China released 丨 Tangshan barbecue restaurant's hits of the people's incident review and prosecution was announced and punished by the "protective umbrella" behind

Author:Chinese network Time:2022.08.29

China Net August 29th. The People's Procuratorate of Hebei Province reported on the 29th that on August 11, 2022, Chen Mouzhi and other suspected evil forces organized illegal crimes. The Yang District People's Procuratorate reviewed and prosecuted. Recently, the People's Procuratorate of Guangyang District of Langfang City filed a public prosecution to the People's Court of Guangyang District, Langfang City.

The procuratorial organs were reviewed according to law. At 2:40 on June 10, 2022, Chen Mouzhi, Ma Mouqi, Liu Mou 1, Chen Mouliang, Li Mou, Shen Moujun, Li Mourui and Liu Moumou 2. Jiang Mouping (the two did not prosecute) while eating in a barbecue restaurant in Lubei District, Tangshan City, Chen Mouzhi harassed with Wang Moumou, who was in the store with colleagues Li, Yuan, and Liu Moumou in the store. After being rejected and reprimanded by Wang Moumou, Chen Mouzhi beaten Wang Moumou, and Wang Moumou and Li resisted him. Later Chen Mouzhi, Ma Mouqi, Liu Mou 1, Chen Mouliang, Li Moumou 1. Shen Moujun was in the barbecue restaurant, outside the shop, and in the small hutant next to the store. He jointly held the victim Wang Moumou, Li Mou, Yuanmou, Liu Moumou, hits chairs, bottle bottle, or punched and kicked. After the incident, the four victims were sent to the hospital by 120 ambulances. Among them, Li and Yuan were checked by the hospital without going to the hospital for treatment. Democratic discharge. According to forensic identification, the victims Wang Moumou and Liu Moumou constituted a minor injury, and Li Mou and Yuanmou constituted a minor injury. At the same time, after the public security organs asked the victims, questioned the suspects, and comprehensively investigated and investigated and obtained evidence to obtain evidence. It was determined that the four victims were sexually assaulted in Xiao Hutong, thrown from upstairs, and crushed by the car, etc. information.

In addition, after in -depth investigation by the public security organs, the procuratorial organs have been reviewed and verified that since 2012, Chen Mouzhi and other have gathered together for a long time. In Tangshan and other places, they have been suspected of violence, threats and other means to implement illegal detention, gathering public fights, intentional injuries, and intentional injuries. Open 11 criminal criminal criminal criminal criminal criminal criminal criminal criminal criminal criminal crimes such as criminal income, concealing crime income, helping information network criminal activities, provocative troubles, and 4 administrative violations such as provocative nourishment and intentional injury. organize. The evil forces organizations are non -evil, oppress the people, destroy the local economy and social life order, and cause bad social impact.

The People's Procuratorate of Langfang City was reviewed that the criminal facts of 28 defendants including Chen Mouzhi were clear and the evidence was indeed and sufficient. The provisions of the article have filed a public prosecution to Chen Mouzhi and others.

During the case review and prosecution, the procuratorial organs reviewed all the case materials, questioned the suspects, informed the lawsuit rights and obligations of the participants in each lawsuit, and heard the opinions of the defender, the victim and their litigation agents. In the next step, the procuratorial organs will handle the case and justice in accordance with the law, severely punish criminals in accordance with the law, and resolutely safeguard the safety and social harmony and stability of the people's lives and property.

In addition, according to the Hebei Provincial Supervision Committee of the Hebei Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission of the Communist Party of China, with the close cooperation of the public security organs, Hebei Provincial Discipline Inspection and Supervision Organs have seriously investigated and dealt with the corruption and "protective umbrella" of Chen Mouzhi and other suspected evil forces.

The Hebei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection organized the coordination of Tangshan, Langfang, Hengshui and other places for disciplinary committees to investigate and investigate 15 relevant personnel. Director Ma Aijun and the director of the Airport Police Station of the Lubei Branch of Tangshan Public Security Bureau, Hu Bin, the deputy head of the Changhong Road Police Station Han Zhiyong, the police of the airport road police station Chen Zhiwei, the former director of Guangmingli Police Station Fan Lifeng, the deputy director of Guangmingli Police Station Wang Hongwei, and the deputy director of Guangmingli Police Station Eight public officials including Wang Zhipeng, deputy director of the Qiaotun Police Station, and the fourth -level police officer of the traffic police detachment of the Tangshan Public Security Bureau, took the reserve measures, and initially found out the problem of violations of discipline and illegal and suspected abuse of power, private law, bribery, bribery and other duty crimes. The disciplinary inspection and supervision organs will be thoroughly investigated and dealt with seriously according to law.

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