The number of cases of telecommunications network fraud cases decreased year -on -year for 14 consecutive months

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.08.17

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 17 (Reporter Xiongfeng) Reporter learned from the Ministry of Public Security on the 17th that from April 2021 to July 2022, a total of 594,000 cases of telecommunications network fraud have been cracked throughout the country. In recent years, the continued rising momentum of telecommunications network fraud has been effectively curbed. Since June last year, the number of plans has been reduced for 14 consecutive months to decrease year -on -year.

Since April 2021, all regions and departments have resolutely implemented the party's central decision -making and deployment, and the telecommunications network fraud crimes that have been deeply disgusted with the people. The unprecedented efforts and measures have further promoted the work of controlling control and control. The national public security organs have conducted special operations such as "cloud sword", "broken card" and "disconnection", and organized 150 national cluster battles; the National Anti -Fraud Center pushed early warning instructions for 145 million, intercepting 2.81 billion fraud calls, 33.6 SMS messages, 33.6 SMS In 100 million, 4 million are involved in fraud domain names, and the funds involved in the case were urgently intercepted by 551.8 billion yuan, which successfully avoided 109 million people.

Relying on the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Public Security rely on the inter -ministerial joint conference mechanism of the State Council to press the main responsibility of the local party committee and government, promote the incorporation of controlling control and control, promote the source control and education persuasion. Those who go to China to commit crimes against China have decreased significantly. The Ministry of Public Security will clean up 77.69 million high -risk telephone cards and 19.31 million industry cards.

In terms of anti -fraud propaganda, the public security organs organized anti -fraud publicity to enter the community, rural areas, families, schools, enterprises, and promoted the installation and installation of the National Anti -Fraud Center APP to the whole society. Early warning 290 million times.

[Editor in charge: Zhang Yongsu]

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