The "Hundred Days Action" of Linyi Public Security Organs obviously stop paying telecommunications network fraud 667 million yuan

Author:Wireless Linyi Time:2022.08.14

Linyi Public Security Organ's summer public security strike "100 -day action" achieved significant results in stages

The amount of scams for the online telecommunications network scam is 667 million yuan

On August 11, the Journal of the Linyi Municipal People's Government held a press conference on the "Hundred Days Action" in the Linyi Public Security Organ in summer public security. "Carry out the situation and answer questions from reporters.

In response to the current social security situation and the characteristics of summer public security, the Party Committee of the Ministry of Public Security decided to deploy the "Hundred Days of Actions" in summer public security strikes from June 25 to the end of September. Check and resolve various types of safety hazards and comprehensively purify the social environment. For more than a month, the "100 -day operation" has been mobilized, overall linkage, and continuous operations in accordance with the deployment requirements of the Ministry of Public Security and the Provincial Public Security Department in accordance with the deployment requirements of the Ministry of Public Security and the Provincial Public Security Department.

Strictly fight and prevent illegal crimes

Strictly fight in summer and cause more illegal crimes to protect the safety of the lives and property of the masses to the greatest extent. During the operation, it was a matter of prominent illegal crimes such as provocative troubles, gathered fighting, drunk driving, drunk driving, and "bombing streets". In response to the crime of infringing the interests of vulnerable groups, it organized a series of special actions such as cracking down on trafficking women and children, forcing the labor crime of intellectual disabled, and increasing the disposal of domestic violence and student bullying police to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of vulnerable groups. In response to the people's strong violent crimes and multiple sexual assault crimes, promote normalized specialized campaigns and cracking down on telecommunications network fraud series, which has effectively maintained the people's lives and property security and social security stability.

Since the operation, the city has cracked 294 cases of telecommunications network fraud, captured 394 suspects of telecommunications network fraud crimes and upstream and downstream associated criminal suspects, and 217 suspects involved in two cards were arrested; 13,811 accounts were stopped, and the amount of payment was 667 million yuan. ; 996 frozen accounts, with a freezing amount of 190 million yuan; intercepting more than 44,000 fraud calls, and discouraging more than 254,000 victims of electrical fraud. The city has achieved a double decline in the number of cases and losses for seven consecutive months since this year. To carry out special actions to combat pension fraud. As of now, there are 78 cases of retirement of pension fraud in the city, 323 criminal suspects have been captured, and 12 criminal gangs have been killed.

Comprehensively strengthen the overall prevention and control

In response to the characteristics of summer public security, relying on the work mechanism of "police linkage, police protection joint control, police and civil -civilian defense" to implement the "police lamp flashing" project, all public security organs in the city and counties have all sinking lines to maximize the police force to the streets to the streets. The surface is placed in the place where the personnel are dense, the case is high, the prevention of weakness, and the most needed for the people, which has comprehensively improved the ability of social security management and control.

From August 5th to 6th, the city's public security organs deployed the summer night public security inspection and defense of the Ministry of Public Security and the Provincial Public Security Department, and launched a concentrated patrol inspection at the summer night in the summer night. The Shenji Floor team participates in the inspection of key parts, inspections of key places, near -examinations of key sections, night inspections of key waters, and safety prevention of publicity.

In accordance with the principles of territorial management and hierarchical responsibility, do a good job of investigation and source control of various types of safety hazards. Deepen the special operation of cracking down on gun explosion illegal crimes, and comprehensively strengthen the source control of dangerous items such as guns and ammunition, control tools, flammable and explosives.

Solved the contradictions and disputes

Adhere to and develop the "Maple Bridge Experience" in the new era, solidly promote the resolving and large adjustments of contradictions and disputes, all police officers, assistant police go deep into the front line, go deep into the masses, take the streets, and do a good job of family, feelings, neighbors, debt, etc. Contradictions and disputes are investigated and resolved, and more than 126,000 households have been visited, and 3268 contradictions and disputes are resolved. The city has determined that 41 police cases have high incidence, the masses are strongly reflected, and the chaos that require key rectification. The county bureau is listed and rectified.

In the next step, the city's public security organs will take multiple measures, continue to deepen the "hundred -day action", comprehensively implement various measures of "fighting, defense, management, and control", adhere to the "zero tolerance", so that the criminals dare not commit crimes; insist on " The "patrol of the whole time and space, so that the criminals cannot commit crimes; adhere to the" all -round "management and control, resolve risks in the bud state, and effectively make the people feel that the safety tentacles are as good as possible.

After the press conference, the special police detachment of the Linyi Public Security Bureau showed the media the high -end police equipment such as police navigation drones, drone counter -gun guns, and also conducted drills such as batons and real bombs. Style.

The fast and hard movement of emergency sticks is the basic skill of the special police officer to defeat the enemy.

The female special police officer did not let the eyebrows, the police flower was better than the shoulder.

Sniper players perform long -distance accurate sniper on hydroxide targets.

Special police officers were close to dangerous areas and used various postures to shoot.

Police navigation teams showed self -developed drones.

Lin Newspaper Rong Media Reporter Zhu Wutao Meixiangyu

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