When the 100 -day operation is in progress, Kirin Public Security Summer Public Security Based on the "Hundred Days Action" highlights

Author:Qujing Police Time:2022.08.26

Since the launch of the "Hundred Days of Action" in the summer public security strike, the Kirin Public Security Branch has focused on the "four batches, four strict, one guarantee" work goals and the "eight strengthening" work requirements. Public order chaos, prevent and resolve hidden dangers of various types of risks, effectively purify the social security environment, and achieve obvious staged results in various tasks.

High -level coordinating planning

The district party committee and district government meeting listened to the report of the "100 -day action" work. The main leadership specialized to investigate the public security work in the district and the party's 20 major security and stability and stability work. "Hundred Days of Action" provides a strong guarantee. The Party Committee of the Branch has strengthened overall planning, carefully organized, and solidly promoted the "100 -day action" in the summer public security crackdown.

Key rectification targeted advancement

The branch bureau has stressed and extended the rectification. A total of 12 areas of the provincial and municipal three -level listing rectification in a total of 30 areas in 12 areas. According to the "one point, one strategy and one plan" standard, the delisting target and the time limit for rectification are clear. Binding "to ensure the effect of listing rectification. As of now, the overall situation has reported a total of 38.28%of the average value of criminal and public security police conditions in the past three years. It has initially achieved the significant effect of "one, rectification of one batch, and driving one".

People's livelihood cases pursue stolen losses

Establish the concept of "small cases", and severely crack down on various livelihood cases. Since the launch of the "Hundred Days", the branch bureau has detected 941 criminal cases, including 345 theft cases, and raised economic losses of 26.732 million yuan. 487 cards, more than 8.3 million yuan in funds involved, greatly enhanced the security and satisfaction of the people.

"Four One"

For the barbecue night market stall shop, by signing a letter of implementation of the main responsibility, posting a "Kirin Police Reminder", installing a video surveillance system, organizing a "four one" measures for publicity prevention training, and fully guarding the city's night economy Essence Since the "100 -day operation", barbecue, night market stalls, KTV and other key areas have deliberately damaged and gathered together to achieve "zero cases".

City "Night Eagle" Police

Combined with the characteristics of night economic distribution and public order in the jurisdiction, more than 500 people of the "Night Eagle Public Security Observer" group defense group are established to build a "mass participation, police -civilian interaction, seamless connection, and rapid response" escort night economic work model, so that the city " "Ye Ying" became a flowing "sentinel" and the "eyes" of the police.

Guarding Ping An continued to be strong

Establish a "visual command, nearest police, one police, and staircase reinforcement" to connect the police mode, and the alarm time is more than 2 minutes. There are 16 sectors of public order and setting up 68 must -visit lines. 96 points must be reached to comprehensively improve the control and deterrence of social pipelines. A total of 252 suspects of illegal crimes are arrested, and 3610 people will be used to rescue the masses.

Police doctor linkage govern "wine noisy"

Aiming at the reality of fighting, provoking trouble, and conflicting disputes in the night due to wine after drinking, establish a police medical linkage and bartending disposal room, standardize and dispose of more than 120 police officers, effectively guarantee the safety of drunk personnel, minimize the nourishment of drunk personnel. Harm, experience and practices have been reported by many central and provincial and municipal media such as Xinhua News Agency Xinhuanet, Legal Daily, and China Youth Daily.

Grassroots elements strengthen control and control

We will deepen the centralized and unified operation of "checking risks and hidden dangers", strengthen the management of industry venues, and 15 cases involving yellow involved in criminal places and 19 cases of drug -related cases. Deepen the special operation of fire -gun explosion and collected a number of dangerous explosive items. Check and resolve 497 contradictions and disputes, and follow up in a comprehensive follow -up of major unstable hidden dangers to ensure that the risk of contradictions is stable and controllable.

Create an atmosphere and energy

In 120 police cars, 581 police motorcycles pasted 1,162 places, 1012 social electronic display, 385 buses, and 1569 taxi electronic display screens were launched to participate in the publication. Paste publicity posters, and 279 positive publicity manuscripts (entries) are positively promoted at all levels of media publications (issues), creating a strong social atmosphere for everyone's participation and everyone.

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