China releases 丨 Two departments: It is strictly forbidden to discriminate against new crown pneumonians and other workers to protect their right to equal employment

Author:Chinese network Time:2022.08.16

China Net August 16th. Recently, some units violated the relevant laws and regulations such as labor law, employment promotion law, and infectious disease prevention and control law. They restricted the job of employees such as new crown virus nucleic acid testing positive, etc. Related workers' equal employment rights have been violated, and the society is widely concerned. In order to strengthen the coordination of administrative judicial coordination, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Supreme People's Court jointly issued the "Notice on Strengthening the Equal Employment Rights of Equal Employment Rights for Equal Employees such as the rehabilitation of the new crown pneumonia" (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice").

The "Notice" clearly strictly prohibits workers such as discrimination against new crown pneumonia. According to laws and regulations such as labor law, employment promotion law, and infectious disease prevention and control law, employers recruit personnel and human resource service agencies engage in professional intermediary activities, and shall not discriminate against workers such as new crown pneumonia. Employers and human resource service agencies shall abide by relevant laws and regulations, and shall not refuse to recruit (hired) workers such as new crown pneumoniaee on the grounds of testing positive such as new coronary pneumonia virus nucleic acid testing. Except for the prevention and control of the epidemic, it is not allowed to violate relevant regulations such as the Personal Information Protection Law, and illegally inquire about the test results of the new coronary virus nucleic acid.

The "Notice" proposes to increase the supervision of recruitment activities. The human resources and social security department shall strengthen the supervision of recruitment activities of employers and human resources service agencies, publicize and popularize laws, regulations and policies, and urge employers and human resources service agencies to strictly abide by laws and regulations, and timely investigate and punish illegal acts. For employers who have published recruitment information such as discriminating against new crown pneumoniae rehabilitation, human resources service agencies have not fulfilled the obligation to review legitimacy, and they must investigate and deal with them seriously in accordance with the "Interim Regulations on the Human Resources Market". If the circumstances are seriously or cause serious adverse effects, it is necessary to urge rectification by adopting administrative interviews and exposure. If the employer shall implement employment discrimination and infringement of employee's equal employment rights such as new crown pneumoniae rehabilitation, and informs the workers to file a lawsuit with the people's court.

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