cut the chain, break the channel, dig the "gold master", hit the "snake head"

In recent years, telecommunications network fraud cases have continued to cause high incidence, and a large number of scammers have performed fraud abroad.

The reporter learned in this interview that most of the telecommunications network fraud gangs are fellows, friends, and migrant workers together. One of them is used to pass the word such as high salaries and other ways. Participate in fraud.

It is worth noting that people who sneak to overseas are not living "fairy". There is a strict performance assessment within the telecommunications network fraud gang. If it does not meet the standard, there will be different degrees of punishment.

Suspect of telecommunications fraud.

Wen Mou, who implemented the "naked chat" fraud, did not only have a pack of instant noodles for four or five days because of the failure to complete the assessment requirements, but even used a gun to finger his head. Li, who implemented the "killing pig plate" telecommunications network fraud, also said that he was beaten because of failure to meet the standards. In addition, there are various forms and degrees of punishment such as "water prison".

Liu Donghai, deputy chief of the Criminal Police Corps of the Qinghai Provincial Public Security Department, said in an interview that the "broken flow" project operation was a successful exploration of public security organs to crack down on cross -border telecommunications network fraud crimes. The remaining people dropped to less than 100 people, and the results were initially showed.

At the end of last year, the national public security organs broke 9,419 illegal outbound gangs in the "more than 3 people", cracked 4,160 criminal cases, and captured 3,3860 suspects. 913, 32016 illegal outbound personnel, 1,021 electrical fraud cases, and 100 overseas electrical fraud dens and 82 gold owners were excavated.

Source anti -fraud daily telecommunications

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