Protecting young people is respect, and even responsibility

Author:Guangzhou Youth Daily Time:2022.06.19

□ Chen Minyi Liang Chaohui

The vicious incident of a number of men who have recently occurred in Tangshan have aroused the discussion of the society to protect young people. Nowadays, the graduation seasons of the college entrance examination and middle school entrance examination will be relaxed after experiencing an important exam. My own opinion. In this issue, special legal advisers reminded that young people with insufficient social experience are often infringed due to infringement, natural disasters, and accidental injuries. In a complex environment, self -protection is the basic skill of survival and development. At the same time, young friends must also understand how to protect their legitimate rights with legal weapons.

In criminal cases, if the suspects have severely beaten to at least two young women and harassing the victims, they are randomly beat others, and the circumstances are bad. Article 3: The provocative behavior of "beating others randomly and harsh circumstances", which constitutes a crime of provocation, should be held criminally responsible, and in prison, detention or control of less than five years; As a result, it can constitute the consequences of provocative nourishment and intentional injury. According to the "Criminal Law" provisions, according to felony theory, because of the intentional injury to be seriously injured for three to ten years, and the punishment is relatively punished relative to the provocative nourishment. It should be hesitant. Severe injuries caused by intentional injuries, and sentenced to less than three years and less than ten years. If people die or cause severe injuries to severe injuries and cause severe disability, they will be sentenced to more than ten years in prison, life imprisonment or death sentence.

Cracked crimes, so that those who dare to be tried on the body were severely punished, so that the general public felt fairness and justice, and made the public a stronger trust in social security. And what young students who are not worldly affairs need to think carefully: How to avoid standing under the wall? What should I do if they encounter danger? These issues are not only the issue of self -respect and protection of adolescents, but also how the society provides protection.

First of all, keep your own safety bottom line, improve self -protection awareness, reduce the possibility of harassment. As a student who has just completed an important test in life, he is eager to relax, such as eating, traveling, barbecue, singing K, and even night carnival. However, society is complicated. Each person with different faces has different faces. These people may inevitably have some dark faces. These dark noodles may cause people to be in danger. Therefore, in the choice of entertainment projects, adolescents must consider related safety issues, put their safety first, choose a healthy and sunny entertainment method to spend a beautiful holiday and welcome a new future. First, in the choice of the venue, try to choose a regular place, and choose a place where there is monitoring and wide vision for dinner. Try not to go to places with mixed environments such as the bar. The environment of such places is relatively dim, the human emotions are relatively excited, and the probability of quarrels and dangers is relatively large. Second, in the choice of time, try not to go out late at night to go out late at night You can choose during the day or dinner time; third, try to choose to accompany your peers. When there is an emergency, there is a response, so as not to be weak.

Secondly, when you encounter harassment, you should be brave, calm, and take timely measures to protect your safety. When teenagers go out to meet or entertain outside, in case of vicious harassment of the other party, they must keep calm and drink loudly to stop the opponent's harassment. If the other party further harasss, try not to have positive, fierce words or physical conflicts, because once a positive conflict occurs, the youth is basically in a weak position. At this time, it is necessary to call for help or escape according to the situation at this time to ensure that your own safety is the primary.

Let teenagers learn to protect themselves from all aspects, of course, it is an important guarantee to avoid being hurt by themselves, but more importantly, the forces of society and the country should be gathered, continue to fight against evil forces and violent crimes, create a good social atmosphere, protect Everyone severely punishs every violence. After being harassed or violent, teenagers must tell teachers and parents in time. Teachers and parents should appease the emotions of young people and report to the police in a timely manner. At the same time, the public security organs should deal with each violent crime case in a timely manner to allow legal sanctions to each perpetrator. Only in this way can they protect the rights and interests of the victims, protect the stability of the society and the sense of security of the people, and allow the offenders Let people maintain kindness and respect.

The author is a lawyer of Guangdong Faji Huijun (Bai Yun) Law Firm

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