Qujing Court: 20 comprehensive management and efficiency comprehensive management ranks second in the province

Author:Qujing Intermediate People's Time:2022.08.12

"From January to June, the city's courts received 20,683 cases, 15,130 cases, and 73.15%of the case. The case was closed in the same period last year. A year -on -year increase of 10.16%, 20 comprehensive management assessment scores of 20 items of implementation quality and efficiency were 82.91 points, ranking second in the province. "

This is a set of data at the Municipal Court's implementation work promotion meeting on August 8. The meeting notified the city's courts in the first half of the year and the recent implementation of quality and efficiency. Since the beginning of this year, the city's court enforcement of objections reconsideration case review, the executive bureau of the two courts of the Hyoshi and Kirin made an experience exchange speech. The director made a statement. Gao Hongli, a member of the Party Group and Director of the Executive Bureau of the Intermediate People's Court, attended the meeting and gave a theme.

In the first half of the year, the city's courts carried out special actions for cases involving party and government organs, some special actions of criminal property involved in the criminal property involved in black evils, and special implementation operations of the people's livelihood cases, and special rectification activities for "four talks and four reforms", increased implementation, improved, improved, improved Implementation efficiency, continuous rectification and implementation areas, outstanding problems and stubborn diseases have achieved staged results. Especially in terms of implementation of cases, the city's courts in accordance with the "three unsatisfactory" work requirements to strengthen the implementation of the case reminder, supervision, supervision, supervision The mechanism, basically realizing the dynamic "clear zero", solved the "key node" over -date problem that we have not been completely solved for a long time, and laid a good foundation for the regulatory implementation of the city's courts.

Regarding the current implementation work, the meeting requirements:

Adhere to the awareness of the problem, the overall thinking, the goal orientation, find the lack of work, and pay close attention to the implementation;

Coordinated planning. According to the work goals of the "implementation of the year of consolidation" and the implementation of the "deepening rectification year", compare the main points of implementing the work of the city's court in 2022, grasp the management of actual effects, grasp the balance of cases, and implement it strictly to ensure that grasping achievements and results. Do a good job of cleaning up the case for a long time, focus on special tackling; refine work tasks, strengthen the targetedness of measures, so as to have a bottom number, targeted work, and improve quality;

Effectively strengthen the implementation of the "three unification" management system. Firmly establish the concept of "one game of chess" in the city's courts, and always maintain the spirit of hard work and aggressive spirit of "not breaking the Loulan."

The meeting was held in the form of video. The Central Court of Control Center set up a main venue and a grassroots court.

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